Shift‑2 (Calibrate), Configure DUT User, Short Initiates the calibration process. This command must be issue before sending Open, Short, or Load commands. Use the query command [:SENSe]:CORRection:COLLect:STATus? to check if initialization has completed and that the next calibrate step can be proceeded.
1. After the calibration sequence has been initialized remotely, calibration steps must be completed remotely. To exit the calibration sequence before it is completed use the ABORt command.
2. During calibration Data Points is set to 551. Set to desired Data Points value after calibration is completed.
Starts the Load calibration measurement. This is the last calibration steps for 1-Port (OSL) and the third calibration steps for 2- Port (OSLT). Note that the Calibration Short process must be completed before calling this command. You must also connect the Load to the RF Out port (or to the end of the test port extension cable) prior to issuing this command. Use the query command [:SENSe]:CORRection:COLLect:STATus? to check if the Load calibration measurement has completed and that the next calibrate step can be proceeded.
Starts the Open calibration measurement. This is the first calibration step for both the 1-Port (Open-Short-Load) and 2-Port (Open-Short-Load) calibration. Note that the initialize step [:SENS]:CORR:COLL:INIT must be completed before calling this command. Note that you must connect the Open to the RF Out port (or to the end of the test port extension cable) before issuing this command. Use the query command [:SENSe]:CORRection:COLLect:STATus? to check if the Open calibration measurement has completed and that the next calibrate step can be proceeded.
Starts the Short calibration measurement. This is the second calibration step for both the 1-Port (Open-Short-Load) and 2-Port (Open-Short-Load) calibration. Note that the Calibration Open process must be completed before calling this command. You must also connect the Short to the RF Out port (or to the end of the test port extension cable) before issuing this command. Use the query command [:SENSe]:CORRection:COLLect:STATus? to check if the Short calibration measurement has completed and that the next calibrate step can be proceeded.
This command requests information about the current calibration step or the specified calibration step. If no calibration step is specified, then it returns a 1 if the current calibration step has completed, otherwise it returns a 0. If INITialized is specified, then the command returns a 1 if the Initialize step has completed and returns a 0 if it has not completed. If OPEN is specified, then the command returns a 1 if the Open step has completed and returns a 0 if it has not completed. If SHORt is specified, then the command returns a 1 if the Short step has completed and returns a 0 if it has not completed. If LOAD is specified, then the command returns a 1 if the Load step has completed and returns a 0 if it has not completed.
Selects the desired signal standard from the list. The <string> argument is the name of the desired signal standard as displayed in the instrument’s current signal standard list. The list can be seen on the instrument by choosing the Signal Standard submenu button in the Freq menu and then pressing the Select Standard submenu button in the Signal Standard menu. The list can also be downloaded remotely and viewed using Anritsu Master Software Tools. For example, if the desired Signal Standard is E-GSM 900(A) then the value of the <string> argument would be “P-GSM 900(A)”.
To select Uplink / Downlink / Uplink plus Downlink, use the command [SENSe:]FREQuency:LINK.
The query form of this command will return the name of the currently-selected signal.
Standard on the list. To query the link status, use the command [SENSe:]FREQuency:LINK?
Sets the start frequency. Note that in the spectrum analyzer, changing the value of the start frequency will change the value of the coupled parameters, Center Frequency and Span. Note that in Cable & Antenna mode, changing the value of the start frequency may affect the DTF distance range.
Default Value
2 MHz
Default Unit
(based on model, refer to the instrument’s User Guide)
Sets the stop frequency. Note that in the spectrum analyzer, changing the value of the stop frequency will change the value of the coupled parameters, Center Frequency and Span. Note that in Cable & Antenna mode, changing the value of the start frequency may affect the DTF distance range. Note that the set command is available only if the instrument is in Cable & Antenna mode.
Default Value
(based on model, refer to the instrument’s User Guide)
Default Unit
(based on model, refer to the instrument’s User Guide)
Sets RF Immunity. Set the value to 1 for Low RF Immunity and to 0 for High RF Immunity. Note that a sweep with RF Immunity enabled will be slightly slower than a sweep with RF Immunity disabled.