The different levels of the SCPI command hierarchy are represented in a table by means of indentations to the right. Lower command levels are indented farther to the right. Observe that the complete notation of the command always includes the higher levels as well.
For example, :SENSe{1-16}:FREQuency:CENTer has three command levels and is represented in the table as follows:
:SENSe{1-16} (first level)
:FREQuency (second level)
:CENTer (third level)
The maximum number of command levels is eight. For example, the command: :SENSe{1-16}:CORRection:COLLect:LRL:DEVice{1-4}:PORT12:LINE:FREQuency has eight command levels as follows:
:SENSe{1-16} (first level)
:CORRection (second level)
:COLLect (third level)
:LRL (fourth level)
:DEVice{1-4} (fifth level)
:PORT12 (sixth level)
:LINE (seventh level)
:FREQuency (eighth level)
Command Descriptions and Notation Conventions
Complete details of each command is given following the table of commands for each SCPI subsystem. If applicable, an example for each command, the default value, and the SCPI information is written out at the end of the individual description.
Numeric Limits
The following numeric limits are abbreviated in the SCPI command descriptions:
• MPND – Maximum Positive/Negative Double Precision Number