MS276xA Commands
MS276xA Commands
Common Commands
*ESE <numeric_value>
*SRE <numeric_value>
System Commands
:MMEMory:CATalog:DIRectory? <string>,<string>
:MMEMory:CDIRectory <string>
:MMEMory:COPY <string>,<string>,<string>,<string>
:MMEMory:CREate:DIRectory <string>,<string>
:MMEMory:DATA <string>,<string>,<block data>
:MMEMory:DELete:DIRectory <string>,<string>
:MMEMory:DELete:FILe <string>,<string>
:MMEMory:LOAD:STATe <numeric_value>,<string>,<string>
:MMEMory:LOAD:TRACe <string>,<string>,<string>
:MMEMory:MSIS <string>
:MMEMory:STORe:STATe <numeric_value>,<string>,<string>
:MMEMory:STORe:TRACe <string>,<string>,<string>
:SYSTem:DATE <numeric_value>,<numeric_value>,<numeric_value>
:SYSTem:OPTions:UPGRade <string>
:SYSTem:TIME <numeric_value>,<numeric_value>,<numeric_value>
SPA Commands
:CALCulate<n>:LIMit<n>:COMMent <string>
:CALCulate<n>:LIMit<n>:CONTrol[:DATA] <numeric_value> {HZ | KHZ | MHZ | GHZ}, {<numeric_value> {HZ | KHZ | MHZ | GHZ}}, ...
:CALCulate<n>:LIMit<n>:CONTrol:MODE <ABSolute|RELative>
:CALCulate<n>:LIMit<n>:CONTrol:SHIFt <numeric_value> {HZ | KHZ | MHZ | GHZ}
:CALCulate<n>:LIMit<n>:COPY <numeric_value>
:CALCulate<n>:LIMit<n>:LOWer[:DATA] <numeric_value> {DBM}, {<numeric_value> {DBM}}, ...
:CALCulate<n>:LIMit<n>:LOWer:MODE <ABSolute|RELative>
:CALCulate<n>:LIMit<n>:LOWer:SHIFt <numeric_value> {DB}
:CALCulate<n>:LIMit<n>:LOWer:STATe <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
:CALCulate<n>:LIMit<n>:NAME <string>
:CALCulate<n>:LIMit<n>:STATe <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
:CALCulate<n>:LIMit<n>:TRACe<n>:CHECk <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
:CALCulate<n>:LIMit<n>:UPPer[:DATA] <numeric_value> {DBM}, {<numeric_value> {DBM}}, ...
:CALCulate<n>:LIMit<n>:UPPer:MODE <ABSolute|RELative>
:CALCulate<n>:LIMit<n>:UPPer:SHIFt <numeric_value> {DB}
:CALCulate<n>:LIMit<n>:UPPer:STATe <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
:CALCulate:ACPower:LIMit:ADJacent:ABSolute <numeric_value> {DBM}
:CALCulate:ACPower:LIMit:ADJacent:RELative <numeric_value> {DBM}
:CALCulate:ACPower:LIMit:ALTernate:ABSolute <numeric_value> {DBM}
:CALCulate:ACPower:LIMit:ALTernate:RELative <numeric_value> {DBM}
:CALCulate:ACPower:LIMit:MAIN <numeric_value> {DBM}
:CALCulate:ACPower:LIMit:MODE <ABSolute|RELative>
:CALCulate:ACPower:LIMit:STATe <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
:CALCulate:CHPower:LIMit <numeric_value> {DBM}
:CALCulate:CHPower:LIMit:PSDensity <numeric_value> {DBM}
:CALCulate:CHPower:LIMit:PSDensity:STATe <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
:CALCulate:CHPower:LIMit:STATe <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
:CALCulate:LIMit:ALARm <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
:CALCulate:LIMit:ENVelope:OFFSet <numeric_value> {DBM}
:CALCulate:LIMit:ENVelope:POINt <numeric_value>
:CALCulate:LIMit:ENVelope:SHAPe <SQUare|SLOPe>
:CALCulate:MARKer<n>:FUNCtion <OFF|NOISe|FCOunter>
:CALCulate:MARKer<n>:MODE <POSition|DELTa|FIXed>
:CALCulate:MARKer<n>:REFerence <numeric_value>
:CALCulate:MARKer<n>:STATe <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
:CALCulate:MARKer<n>:TRACe <numeric_value>
:CALCulate:MARKer<n>:X <numeric_value> {HZ | KHZ | MHZ | GHZ}
:CALCulate:MARKer<n>:X <numeric_value> {PS | NS | US | MS | S | MIN | HR}
:CALCulate:MARKer<n>:Y <numeric_value> {DBM}
