: Operation Verification : Initial MG362x1A Checkout
Initial MG362x1A Checkout
Before starting the operation verification tests in this chapter, perform an initial checkout of the MG362x1A to be tested. This initial checkout consists of applying power to the signal generator, verifying that it passes self test, and resetting it to the factory default parameters.
Power On
Connect the MG362x1A to the power source. Toggle the rear panel AC input connector switch to the ON position. Press the front panel power button. This automatically places the signal generator in operation (front panel power on LED button turns green). During power-on, the signal generator loads its operating program, and then returns to the specified power on setup file.
Warm-up Time
Power on the MG362x1A and allow at least one hour of warm-up time before performing operational verification testing. This will ensure stable operation of the instrument.
Self Test
Next, perform a self test of the MG362x1A to ensure proper operation of the instrument’s internal assemblies. To perform a self test, press the 3-Line Icon| DIAGNOSTICS | SELF TEST. See SELF TEST. Error conditions detected during self test must be corrected before continuing.