Resets the trigger system. This has the effect of aborting the sweep or any measurement that is currently in progress.
Additionally, any pending operation flags that were set by initiation of the trigger system will be set to false.
If :INITiate:CONTinuous is OFF (i.e. the instrument is in single sweep mode), send the command :INITiate[:IMMediate] to trigger the next sweep.
If :INITiate:CONTinuous is ON (i.e. the instrument is in continuous sweep mode) a new sweep will start immediately.
:CALCulate:LIMit<n>:COMMent <string>
Limit Comment
Associates a user-defined comment with each limit. The set version of this command takes a single parameter that is a string containing the desired comment. The query version returns the comment that is set.
If a limit of the specified number does not already exist, a default limit will be created first (having empty
data, with state set to ON).
Note that this command is not available for Spectral Emission Mask measurement.
This command sets or queries the control data (X-axis values) for the specified limit.
The numeric suffix on LIMit specifies which limit number to query or set data. If the suffix is omitted, the command will refer to limit 1.
If a limit of the specified number does not already exist, a default limit will be created first (having empty data, with state set to ON).
This command takes a list of one or more frequency values as parameters. For example, CALC:LIM1:CONT:DATA 1 MHz, 2MHz, 3MHz
Note that it is permitted to set one or more invalid 'placeholder' values of Not-A-Number (NAN). The placeholder value for NAN is 9.91e37. If a control data point contains a value of 9.91e37, limit line interpolation from the previous data point, and to the next data point, will not occur. This is useful for defining discontiguous (or segmented) limit lines within a single limit.
For example, to define a limit line of two discontiguous segments, one from 1 MHz to 10 MHz, and another from 20 MHz to 30 MHz, send the following control data: CALC:LIM1:CONT:DATA 1MHz, 10MHz, 9.91e37, 20MHz, 30MHz
Note that the upper (or lower) data, if used, should contain the same amount of points as the control data (see CALC:LIM:FAIL? for details on what happens when this is not true). Thus, when using placeholders in control data, it is recommended that placeholders are also used in the upper (or lower) data. For example, CALC:LIM1:CONT:UPP 0dBm, 10dBm, 9.91e37, 10dBm, 0dBm
The exact value for the middle point does not matter, as interpolation will always be skipped due to the control data containing NAN, but using NAN for the corresponding upper (or lower) data value will make it easier to remember that the point is a placeholder.
Note that this command is not available for Spectral Emission Mask measurement.
Move a limit line along the control axis. This command changes the value of :CALCulate<n>:LIMit<k>:CONTrol[:DATA].
Issuing this command multiple times will change the limits each time. For example, sending
will shift the control axis by 5 Hz
If a limit of the specified number does not already exist, a default limit will be created first (having empty data, with state set to ON).
Note that this command is not available for Spectral Emission Mask measurement.
<numeric_value> {HZ | KHZ | MHZ | GHZ}
LIMit Suffix Range:
1-10, Default = 1
:CALCulate:LIMit<n>:COPY <numeric_value>
Limit Copy
Copies a limit line eg: CALC:LIM1:COPY 2 Copies limit 1 to line 2
If a limit of the specified number does not already exist, a default limit will be created first (having empty data, with state set to ON).
Note that this command is not available for Spectral Emission Mask measurement.
LIMit Suffix Range:
1-10, Default = 1
Limit Delete
Deletes a limit line
If a limit of the specified number does not already exist, a default limit will be created first (having empty data, with state set to ON).
Note that this command is not available for Spectral Emission Mask measurement.
LIMit Suffix Range:
1-10, Default = 1
Limit Fail
This command queries the result of a limit check.
All traces that have had checking enabled (via CALC:TRAC:CHEC) will be evaluated against the upper and lower data of the specified limit, unless the limit STATe is OFF (in which case this command will always return 0), or the upper or lower STATe is OFF (in which case only the data with STATe ON will be checked).
If the sweep has not completed yet, the partial trace will be evaluated. If INITiate:CONTinuous is ON, a snapshot of the trace at the time this command was received will be evaluated against the limit. This command returns 1 if any of the checked traces violate the limit, otherwise it returns 0.
When a limit is evaluated, there are some rules that are followed if the cardinality of the limits control, upper, and lower data are not equal. If there are fewer control data points than upper or lower data points, then only the first n upper or lower points will be evaluated, where n is the number of control points. If there are fewer upper or lower points than control points, then the effective number of upper or lower points will be increased to the number of control points, with the 'extrapolated' points having a value equal to the last upper or lower point.
If a limit of the specified number does not already exist, a default limit will be created first (having empty data, with state set to ON).
This command sets or queries the lower limit data (Y-axis values) for the specified limit.
The numeric suffix on LIMit specifies which limit number to query or set data. If the suffix is omitted, the command will refer to limit 1.
If a limit of the specified number does not already exist, a default limit will be created first (having empty data, with state set to ON).
