Q. What do these icons mean, and why do they sometimes disappear?
A: Icons in the System Function Tool Bar at the top of the interface screen are shortcuts to frequently used functions of the Site Master. The icons are present when operating in Cable and Antenna Analyzer Advanced mode, not in Classic Mode.
1. Preset icon – Performs the same function as the Preset (9) key on the interface keypad. It accesses the instrument reset options.
2. Mode Selector icon – Opens the Mode Selector window, where you can switch between Advanced and Classic Cable-Antenna Analyzer mode. In the window, tap an icon to select the mode or press ESC to exit.
3. Full Screen icon – Sets the display to full screen mode, hiding all tool bars and menus. Full screen view increases the size of the trace window. Press ESC to return to normal view.
4. Save icon – Opens the Save dialog box, the same as pressing the Save (7) keypad key.
5. Camera icon – Captures a screen shot of the current interface display and saves it as a PNG file to the folder C:\Anritsu\S331P\User\ScrnShots on your tablet or PC. The file is named based on the instrument model, measurement type, and current date and time. The ScrnShot (4) key performs the same function.
6. Help icon – Accesses the instrument Help feature, the same as pressing the Help (0) keypad key.