The Site Master S331P allows the user to concurrently view the live trace and a second trace that is stored in trace memory. The user can compare the two traces visually or using trace math functions. Pressing the Trace(5) main menu key will bring up the trace functions.
Overview of traces:
• Recalled measurements (.dat files) are automatically copied to trace memory and displayed.
Recalled measurements may change the current instrument settings.
• Copy Trace to Memory will replace whatever is in memory with the live (yellow) trace. The memory trace (purple) is displayed behind the live (yellow) trace.
• The default view is live Trace Only. View options (Trace Display) also include viewing only the trace in memory or both traces.
• View only trace memory to have marker values apply to the purple trace.
Displaying a Live Trace and a Static Trace from Trace Memory
Trace Display allows viewing of two traces to compare the trace stored in memory to the live trace. Trace Math operations include Trace – Memory, Trace + Memory and (Trc + Memory) / 2. Saved traces can also be recalled and compared with the live trace.