This command takes a list of one or more amplitude values as parameters. For example,
CALC:LIM1:LOW:DATA 1 dBm, 2dBm, 3 dBm
Note that it is permitted to set one or more data values of +/- infinity. The placeholder value for +/- infinity is +/-9.9e37. If a lower data point contains a value of +/-9.9e37, the amplitude at that point will be treated as if it were +/-infinity (i.e. the lower limit will either always fail or always pass at that point).
It is also permitted to set one or more invalid 'placeholder' values of Not-A-Number (NAN). This is useful for defining discontiguous (or segmented) limit lines within a single limit.
For details, and an example, of using placeholder values, see CALC:LIM:CONT:DATA.
Note that if the units for the limit values are specified (as shown in the example above), they must have the same unit.
Note that this command is not available for Spectral Emission Mask measurement.
See UNIT:POWer to query or set the current amplitude units.
Move the lower limit up or down by a relative amplitude. This command changes the value of :CALCulate<n>:LIMit<k>:LOWer[:DATA].
Issuing this command multiple times will change the limits each time. For example, sending
will shift the lower limit by 5 dB
If a limit of the specified number does not already exist, a default limit will be created first (having empty data, with state set to ON).
Note that this command is not available for Spectral Emission Mask measurement.
See UNIT:POWer to query or set the current amplitude units.
<numeric_value> {DB}
LIMit Suffix Range:
1-10, Default = 1
:CALCulate:LIMit<n>:LOWer:STATe <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Lower Limit State
Turns ON or OFF the lower limit.
If a limit of the specified number does not already exist, a default limit will be created first (having empty data, with state set to ON).
Note that this command is not available for Spectral Emission Mask measurement.
<0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Query Return:
0 | 1
LIMit Suffix Range:
1-10, Default = 1
Default Value:
:CALCulate:LIMit<n>:NAME <string>
Limit Name
Associates a user-defined name with each limit.
The set version of this command takes a single parameter that is a string containing the desired limit name. The query version returns the name that is set.
If a limit of the specified number does not already exist, a default limit will be created first (having empty data, with state set to ON).
Note that this command is not available for Spectral Emission Mask measurement.
LIMit Suffix Range:
1-10, Default = 1
:CALCulate:LIMit<n>:STATe <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Limit State
Turns the limit check for a specific limit ON or OFF.
If a limit of the specified number does not already exist, a default limit will be created first (having empty data, with state set to ON).
Note that this command is not available for Spectral Emission Mask measurement.
<0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Query Return:
0 | 1
LIMit Suffix Range:
1-10, Default = 1
Default Value:
:CALCulate:LIMit<n>:TRACe<n>:CHECk <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Limit Trace Check
This command turns the limit check for a specific trace on and off.
If a limit of the specified number does not already exist, a default limit will be created first (having empty data, with state set to ON).
Note that this command is not available for Spectral Emission Mask measurement.
This command sets or queries the upper limit data (Y-axis values) for the specified limit.
The numeric suffix on LIMit specifies which limit number to query or set data. If the suffix is omitted, the command will refer to limit 1.
If a limit of the specified number does not already exist, a default limit will be created first (having empty data, with state set to ON).
This command takes a list of one or more amplitude values as parameters. For example, CALC:LIM1:UPP:DATA 1 dBm, 2dBm, 3 dBm
Note that it is permitted to set one or more data values of +/- infinity. The placeholder value for +/- infinity is +/-9.9e37. If an upper data point contains a value of +/-9.9e37, the amplitude at that point will be treated as if it were +/-infinity (i.e. the upper limit will either always pass or always fail at that point).
It is also permitted to set one or more invalid 'placeholder' values of Not-A-Number (NAN). This is useful for defining discontiguous (or segmented) limit lines within a single limit.
For details, and an example, of using placeholder values, see CALC:LIM:CONT:DATA.
Note that if the units for the limit values are specified (as shown in the example above), they must have the same unit.
Note that this command is not available for Spectral Emission Mask measurement.
See UNIT:POWer to query or set the current amplitude units.
Sets and queries the amplitude of the Carrier-to-Interference Ratio measurement's relative limit.
<numeric_value> {DB}
Query Return:
Numeric (dB)
Default Value:
60 dB
Default Unit:
0 dB to 150 dB
CI Ratio Limit Fail
Queries the result of the Carrier-to-Interference ratio's relative limit check.
:CALCulate:CINTerference:CIRatio:LIMit:STATe <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
CI Ratio Limit State
Sets and queries the state of the Carrier-to-Interference Ratio measurement's relative limit. The set form of this command sets the limit state to be ON or OFF.
Sets and queries the state of the Interference channel power limit for the Carrier-to-Interference Ratio measurement. The set form of this command sets the limit state to be ON or OFF.
<0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Query Return:
0 | 1
Default Value:
Horizontal EIRP Limit Pass/Fail
This command queries the result of the Horizontal EIRP limit check. The query returns 1 for fail and 0 for pass.
Save Horizontal EIRP
Saves the active trace's EIRP value as the Horizontal EIRP. Recalculates Sum EIRP. Use :FETCh:EIRPower to query new Horizontal and SUM values.
