VectorStar™ MS464xB Series Microwave Vector Network Analyzer Programming Manual : Programming the VectorStar Series VNA : Anritsu Lightning VNA Commands
Anritsu Lightning VNA Commands
Many (but not all) commands used on the Anritsu Lightning 37xxxD/E VNAs are supported on the MS4640B Series VNA. The supported and non-supported commands are described in the companion manual, VectorStar MS464xB Series VNA Programming Manual Supplement – 10410-00323.
For additional detailed information on Lightning 37xxxx VNA commands and programming the Anritsu Lightning 37xxxD/E VNAs, refer to either of the following manuals available on the Anritsu web site:
Lightning 37xxxD Programming Manual – 10410-00262
Lightning 37xxxE Programming Manual – 10410-00301
Using Anritsu Lightning VNA Commands
All Anritsu Lightning VNA commands operate on the VectorStar MS4640B VNA Active Channel, and there are no Lightning commands which can change the VectorStar VNA active channel to another one. If the VectorStar VNA is configured with multiple channels, the Lightning commands will then only operate on the currently active VectorStar channel. No error will be generated. Other Lightning command limitations are noted in the command listing in the Programming Manual Supplement – 10410-00323. See the sections below for definitions of parameters and other notations.
VectorStar VNA Language Set to Lightning
When using Anritsu Lightning commands, note that:
1. Recognition of the Lightning command set is provided for compatibility with existing Lightning ATE programs, and the use of the Lightning command set is not recommended for new development.
2. Some of the Lightning commands may not work as expected if the programming language is not set to Lightning via the LANG command (or LANG LIGHT).
For example, markers in the Native language are trace based. This means that each trace has its own set of markers, independent of the other traces.
In Lightning there are only 6 markers. If you move Marker1 on Trace1 to 3 GHz, Marker1 on the other 3 traces will also go to 3 GHz.
Note that the Lightning instrument did not support the concept of per-port reference plane extensions (only per-trace). As a result, when entering this language mode, the reference plane controlling selection will automatically change to per-trace and any per-port entries will not be used (unless one manually intervenes on the UI).
If you want the Lightning behavior on the markers, you need to set the Language to Lightning.