Mobile InterferenceHunter Help : Hunting Interference Signals : Finding the Interferer
Finding the Interferer
Mobile InterferenceHunter is not designed to provide directions to the precise location of an interferer source. MIH will get you very close to the exact building or source. In the final stage of the driving portion of the hunt, watch the power bars and try to park your car as close to the maximum bar readout as possible. The source of interference will be very near.
Preparing for the Drive
Below is a quick rundown of the steps needed to get set up for a hunt.
1. Place the mag-mount antenna on top of the vehicle.
2. Connect it to an Anritsu spectrum analyzer.
3. Power on the instrument.
4. Set the instrument measurement to Channel Power (review your instrument user documentation for details on setting up this measurement mode for your model).
5. Locate the interferer signal on the instrument.
6. Connect the computer and Anritsu Spectrum Analyzer via Ethernet or Wi-Fi.
7. Run the MIH program.
8. Set up the MIH software for interference hunting, starting with Guided Area Scan mode to isolate the general interferer signal.
9. Switch to Spot mode to pinpoint its location.