EIRP Limit Pass/Fail
This command queries the result of a limit check on EIRP. The query returns 1 for fail and 0 for pass.
Sets and queries the limit of integrated power for the Interference Tone measurement.
See UNIT:POWer to query or set the current amplitude units.
<numeric_value> {<amplitude_units>}
Query Return:
Numeric (<amplitude_units>)
Default Value:
10 dBm
Default Unit:
-200 dBm to 200 dBm
Interference Tone Limit Fail
This command queries the result of a limit check
in the Interference Tone measurement.
:CALCulate:INTerference:LIMit:STATe <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Interference Tone Limit State
Sets and queries the state of limit on Interference Tone power. The set form of this command sets the limit state to be ON or OFF.
<0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Query Return:
0 | 1
Default Value:
Update Limit Envelope Amplitude
This command updates the amplitude of the upper and lower limits without changing the frequencies of the inflection points.
Note that this command is not available for Spectral Emission Mask measurement.
LIMit Suffix Range:
1-10, Default = 1
Create Lower Limit Envelope
This command is used to create an Lower limit envelope on the selected trace.
Note that this command is not available for Spectral Emission Mask measurement.
LIMit Suffix Range:
1-10, Default = 1
Lower Limit Points
This command queries the lower limit trace points (Y-axis values) for the specified limit. This differs from the limit data in that a value is returned for each point in the trace to indicate the values that are being used to evaluate limit pass/fail status.
The numeric suffix on LIMit specifies which limit number to query or set data. If the suffix is omitted, the command will refer to limit 1.
If a limit of the specified number does not exist, an empty list will be returned. Points which are not covered by the limit will be 'inf'.
Note that this command is not available for Spectral Emission Mask measurement.
LIMit Suffix Range:
1-10, Default = 1
Create Upper Limit Envelope
This command is used to create an Upper limit envelope on the selected trace.
Note that this command is not available for Spectral Emission Mask measurement.
LIMit Suffix Range:
1-10, Default = 1
Upper Limit Points
This command queries the upper limit trace points (Y-axis values) for the specified limit. This differs from the limit data in that a value is returned for each point in the trace to indicate the values that are being used to evaluate limit pass/fail status.
The numeric suffix on LIMit specifies which limit number to query or set data. If the suffix is omitted, the command will refer to limit 1.
If a limit of the specified number does not exist, an empty list will be returned. Points which are not covered by the limit will be 'inf'.
Note that this command is not available for Spectral Emission Mask measurement.
LIMit Suffix Range:
1-10, Default = 1
:CALCulate:LIMit:ALARm <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Limit Alarm
This command enables/disables the AAE notification for limit failures.
Note that this command is not available for Spectral Emission Mask measurement.
This command sets/gets the limit envelope offset. This defines how far away from the measured signal indicated the limit envelope is placed. Use :CALCulate:LIMit:TYPe to set the currently active limit line.
Note that this command is not available for Spectral Emission Mask measurement.
See UNIT:POWer to query or set the current amplitude units.
<numeric_value> {<amplitude_units>}
Query Return:
Numeric (<amplitude_units>)
Default Value:
3 dBm
Default Unit:
-100 dBm to 100 dBm
:CALCulate:LIMit:ENVelope:POINt <numeric_value>
Number of Limit Envelope Points
This command sets the number of inflection point for the limit envelope.
Note that this command is not available for Spectral Emission Mask measurement.
Query Return:
Default Value:
2 to 41
:CALCulate:LIMit:ENVelope:SHAPe <SQUare|SLOPe>
Limit Envelope Shape
This command sets/gets the currently active limit envelope shape.
Note that this command is not available for Spectral Emission Mask measurement.
Select the marker function to perform post-processing operation. The default/OFF function performs pass through operation.
Query Return:
MARKer Suffix Range:
1-12, Default = 1
Default Value:
Maker Move To Highest Peak
Moves the marker X value to the point in the marker's assigned trace that has the highest peak.
MARKer Suffix Range:
1-12, Default = 1
Marker Move To Left Peak
Moves the marker X value to the point in the marker's assigned trace that is the highest peak to the LEFT of the current X position of the marker.
MARKer Suffix Range:
1-12, Default = 1
Marker Move To Next Peak
Moves the marker X value to the point in the marker's assigned trace that is the next highest peak.
MARKer Suffix Range:
1-12, Default = 1
Marker Move To Right Peak
Moves the marker X value to the point in the marker's assigned trace that is the highest peak to the RIGHT of the current X position of the marker.
MARKer Suffix Range:
1-12, Default = 1
:CALCulate:MARKer<n>:MODE <POSition|DELTa|FIXed>
Marker Mode
Select the marker mode. POSition mode is a normal marker mode. DELTa mode is marker report difference relative to another marker. FIXed mode is a marker who's Y value is fixed at the last measured value before it is set to FIXed.
Query Return:
MARKer Suffix Range:
1-12, Default = 1
Default Value:
Marker Move To Left
Moves the marker X value to the next display point to the LEFT.
