The <fix status> field is either “GOOD FIX” or “NO FIX” depending on whether the GPS receiver is currently calculating position data. If “NO FIX” is the value of the <fix status> field, then no data follows.
The date and time (<date/time> field) are returned in the following format:
Www Mmm dd hh:mm:ss yyyy
Where Www is the weekday in letters, Mmm is the month in letters, dd is the day of the month, hh:mm:ss is the time (24‑hour time), and yyyy is the year.
Both <latitude> and <longitude> fields are expressed in radians. A negative latitude value corresponds to a “south” reading. A negative longitude value corresponds to a “west” reading.
Requires Option 31.
Cmd Parameters
NA (query only)
Query Responses
<string>, <arg>, <NR2>, <NR2> for parameter data of <fix status>, <date/time>, <latitude>, <longitude>