:CALCulate:MARKer:PEAK:EXCursion <numeric_value> {DB}
:CALCulate:MARKer:PEAK:EXCursion:STATe <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
:CALCulate:MARKer:PEAK:THReshold <numeric_value> {DBM}
:CALCulate:MARKer:PEAK:THReshold:STATe <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
:CALCulate:OBW:LIMit <numeric_value> {HZ | KHZ | MHZ | GHZ}
:CALCulate:OBW:LIMit:STATe <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
:CALCulate:PEAK:COUNt <numeric_value>
:CALCulate:PEAK:THReshold <numeric_value> {DBM}
:CALCulate:PEAK:THReshold:STATe <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
:DISPlay:POINtcount <numeric_value>
:DISPlay:VIEW <NORMal|SPECtrogram>
:DISPlay:VIEW:SPECtrogram:BOTTom <numeric_value> {DBM}
:DISPlay:VIEW:SPECtrogram:HISTory[:DATA]? <numeric_value>
:DISPlay:VIEW:SPECtrogram:HISTory:ELAPsed? <numeric_value>
:DISPlay:VIEW:SPECtrogram:HUE <numeric_value>
:DISPlay:VIEW:SPECtrogram:LAYout <BOTTom|TOP|FULLscreen>
:DISPlay:VIEW:SPECtrogram:REFerence <numeric_value> {DBM}
:DISPlay:VIEW:SPECtrogram:SCALe:PDIVision <numeric_value> {PS | NS | US | MS | S | MIN | HR}
:DISPlay:VIEW:SPECtrogram:TRACe:SELection <POSition|TIME>
:DISPlay:WINDow:TRACe:Y[:SCALe]:PDIVision <numeric_value>
:DISPlay[:WINDow]:TRACe:Y:SCALe:RLEVel <numeric_value> {DBM}
:DISPlay[:WINDow]:TRACe:Y[:SCALe]:RLEVel:AUTO[:IMMediate] <numeric_value> {DB}
:DISPlay[:WINDow]:TRACe:Y[:SCALe]:RLEVel:OFFSet <numeric_value> {DB}
:FETCh:AMPLitude? <numeric_value> {HZ | KHZ | MHZ | GHZ}
:FORMat[:TRACe][:DATA] <ASCii|INTeger|REAL>,[<numeric_value>]
:INITiate:CONTinuous <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
:INSTrument:REMote:STATe <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>,<string>
:MMEMory:LOAD:LIMit <string>,<string>,<string>
:MMEMory:LOAD:RAM <numeric_value>,<numeric_value>,<string>
:MMEMory:STOEvent:EOSWeep:MODE <CONTinuous|SINGle>
:MMEMory:STOEvent:EOSWeep[:STATe] <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
:MMEMory:STOEvent:LIMit:INTerval <numeric_value> {PS | NS | US | MS | S | MIN | HR}
:MMEMory:STOEvent:LIMit:MODE <CONTinuous|SINGle|INTerval>
:MMEMory:STOEvent:LIMit:PTRigger[:STATe] <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
:MMEMory:STOEvent:LIMit[:STATe] <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
:MMEMory:STOEvent:TIMer:INTerval <numeric_value> {PS | NS | US | MS | S | MIN | HR}
:MMEMory:STOEvent:TIMer[:STATe] <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
:MMEMory:STORe:LIMit <string>,<string>,<string>
:MMEMory:STORe:RAM <numeric_value>,<numeric_value>,<string>
:MMEMory:STORe:TRACe:CSV <string>,<string>,<string>
[:SENSe]:ACPower:BANDwidth|BWIDth:ADJacent <numeric_value> {HZ | KHZ | MHZ | GHZ}
[:SENSe]:ACPower:BANDwidth|BWIDth:ALTernate <numeric_value> {HZ | KHZ | MHZ | GHZ}
[:SENSe]:ACPower:BANDwidth|BWIDth:MAIN <numeric_value> {HZ | KHZ | MHZ | GHZ}
[:SENSe]:ACPower:BANDwidth|BWIDth:SPACing <numeric_value> {HZ | KHZ | MHZ | GHZ}
[:SENSe]:ACPower:STATe <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
[:SENSe]:AVERage:COUNt <numeric_value>
[:SENSe]:AVERage:TYPE <NORMal|MINimum|MAXimum|AVERage|RMAXimum|RMINimum|RAVerage>
[:SENSe]:BANDwidth|BWIDth[:RESolution] <numeric_value> {HZ | KHZ | MHZ | GHZ}
[:SENSe]:BANDwidth|BWIDth[:RESolution] <numeric_value> {HZ | KHZ | MHZ | GHZ}
[:SENSe]:BANDwidth|BWIDth[:RESolution]:RATio <numeric_value>