MARKer Suffix Range:
1-12, Default = 1
Marker Move To Right
Moves the marker X value to the next display point to the RIGHT.
MARKer Suffix Range:
1-12, Default = 1
:CALCulate:MARKer<n>:REFerence <numeric_value>
Marker Reference
Sets the reference marker for the specified delta marker. This setting will be applied only if the marker mode set to DELTa.
Query Return:
MARKer Suffix Range:
1-12, Default = 1
Default Value:
0 to 12
Marker Set Center
Sets the center frequency of the instrument to the current X value of the marker.
MARKer Suffix Range:
1-12, Default = 1
Marker Set Reference Level
Sets the reference level of the instrument to the current Y value of the marker.
MARKer Suffix Range:
1-12, Default = 1
:CALCulate:MARKer<n>:STATe <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Marker State
Turns the selected marker on or off.
<0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Query Return:
0 | 1
MARKer Suffix Range:
1-12, Default = 1
Default Value:
:CALCulate:MARKer<n>:TRACe <numeric_value>
Marker Trace
Changes the trace to which the marker is currently attached.
Query Return:
MARKer Suffix Range:
1-12, Default = 1
Default Value:
1 to 6
:CALCulate:MARKer<n>:X <numeric_value> {PS | NS | US | MS | S | MIN | HR}
Marker Position Zero Span
Sets the marker time.
<numeric_value> {PS | NS | US | MS | S | MIN | HR}
Set/Get the marker Y value. The user defined Y maker value will be applied only if the marker is in Fixed mode.
See UNIT:POWer to query or set the current amplitude units.
<numeric_value> {<amplitude_units>}
Query Return:
Numeric (<amplitude_units>)
MARKer Suffix Range:
1-12, Default = 1
Default Value:
10 dBm
Default Unit:
-250 dBm to 130 dBm
Marker All Off
Turns all markers off.
Marker Preset
Presets all markers to their preset values.
All Marker Data
Returns the last stored X and Y values of all markers. The response format is (marker1.x, marker1.y), (marker2.x, marker2.y), ... (markern.x, markern.y). Returns (0,nan) if the marker has never been turned on or the marker is preset.
Sets the excursion for a marker. The excursion is the vertical distance from the peak to the next highest valley which must be exceeded for a peak to be considered a peak in marker max commands.
See UNIT:POWer to query or set the current amplitude units.
<numeric_value> {DB}
Query Return:
Numeric (dB)
Default Value:
0 dB
Default Unit:
0 dB to 200 dB
:CALCulate:MARKer:PEAK:EXCursion:STATe <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Marker Excursion State
Turn on/off excursion checking for marker max commands.
Sets and queries the frequency limit on occupied bandwidth power.
<numeric_value> {HZ | KHZ | MHZ | GHZ}
Query Return:
Numeric (Hz)
Default Value:
10000 Hz
Default Unit:
1000 Hz to 6000000000 Hz
OBW Limit Fail
This command queries the result of a limit check
on occupied bandwidth power
:CALCulate:OBW:LIMit:STATe <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
OBW Power Limit State
Sets and queries the state of limit on occupied bandwidth power. The set form of this command sets the limit state to be ON or OFF
<0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Query Return:
0 | 1
Default Value:
Configure Adjacent Channel Power Ratio
Configures and enables the default adjacent channel power ratio measurement. Disables channel power and occupied bandwidth measurements. Sets the main channel bandwidth equal to the span. Sets the adjacent channel bandwidth and channel spacing equal to the main channel bandwidth. Sets the detection method to RMS. Sets the instrument to single sweep mode (:INITiate:CONTinuous OFF). Measurement settings can be modified by using the [:SENSe]:ACPower commands before initiating a sweep.
Configure Channel Power
Configures and enables the default channel power measurement. Disables ACPR and occupied bandwidth measurements. Sets the integration bandwidth equal to the span. Sets the detection method to RMS. Sets the instrument to single sweep mode (:INITiate:CONTinuous OFF). Measurement settings can be modified by using the [:SENSe]:CHPower commands before initiating a sweep. Note that this measurement is not valid in zero span.
Configure CI Measurement
Configures and enables the default Carrier-to-Interference Ratio measurement. Sets the detection method to RMS. Sets the instrument to single sweep mode (:INITiate:CONTinuous OFF). Measurement settings can be modified by using the [:SENSe]:CINTerference commands before initiating a sweep. Note that this measurement is not valid in zero span.
Configure EIRP
Configures the EIRP measurement. This will disable other Spectrum measurements, configure a normal peak detect trace, and set the instrument in a single sweep mode (:INITiate:CONTinuous: OFF). Measurement settings can be modified by using the [:SENSe]:EIRPower commands before initiating a sweep.
Configure Interference Tone
Configures and enables the default Interference Tone measurement. Disables other measurements. Sets the instrument to single sweep mode (:INITiate:CONTinuous: OFF). Measurement settings can be modified by using the [:SENSe]:INTerfernce commands before initiating a sweep. Note that this measurement is not valid in zero span.
Configure Occupied Bandwidth
Configures and enables the default occupied bandwidth measurement. Disables channel power and ACPR measurements. Sets the method to %. Sets the % of power to 99%. Sets the instrument to single sweep mode (:INITiate:CONTinuous: OFF). Measurement settings can be modified by using the [:SENSe]:OBWidth commands before initiating a sweep. Note that this measurement is not valid in zero span.
Configure Spectral Emission Mask Measurement
Configures and enables the Spectral Emission Mask measurement. This will disable all other measurements, set the span to mask width, set the detection method to RMS, and set the instrument in a single sweep mode (:INITiate:CONTinuous OFF). Measurement settings can be modified by using the [:SENSe]:SEMask commands before initiating a sweep.
:CSCanner:ADD:CUSTom <numeric_value> {HZ | KHZ | MHZ | GHZ},<numeric_value> {HZ | KHZ | MHZ | GHZ},[<numeric_value>],[<string>],[<numeric_value> {PS | NS | US | MS | S | MIN | HR}],[<numeric_value> {<amplitude_units>}],[<numeric_value> {<amplitude_units>}]
Add a Custom Channel
This command adds a new channel to the channel scanner mode list, created from a user specified Center Frequency and Channel Span.
1. Center Freqency: Center fequency of the new channel.
2. Channel Span: The delta between the start frequency and stop frequency of the new channel.
3. Index: Channel scanner list index of the new channel.
4. Channel Name: User specified channel name. (optional)
5. Dwell Time: The time duration spent scanning a given channel, specified for all channels copied. A 0 or no value indicates measurement complete fast as possible. (optional)
6. Upper Limit: Channel power upper limit (in dBm), specified for all channels copied. In absence of a user specified limit, infinite power will be used, and the limit will always pass. (optional)
7. Lower Limit: Channel power lower limit (in dBm), specified for all channels copied. In absence of a user specified limit, zero power will be used, and the limit will always pass. (optional)
The channel scanner list will be populated with a single new channel, with the user supplied Center Frequency and Channel Span. The new channels is inserted at the user specified Index, 0. The channel will be labled with a name, in this case TEST. Time spent on the new channel will be no less than, and as close as possible to, the user supplied Dwell Time, in this case 500 ms. The channel features an upper limit on its measured channel power of -20 dBm, and a lower limit on its measured channel power of -70 dBm. NOTE:
Channel Creation Limits:
Channels may only be generated within the frequency span of the analyzer. For a given command issuance, if the channel span generated by user supplied Center Freqency and Channel Span results in either: Center Frequency - (1/2 * Channel Span) < Analyzer Min Frequency
Center Frequency + (1/2 * Channel Span) > Analyzer Max Frequency
such a channel will not be generated.
See UNIT:POWer to query or set the current amplitude units.
<numeric_value> {HZ | KHZ | MHZ | GHZ},<numeric_value> {HZ | KHZ | MHZ | GHZ},[<numeric_value>],[<string>],[<numeric_value> {PS | NS | US | MS | S | MIN | HR}],[<numeric_value> {<amplitude_units>}],[<numeric_value> {<amplitude_units>}]
:CSCanner:ADD:FREQuency <numeric_value> {HZ | KHZ | MHZ | GHZ},<numeric_value> {HZ | KHZ | MHZ | GHZ},<numeric_value> {HZ | KHZ | MHZ | GHZ},<numeric_value>,[<numeric_value>],[<string>],[<numeric_value> {PS | NS | US | MS | S | MIN | HR}],[<numeric_value> {<amplitude_units>}],[<numeric_value> {<amplitude_units>}]
Add Channels from Frequency Range
This command adds new channels to the channel scanner mode's list, created from a user specified frequency range.
1. Start Freqency: Start frequency of the first channel's span.
2. Channel Spacing: The delta between adjacent channel start frequencies.
3. Channel Span: The delta between the start frequency and stop frequency of channels created.
4. Channel Count: Number of channels to be created.
5. Index: Channel scanner list index to be used for the created channel of lowest start frequency, with subsequent (Channel Count - 1) channels enumerated sequentially. (optional)
6. Channel Name: User specified channel name. (optional)
7. Dwell Time: The time duration spent scanning a given channel, specified for all channels copied. A 0 or no value indicates measurement complete fast as possible. (optional)
8. Upper Limit: Channel power upper limit (in dBm), specified for all channels copied. In absence of a user specified limit, infinite power will be used, and the limit will always pass. (optional)
9. Lower Limit: Channel power lower limit (in dBm), specified for all channels copied. In absence of a user specified limit, zero power will be used, and the limit will always pass. (optional)
The channel scanner list will be populated with channels, starting at the user specified Start Frequency, in this case 890.2 MHz. Channels created will span frequencies equal to the user specified Channel Span, in this case 200 KHz. Subsequent channels generated will have adjacent spans, with the delta between adjacent channel's Start Frequency equal to the specified Channel Spacing, in this case 200 KHz. As Channel Spacing is equal to Channel Span, the channels created by this command invocation will be contiguous. However, users may generate channels with overlapping spans or channels with gaps or guard bands between channels. The number of channels generated will be equal to the user specified Channel Count, in this case 5. Thus channel's will be created with center frequencies: 890.3, 890.5, 890.7, 890.9, 891.1 (MHz) The 5 new channels are inserted at the user specified Index, 0, and are enumerated sequentially through index 4. The channel will be labled with a name, in this case TEST. Time spent on each created channel will be no less than, and as close as possible to, the user supplied Dwell Time, in this case 500 ms. Each new channel features an upper limit on their measured channel power of -20 dBm, and a lower limit on their measured channel power of -70 dBm.
Channel Creation Limits:
Channels may only be generated within the frequency span of the analyzer. For a given command issuance, if the Nth channel to be generated by user supplied Start Frequency, Channel Spacing, and Channel Span results in a channel for which: Start Frequency < Analyzer Min Frequency
Start Frequency + (N * Channel Spacing) > Analyzer Max Frequency
Start Frequency + Channel Span + (N * Channel Spacing) > Analyzer Max Frequency
such channels will not be generated regardless of the user supplied Channel Count. However all created channels with a valid span will be added to the channel scanner list.
See UNIT:POWer to query or set the current amplitude units.
<numeric_value> {HZ | KHZ | MHZ | GHZ},<numeric_value> {HZ | KHZ | MHZ | GHZ},<numeric_value> {HZ | KHZ | MHZ | GHZ},<numeric_value>,[<numeric_value>],[<string>],[<numeric_value> {PS | NS | US | MS | S | MIN | HR}],[<numeric_value> {<amplitude_units>}],[<numeric_value> {<amplitude_units>}]
:CSCanner:ADD:SIGnalstandard <string>,<numeric_value>,<numeric_value>,<numeric_value>,[<numeric_value>],[<numeric_value> {HZ | KHZ | MHZ | GHZ}],[<numeric_value> {PS | NS | US | MS | S | MIN | HR}],[<numeric_value> {<amplitude_units>}],[<numeric_value> {<amplitude_units>}]
Add Channels from a Signal Standard
This command adds new channels to the channel scanner mode's list, copied from a user selected signal standard band.
1. Signal Standard: Name of the signal standard band to copy channel information from.
2. Start Channel: The first channel index to be copied from the named Signal Standard.
3. Channel Step Size: The delta between two channels copied from the named Signal Standard.
4. Channel Count: Number of channels intended to be copied.
5. Index: Channel scanner list insertion index to be used for the copied channel of lowest start frequency, with subsequent (Channel Count - 1) channels enumerated sequentially. (optional)
6. Channel Span: A value to override the signal standard ChannelSpan attribute. No value will use the signal standard's default value. (optional)
7. Dwell Time: The time duration spent scanning a given channel, specified for all channels copied. A 0 or no value indicates measurement complete fast as possible. (optional)
8. Upper Limit: Channel power upper limit (in dBm), specified for all channels copied. In absence of a user specified limit, infinite power will be used, and the limit will always pass. (optional)
9. Lower Limit: Channel power lower limit (in dBm), specified for all channels copied. In absence of a user specified limit, zero power will be used, and the limit will always pass. (optional)
The channel scanner list will be populated with channels from the named Signal Standard band, in this case P-GSM 900 - Uplink. Channels created will copy selected channel's channel span and center frequency, beginning with the user specified Start Channel, in this case Signal Standard channel 1. As this band's channel step is 1, with the user supplied Channel Step Size, 3, the remaining Signal Standard channels to be copied are 4, 7, 10, and 13. As this band's channels begin with start frequency 890.2 MHz and this band's channel spacing is 200 KHz, channel's will be created with center frequencies: 890.3, 890.9, 891.5, 892.1, 892.7 (MHz) The 5 new channels are inserted at the user specified Index, 0, and are enumerated sequentially through index 4.
The channel's span will be set to the user provided value of 20 MHz. Time spent on each copied channel will be no less than, and as close as possible to, the user supplied Dwell Time, in this case 500 ms. Each new channel features an upper limit on their measured channel power of -20 dBm, and a lower limit on their measured channel power of -70 dBm. NOTE:
Channel Creation Limits:
Channels may only be generated from a Start Channel valid for the named Signal Standard band. For a given command issuance, if the user supplied Start Channel, Channel Step Size, and Channel Count result in channel numbers that either preceed or exceed the named Signal Standard band's channel numbers, then such channels are not created. However all channels valid for the named Signal Standard will be added to the channel scanner list.
See UNIT:POWer to query or set the current amplitude units.
<string>,<numeric_value>,<numeric_value>,<numeric_value>,[<numeric_value>],[<numeric_value> {HZ | KHZ | MHZ | GHZ}],[<numeric_value> {PS | NS | US | MS | S | MIN | HR}],[<numeric_value> {<amplitude_units>}],[<numeric_value> {<amplitude_units>}]
Set the channel averaging type to indicate the field for determining the average against.
Channel Parameter:
LAST: Current
MAX: Channel Power Maximum
MIN: Channel Power Minimum
AVER: Channel Power Average
RMAX: Channel Power Rolling Maximum
RMIM: Channel Power Rolling Minimum
RAV: Channel Power Rolling Average
Query Return:
Default Value:
Channel List
Query the parameters of all channels in Channel Scanner list.
Channel Member Limit
Query the maximum Channel Scanner list size.
Query Return:
Default Value:
60 to 60
:CSCanner:CLEar <numeric_value>
Clear Channel
Clear all measurement results of a channel at a given Channel Scanner list index.
Clear All Channels
Clear all measurement results of all channels in Channel Scanner list.
:CSCanner:DELete <numeric_value>
Delete Channel
Delete a channel at a given Channel Scanner list index
Delete All Channels
Delete all channels in Channel Scanner list.
:CSCanner:EDIT:CUSTom <numeric_value> {HZ | KHZ | MHZ | GHZ},<numeric_value> {HZ | KHZ | MHZ | GHZ},<numeric_value>,[<string>],[<numeric_value> {PS | NS | US | MS | S | MIN | HR}],[<numeric_value> {<amplitude_units>}],[<numeric_value> {<amplitude_units>}]
Edit Channel with custom data
This command replaces a member of the channel scanner mode's list, created from user specified Center Frequency and Channel Span.
1. Center Freqency: Center fequency of the new channel.
2. Channel Span: The delta between the start frequency and stop frequency of the new channel.
3. Index: Channel scanner list index of the channel to be replaced.
4. Channel Name: User specified channel name. (optional)
5. Dwell Time: The time duration spent scanning a given channel, specified for all channels copied. A 0 or no value indicates measurement complete fast as possible. (optional)
6. Upper Limit: Channel power upper limit (in dBm), specified for all channels copied. In absence of a user specified limit, infinite power will be used, and the limit will always pass. (optional)
7. Lower Limit: Channel power lower limit (in dBm), specified for all channels copied. In absence of a user specified limit, zero power will be used, and the limit will always pass. (optional)
For an example of this channel creation method, see CSCanner:ADD:CUSTom.
The channel created by this command is done in the same way and with the same restrictions.
See UNIT:POWer to query or set the current amplitude units.
<numeric_value> {HZ | KHZ | MHZ | GHZ},<numeric_value> {HZ | KHZ | MHZ | GHZ},<numeric_value>,[<string>],[<numeric_value> {PS | NS | US | MS | S | MIN | HR}],[<numeric_value> {<amplitude_units>}],[<numeric_value> {<amplitude_units>}]
:CSCanner:EDIT:SIGnalstandard <string>,<numeric_value>,<numeric_value>,[<numeric_value> {HZ | KHZ | MHZ | GHZ}],[<numeric_value> {PS | NS | US | MS | S | MIN | HR}],[<numeric_value> {<amplitude_units>}],[<numeric_value> {<amplitude_units>}]
Edit Channel with Signal Standard data
This command replaces a member of the channel scanner mode's list, using data copied from a user selected signal standard band.
1. Signal Standard: Name of the signal standard band to copy channel information from.
2. Channel Index: The index of the channel to be copied from the named Signal Standard.
3. Index: Channel scanner list index of the channel to be replaced.
4. Channel Span: A value to override the signal standard ChannelSpan attribute. No value will use the signal standard's default value. (optional)
5. Dwell Time: The time duration spent scanning a given channel, specified for all channels copied. A 0 or no value indicates measurement complete fast as possible. (optional)
6. Upper Limit: Channel power upper limit (in dBm), specified for all channels copied. In absence of a user specified limit, infinite power will be used, and the limit will always pass. (optional)
7. Lower Limit: Channel power lower limit (in dBm), specified for all channels copied. In absence of a user specified limit, zero power will be used, and the limit will always pass. (optional)
For an example of this channel creation method, see CSCanner:ADD:SIGnalstandard.
The channel copied by this command is done in the same way and with the same restrictions.
See UNIT:POWer to query or set the current amplitude units.
<string>,<numeric_value>,<numeric_value>,[<numeric_value> {HZ | KHZ | MHZ | GHZ}],[<numeric_value> {PS | NS | US | MS | S | MIN | HR}],[<numeric_value> {<amplitude_units>}],[<numeric_value> {<amplitude_units>}]
:CSCanner:LOG <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Channel Scanner Logging Enable
Set or query whether or not Channel Scanner data logging is enabled.
<0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Query Return:
0 | 1
Default Value:
:CSCanner:LOG:INTerval <numeric_value> {PS | NS | US | MS | S | MIN | HR}
Channel Scanner Logging Interval Time
Set or query the interval time between logging data point.
<numeric_value> {PS | NS | US | MS | S | MIN | HR}
Query channel results with options to filter on result type and channel index.
