This subsystem provides commands that modify the display of data for the user. They do not modify the way in which data are returned to the controller.
Autoscales the active channel display so that the trace is shown in the middle of the display.
Front Panel Access
Amplitude, Autoscale
:DISPlay:WINDow:TRACe:Y[:SCALe]:BOTTom <value>
Scale Bottom level.
Sets the Bottom value for the current graph. This command is invalid for Smith charts.
Default Unit:
Current active amplitude unit
Log Magnitude: 0 dB to 60 dB Phase: -180 degree to 90 degree VSWR: 1 to 65 DTF RL: 0 dB to 60 dB DTF VSWR: 1 to 65
Front Panel Access:
Amplitude, Bottom
:DISPlay:WINDow:TRACe:Y[:SCALe]:TOP <value>
Scale Top level.
Sets the Top value for the current graph. This command is invalid for Smith charts.
Default Unit:
Current active amplitude unit
Log Magnitude: 0 dB to 60 dB Phase: -180 degree to 90 degree VSWR: 1 to 65 DTF RL: 0 dB to 60 dB DTF VSWR: 1 to 65
Sets the Smith chart display scale type. Setting the value to 0 is equivalent of setting the Smith Chart scale to “Normal” on the front panel. Setting the value to 10 is equivalent of setting the Smith Chart scale to “Expand 10dB” on the front panel. Setting the value to 20 is equivalent of setting the Smith Chart scale to “Expand 20dB” on the front panel. Setting the value to 30 is equivalent of setting the Smith Chart scale to “Expand 30dB” on the front panel. Setting the value to -3 is equivalent of setting the Smith Chart scale to “Compress 3dB” on the front panel.