[:SENSe]:BANDwidth|BWIDth:SHAPe <FLATtop|NUTall>
[:SENSe]:BANDwidth|BWIDth:VIDeo <numeric_value> {HZ | KHZ | MHZ | GHZ}
[:SENSe]:BANDwidth|BWIDth:VIDeo <numeric_value> {HZ | KHZ | MHZ | GHZ}
[:SENSe]:BANDwidth|BWIDth:VIDeo:RATio <numeric_value>
[:SENSe]:BANDwidth|BWIDth:VIDeo:TYPE <LINear|LOGarithmic>
[:SENSe]:BANDwidth[:RESolution]:AUTO <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
[:SENSe]:BANDwidth:VIDeo:AUTO <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
[:SENSe]:CAPTure:TIMe <numeric_value> {PS | NS | US | MS | S | MIN | HR}
[:SENSe]:CHPower:BANDwidth|BWIDth:INTegration <numeric_value> {HZ | KHZ | MHZ | GHZ}
[:SENSe]:CHPower:STATe <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
[:SENSe]:FREQuency:CENTer <numeric_value> {HZ | KHZ | MHZ | GHZ}
[:SENSe]:FREQuency:OFFSet <numeric_value> {HZ | KHZ | MHZ | GHZ}
[:SENSe]:FREQuency:SPAN <numeric_value> {HZ | KHZ | MHZ | GHZ}
[:SENSe]:FREQuency:STARt <numeric_value> {HZ | KHZ | MHZ | GHZ}
[:SENSe]:FREQuency:STEP[:INCRement] <numeric_value> {HZ | KHZ | MHZ | GHZ}
[:SENSe]:FREQuency:STOP <numeric_value> {HZ | KHZ | MHZ | GHZ}
[:SENSe]:IMAGe[:REJection] <NLOW|NHIGh|NORMal>
[:SENSe]:OBWidth:METHod <XDB|PERCent>
[:SENSe]:OBWidth:PERCent <numeric_value>
[:SENSe]:OBWidth:STATe <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
[:SENSe]:OBWidth:XDB <numeric_value> {DB}
[:SENSe]:POWer:IF:GAIN:STATe <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
[:SENSe]:REFerence:EXTernal <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
[:SENSe]:SWEep:TIMe <numeric_value> {PS | NS | US | MS | S | MIN | HR}
:TRACe<n>:DETector[:FUNCtion] <POSitive|RMS|NEGative|SAMPle>
:TRACe<n>:DISPlay[:STATe] <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
:TRACe<n>:DISPlay:VIEW:SPECtrogram:POSition <numeric_value>
:TRACe<n>:DISPlay:VIEW:SPECtrogram:TIME <numeric_value>
:TRACe<n>:TYPE <NORMal|MINimum|MAXimum|AVERage|RMAXimum|RMINimum|RAVerage>
:TRACe<n>:UPDate[:STATe] <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
:TRACe:CLEar <numeric_value>
:TRACe[:DATA]? <numeric_value>
:TRACe:SELect <numeric_value>
:TRACe:SPECtrogram:DETector[:FUNCtion] <POSitive|RMS|NEGative|SAMPle>
:TRACe:SPECtrogram:TYPE <NORMal|MINimum|MAXimum|AVERage|RMAXimum|RMINimum|RAVerage>
:TRACe:STATus? <numeric_value>
:TRIGger[:SEQuence]:ATRigger <numeric_value> {PS | NS | US | MS | S | MIN | HR}
:TRIGger[:SEQuence]:ATRigger:STATe <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
:TRIGger[:SEQuence]:DELay <numeric_value> {PS | NS | US | MS | S | MIN | HR}
:TRIGger[:SEQuence]:DELay:STATe <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
:TRIGger[:SEQuence]:HOLDoff <numeric_value> {PS | NS | US | MS | S | MIN | HR}
:TRIGger[:SEQuence]:HOLDoff:STATe <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
:TRIGger[:SEQuence]:SLOPe <POSitive|NEGative|ANY>
:TRIGger[:SEQuence]:SOURce <EXT|IMMediate|VIDeo>
:TRIGger[:SEQuence]:VIDeo:HYSTeresis <numeric_value> {DB}
:TRIGger[:SEQuence]:VIDeo:LEVel <numeric_value> {DBM}
:UNIT:CHPower:PSDensity <DBMHz|DBMMhz>
References in these commands to files or memory refer to the device on which the spectrum
analyzer software is running (PC, tablet, etc.) and not the Spectrum Master Ultraportable
The only MSUS that may be manipulated is “Internal.”
Date and time parameters may only be queried.