The Coverage Map window has multiple functions when creating maps for legacy instruments, new instruments and image files.
• Legacy Instruments: Use this window for saving single map panels for legacy instruments. Set the desired field of view by changing the Coverage & Detail Status/Input. Use the mouse to drag the desired area into view.
• T and E Series Instruments.: Use Coverage Map to set the desired largest field of view when saving an .azm map. A rectangle in this window represents the map displayed in the Detail Map window. Use the mouse to drag the desired area into view.
Panel Marker
The red rectangle boundary over the map that designates the single map panel displayed in Detail Map.
Detail Map
Use this window panel to set a close-up field of view for the .azm map to be saved. This view will be the most detailed level of the azm. map. Set the desired field of view using the Pan & Zoom Tools. Pan is available for MapQuest only.