Rubidium™ MG362x1A SeriesLow-Noise RF/Microwave SignalGenerators : Native Programming : Parameter and Data Entry Commands
Parameter and Data Entry Commands
Open a parameter command for data entry. Parameter commands are listed in each corresponding parameter table in this chapter.
Data Entry
When a parameter is open for data entry, its value can be changed as follows:
By sending a numeric value followed by the appropriate terminator code
By incrementing or decrementing its value using an associated step size
An appropriate data terminator must be used to terminate a numeric-parameter entry, and it must immediately follow the numeric value. If it does not, a parameter entry error will result.
The parameter and data entry commands do not affect the signal generator’s output unless the parameter being changed is also the current output parameter. The commands, therefore, may be used to change the preset values of parameters without altering the MG362x1A output.
Data Entry Commands
Mnemonic Code
Clear data entry
Opens the internal pulse delay1 parameter