Site Master™ MS2085A/MS2089A User Guide : ARRT Software : Working in Simulation Mode
Working in Simulation Mode
The simulation setting provides a simulated connection to the instrument hardware, but does not provide simulated data. When an instrument is not connected and the MS2085A/89A software instead connects with the simulation, most of the menus are available and operate the same as they do on the instrument, but there are some differences as discussed in the following sections. In order to analyze measurement data, this data must first be acquired using instrument hardware and then saved locally to the PC or transferred to the PC from instrument storage at a later time.
Some notes and caveats when connected to the simulation:
The ARRT software supports the following applications (Spectrum Analyzer mode):
Spectrum Analyzer
5GNR Analyzer
IA Spectrum
Channel Scanner
The software must be set to the correct mode to recall a file for that mode. For example, to recall a .fm5gnr file, the 5GNR mode from the ARRT software must be selected first.
Trace files will be recalled into a "HOLD" state, just like they would be on an instrument. This means that if the user changes the span, center frequency, or other settings that invalidate the data, all trace data will be cleared from the screen. The only way to get it back is to recall the trace again.
Some buttons presented in the interface may not be applicable when connected to the simulation. Selecting them will have no effect.
Measurements such as channel power or occupied bandwidth can be performed on recalled trace data, but the sweep must be set to Continuous. The same is true for evaluating the trace on a limit line.
Measurements that change the span, such as SEM, are not functional unless the original file was saved while making an SEM measurement.
Measurement Setup Parameters
Since most of the setup parameters are available, you can use the ARRT software to create measurement setup files (.stp) for later use on the instrument; however, when recalling and analyzing measurement data, changing settings that would affect the data acquisition may cause the recalled data to be removed from the display. For example, you can change amplitude parameters, but you cannot change frequency parameters such as start/stop, span, and bandwidth parameters since there would be no data associated with those changed parameters. You can apply measurement features to the saved measurement data such as markers and limit lines and you can change many measurement and view settings. Opening a .fmxxxx measurement file when connected to the simulation will work basically the same as recalling a measurement on an instrument.
Below is a summary of menu behaviors when working with recalled measurement data and when connected to the simulation. Note that when connected to an instrument, the menus behave the same as on the instrument.
Changes here suppress recalled data.
Changes to REF LEVEL, SCALE/DIV, Y AXIS UNIT will change the graticule. PRE AMP and ATTEN LEVEL have no affect. All other changes will suppress recalled data.
Changes here suppress recalled data.
You can select different Traces or add Cursors if spectrogram data was captured. Most other trace settings have no affect.
You can recall GATED SWEEP and PWR VS TIME data, and you can change the GATE DELAY. Most other sweep settings have no affect.
All marker measurements are available.
All limit line functions are available.
Trigger functions have no affect.
Some measurements can be selected when the appropriate data is recalled. For example, a an Channel Power, OBW, and ACP measurements can be applied to a normal spectrum trace.
Setup parameters for Channel Power, OBW, and ACP can be adjusted.
Preset functions will preset the selected items and suppressed recalled measurement data.