MA2700A InterferenceHunter Help : Interference Analyzer (Option 25) : Measurements Menu
Measurements Menu
Key Sequence: Measurements
The red circle on the submenu key indicates the currently active setting.
IA Measurement Menu
Pressing the Spectrum submenu key sets the instrument to a traditional spectrum analyzer display. When Spectrum is active, pressing the Spectrum submenu key opens a menu for Spectrum Analyzer measurements. See the [Spectrum] Measure Menu.
Pressing the Spectrogram submenu key sets the instrument to display a spectrogram. When Spectrogram is active, pressing the Spectrogram submenu key opens the Spectrogram Menu.
Signal Strength
Pressing the Signal Strength submenu key sets the instrument to display signal strength. When Signal Strength is active, pressing the Signal Strength submenu key opens the Signal Strength Menu.
Pressing the RSSI submenu key sets the instrument to display RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicator). When RSSI is active, pressing the RSSI submenu key opens the RSSI Menu.
Signal ID
Pressing the Signal ID submenu key opens the Signal ID Menu.
Interference Mapping
Pressing the Interference Mapping submenu key opens the Interference Mapping Menu.