Sets/Gets the start frequency for trace data passed in with the TraceString property. This is necessary to produce meaningful output in the channel list. The input is a text value that should contain units. For example: 743.35 MHz
Sets/Gets the stop frequency for trace data passed in with the TraceString property. This is necessary to produce meaningful output in the channel list. The input is a text value that should contain units. For example: 743.35 MHz
Sets/Gets the resolution bandwidth for trace data passed in with the TraceString property. This is necessary to produce meaningful output in the channel list. The input is a text value that should contain units. For example: 100 kHz
Sets/Gets the value used to determine channels in the trace data. A peak that is dBDown above trace points on either side will constitute a channel. A typical value might be 9 dB, or 20 dB. This value is not entered with units.
Sets the trace data as a comma delimited string of power values. This string can come from many sources, but typically will come either from using the RSM.Trace property or the Monitor.TraceData property
(Read Only) Returns the power (amplitude) of the trace at the designated index point. The index is the ordinal position of the power value. This does not accept frequency values.You will need to calculate an index into the power array from the frequency you desire.
Public Property Power(int Index)(ByVal Index As Integer) As Single
[System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IndexerName("Power(int Index)(")] public float this[intIndex] {get; set;}
[System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IndexerName("Power(int Index)(")] public float this[intIndex] {get; set;}
Trace.SortChannels(channelsort Sortby)
Sets the sort order for the Channel list. Input value is one of: