VectorStar™ MS464xB Series Microwave Vector Network Analyzer Programming Manual : SCPI Commands : :CALCulate{1-16}:APPLication:MEASurement Subsystem
:CALCulate{1-16}:APPLication:MEASurement Subsystem
:CALCulate{1-16}:APPLication:MEASurement:TYPe <char>
Sets the application type on the indicated channel.
Returns the current application type for the indicated channel where the application types are:
TRANrefl = Transmission/Reflection
NFIGure = Noise Figure
PULSe = PulseView™
AFCW = Advanced Fast CW
SA = Spectrum Analysis
Changing to Noise Figure Type
When the VNA application mode is changed to Noise Figure type, the instrument configuration changes to the default Noise Figure trace configuration with:
A single trace
Noise Figure response in a LogMag display type
Changing to Transmission/Reflection or Pulse Type
When the VNA application mode is changed to Transmission/Reflection or Pulse type, the instrument resets to factory as-shipped default configuration setting of four traces set as:
S11 response in a Smith chart display type
S12 response in a LogMag + Phase display type
S21 response in a LogMag + Phase display type
S22 response in a Smith chart display type
Changing to Spectrum Analysis type
When the VNA application mode is changed to Spectrum Analysis type, the instrument configuration changes to the default SA trace configuration with:
• A single trace
• SA response in user define with a Power Out display type
Returning to Another User-Defined Preset Configuration
If a different instrument configuration is required programmatically, use the :SYStem:PRESet command subsystem to apply a previously user-defined configuration. The commands are described in the :SYStem subsystem described below. The available commands are:
:SYSTem:PRESet:FILe <string> = 'C:\directory\filename.cha'
:SYSTem:PRESet:TYPe <char> = RESET | USER
Cmd Parameters
<char> TRANrefl | NFIGure | PULSe
Query Parameters
<char> TRAN | NFIG | PULS
Default Value
Syntax Example