Gets or sets the channel width for the Occupancy report. Channel width is the frequency width of each sub-channel. The overall frequency span of the trace sweeps will be divided into bins of this width, and the power level in each bin will determine the occupancy for that channel.
Creates the occupancy report and saves it under the filename specified in the input parameter. The extension of the file determines the file type -HTM or CSV.
Public ReadOnly Property Report(ByVal OutputFile As String) As String
[System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IndexerName("Report")] public string this[stringOutputFile] {get;}
[System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IndexerName("Report")] public string this[stringOutputFile] {get;}
OutputFile: The filename to save the report under. This may include a full path description. The file extension should be either .csv or .htm,. The extension determines the output format of the report.
Occupancy.StartFrequency Property
Gets or sets the start frequency at which to begin the occupancy report. This does not have to coincide with the start frequency of the trace data stored in the selected database(s).
Sets the name for the Owner List in the Occupancy Report. The Owner List is the last column for each sub-channel. The Owner List is loaded from a file. The file is plain text, and should have two comma separated columns, the first column contains the frequency center for a sub-channel (in MHz). The second column contains the text description of that sub-channel.
The Owner List can be saved and loaded, but it is not stored in the Vision database, so you will have to reload it each time you want to create an occupancy report with channel owners listed.
It may be easiest to start the list using the Vision Occupancy Report generator. Simply click in the last column of the report after it is generated and enter the description. Once you save the report, you can edit it further in a text editor or spreadsheet, as long as the format is preserved when saved.
Public Function LoadOwnerList(ByVal Filename As String) As String