easyMap Tools™ : Generating Maps : Open KML Settings Editor
Open KML Settings Editor
Allows the user to label stepping points of KML files downloaded from an Anritsu Handheld instruments based on inequality operators and numeric values. These labeled points can include mapping types RSSI, BER, MOFID and Mod Fid.
File Menu
Open: Click to open the directory folder containing previously saved KML files downloaded from an Anritsu Handheld instrument. Highlight and click the desired file to load into the KML Settings Editor.
Help Menu
Contents: Opens this topic page.
Mapping Type
1. Press the list arrow button to list the map types available to KML including these – BER, RSSI, MOFID, and Mod Fid.
2. Click the desired map type.
Stepping Points
1. Enter a numeric value in the second column or entry window for each of the five labels.
2. For each of the five labels, click the list button and select one of the four inequality operators.
3. Press the Update button to write the changes to the currently open KML file and saved.
KML Settings Editor
Set Map Format
Set Map Format allows you to save a map format by selecting:
Save MAP & AZM: This saves maps in Map format and AZM format. Because the map is saved in both formats, the saving process will be longer than saving maps in either Map format or AZM format.
Save AZM (Pan and Zoom): File format for the BTS Master, Spectrum Master, Cell Master and LMR Master.
Save MAP (legacy): File format used in legacy products.
When you click Save Map command in the File menu or press the Save Map button on the easyMap Tools window, the map format selected will be used to create the map and then saved.
If a Base Station Geo Location List file was added to the map, it will be saved with the map file at this time.