Vision™ MX280001A Software Help : DB Creator : Exercise – A Sample Database
Exercise – A Sample Database
In this exercise, you will create a database based on a sample database definition file. Before you begin, you will need to run the Vision Monitor Simulator. This will allow Vision Acquire to appear to capture and store trace data, even though no monitors are deployed.
Launching the Vision Monitor Simulator
1. On the Windows Start menu, find the folder for Anritsu, then open the sub-folder named Vision Tools.
2. Click the Vision Monitor Simulator application icon. A window will open, ready to receive and respond to commands from Vision Acquire.
Creating Your First Database
1. On the Windows Start menu, find the folder for Anritsu.
2. Open the sub-folder named Vision Tools and click on the Vision Database Creator icon.
3. Click Load from the main toolbar. An Open File dialog is displayed.
4. In the Open File dialog, browse to and open the file named St Louis.def. The sample file is stored under the application folder in an Example Files sub-folder. The path will be something like: C:\Program Files (x86)\Anritsu Company\Vision Trace Acquisition\Samples. The directory path is an example. The database location you set may differ.
5. Click Path.
6. Designate a location to create the database. A suggested location might be in an Anritsu Databases sub-folder created under your Documents folder.
7. Click Create. You will see a process information appear in the process log portion of the screen. When this has run to completion, you have created the database.
8. Close Database Creator application.