Rubidiumâ„¢ MG362x1A SeriesLow-Noise RF/Microwave SignalGenerators : Programming Commands : Common Commands
Common Commands
Clear Status Command
This command clears all status data structures in the device (registers and error queue) and forces the Operation Complete state to Idle.
*ESE <numeric_value>
Standard Event Status Enable
This command provides access the Standard Event Status Enable Register.
Refer to the Status System Reporting section within this manual or IEEE 488.2, section 11.5.1 for more information about each supported bit.
Value ranges from 0 to 255.
Query returns a NR1 Numeric response.
Refer to *ESR? for the list of supported bit values.
Standard Event Status
This command queries the Standard Event Status Register.
Refer to the Status System Reporting section within this manual or IEEE 488.2, section 11.5.1 for more information about each supported bit.
Query returns a NR1 Numeric response.
Supported bits:
bit 0: Operation Complete (OP)
bit 1: Not Used
bit 2: Query Error
bit 3: Device Dependent Error
bit 4: Execution Error
bit 5: Command Error
bit 6: Not Used
bit 7: Power On
This command returns the following information in <string> format separated by commas: manufacturer name ("Anritsu"), model number, serial number, and firmware package number.
Operation Complete
The *OPC command causes the device to set the OPC bit of the Standard Event Status Register on the next transition of the No Operation Pending flag from false to true.
The *OPC? command returns 1 in the response whenever the No Operation Pending Flag is true, blocking untill the operation is complete.
Note that for IQ streaming, *OPC? will return 1 immediately so that ABORt is not blocked.
Option Identification
The *OPT command queries the device to identify reportable device options. The response is a list of numeric options separated by commas. If no options are available, a value of "0" will be reported.
*RCL <numeric_value>
Recall Setup
Recalls the saved setup from the desired slot, 1-9. If no setup exists at that slot, will produce an error.
Recalling from slot 0 will recall the instrument's last auto-saved setup.
This command sets the instrument into a known state that is ready for SCPI command processing. Setting the instrument into a known state includes the following steps:
1. All applications beside the default application of the particular model will be turned off.
2. Settings for all applications (regardless of an application being active) are preset to default values.
3. System settings excluding settings associated with client connections (like ethernet addresses or DNS) are preset to default values.
4. Pending operations are aborted and the pending operation flag will be reset. The instrument will be forced into the operation complete command idle state (OCIS) and the operation complete query idle state (OQIS) before the pending operation flag is reset.
*SAV <numeric_value>
Save Setup
Saves the current instrument configuration to internal storage. Differs from :MMEMory:STORe:STATe in that the setup file is not stored in a user-accessible location.
The command accepts a number 0-9, where numbers 1-9 will save a setup to that numbered slot, and *RCL <n> will recall the setup from that slot.
Entering 0 will instead manually trigger the instrument's auto-save functionality. The instrument saves settings every 5 minutes and when shut down safely, but this may be used for situations where you wish to have a guaranteed save.
The saved setups in slots 1-9 are deleted during a User File Reset and Reset All.
*SRE <numeric_value>
Service Request Enable
This command provides access to the Service Request Enable Register.
Refer to the Status System Reporting section within this manual or IEEE 488.2, section 11.5.1 for more information about each supported bit.
Refer to *STB? for the list of supported mask bit values.
Bit 6 (MSS) cannot be set as per IEEE 488.2 standard.
Query returns a NR1 Numeric response.
Status Byte Query
This command queries the Status Byte Register.
Refer to the Status System Reporting section within this manual or IEEE 488.2, section 11.5.1 for more information about each supported bit.
Query returns a NR1 Numeric response.
Supported bits:
bit 0: Not Used
bit 1: Not Used
bit 2: Not Used
bit 3: Not Used
bit 4: Message Available (MAV)
bit 5: Standard Event Status (ESB)
bit 6: Master Summary Status (MSS)
bit 7: Not Used
Triggers instrument if :TRIGger:SOURce command data parameter is BUS. Refer to INITiate and TRIGger subsystem commands. It performs the same function as the Group Execute Trigger <GET> command defined in IEEE 488.1.
Self Test
Causes the unit to perform a full internal self-test.
Status messages that indicate self-test results are placed in the error queue in the order they occur. Bits in the status register are also affected.
Returns the number of errors placed in the error queue. 0 means the unit passed self-test.
Wait-to-Continue Command
This command causes the device to execute no further commands or queries until the No Operation Pending flag is TRUE.