1. Result Type: Enumerable value specifying the result type to query. ALL or the lack of a result type returns all channel data, which includes: channel creation parameters channel history
channel measurement result data index of the most recently scanned channel current channel list size. STRip returns channel history, channel creation parameters, last scanned channel index, and list size. BAR returns channel measurement results, creation parameters, last scanned channel index, and list size. (optional)
2. Index: Channel scanner list index to query measurement results from. Leaving this field empty returns results from every channel. (optional)
This command returns the attributes associated with a named signal standard. Such attributes are useful for reference when parameterizing CSCanner:ADD:SIGnalstandard command invocations. Attributes:
ChannelSpan: The span of each channel in the band
Increment: The delta between the bands channel numbers
Spacing: The delta beteween start frequencies
StartChannel: The first channel number in the band
StartFrequency: The start frequency of the first channel in the band
StopChannel: The last channel number in the band
StopFrequency: The stop frequency of the last channel in the band
See CSCanner:SSTandard:CATalog for a list of supported signal standard names.
Signal Standard Catalog Query
This command returns a list of available signal standards as a json array Example return value:
Channel update state determines whether the channel scanner is update in every sweep.
<0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Query Return:
0 | 1
Default Value:
Measured Sweep Time
This command queries the measured sweep time, in number of milliseconds. This command will return "nan" if no measured sweep time is available, which happens if the sweep was reset and the instrument has not yet swept enough to measure a full sweep.
External devices
Gets a json object with the external devices configuration.
:DISPlay:IMPedance:MATCh:DEVice <NONe|M75|OTHer>
Impedance matching device
Sets the impedance matching device.
This can be used to compensate for the insertion loss
of an external impedance matching device such as the
Anritsu 12N50-75B adapter.
NONe: Default 50 Ohm match (no adapter)
M75: Scalar correction for Anritsu 12N50-75B (75 Ohm to 50 Ohm adapter)
OTHer: Alows the user to enter a custom gain value
Sets custom loss value for when the impedance matching device is "OTHer"
See UNIT:POWer to query or set the current amplitude units.
<numeric_value> {DB}
Query Return:
Numeric (dB)
Default Value:
0 dB
Default Unit:
-99.9 dB to 99.9 dB
:DISPlay:POINtcount <numeric_value>
Display Point Count
Changes the number of display points the instrument currently measures. Increasing the number of display points can improve the resolution of measurements but will also increase sweep time.
Query Return:
Default Value:
10 to 4001
Spectrogram Scale Auto Adjust
Automatically adjusts the spectrogram scale reference and bottom amplitude to the max and min amplitudes, respectively, of the most recent trace data collected.
The spectrogram scale bottom indicates the amplitude that corresponds to the least intense color in the spectrogram waterfall display. This is used in conjunction with the spectrogram scale reference command to establish the color gradient scale.
See UNIT:POWer to query or set the current amplitude units.
This command transfers the spectrogram history from the instrument to the client.
This command takes an integer parameter specifying the last trace ID received by client and returns all trace data after the received trace ID in a binary block response. The binary block response is formatted as below
History Header: (20 bytes)
Number Of Traces: 4 bytes, unsigned integer
Number Of Trace Points Per Trace : 4 bytes, unsigned integer
Last trace ID in the block: 4 bytes, unsigned integer
Reserved: 8 bytes
History Body:
Block of trace points formatted as a 4 byte, single-precision floating point value for each point. The history body size (in bytes) can be calculated as: <Number Of Traces> * (<Number Of Trace Points Per Trace> * 4).
If no new trace data was found in history, this command will return header only binary block with all zeros except <last trace ID in the block> is set to the last trace ID received by client.
Provides the time values for the specified index in spectrogram history. Returns a negative value if the specified index is invalid.
:DISPlay:VIEW:SPECtrogram:HUE <numeric_value>
Spectrogram Hue
The spectrogram hue command indicates the color that represents the highest amplitude in the spectrogram waterfall display. All of the other amplitudes are represented by colors starting at this hue setting and following a color wheel.
The spectrogram scale reference indicates the amplitude that corresponds to the most intense color in the spectrogram waterfall display. This is used in conjunction with the spectrogram scale bottom command to establish the color gradient scale.
See UNIT:POWer to query or set the current amplitude units.
Selects which time cursor setting to use, position or time. For position, the DISP:VIEW:SPEC:POS setting will be used to determine which trace from the spectrogram history to show. For time, the DISP:VIEW:SPEC:TIME setting will be used instead.
Set or query the scale per division setting of trace graph. This command doesn't change any behavior in the backend, but will be included in save/recall operations.
Set or query the scale per division setting of trace graph. This command doesn't change any behavior in the backend, but will be included in save/recall operations.
Sets the reference level amplitude value for the y-axis. This value is the display reference level, which means it has the reference level offset applied. It also means that a change to the reference level offset will change this setting (though the actual, unadjusted reference level will stay the same).
Note that this may cause a change in attenuation if the automatic input attenuation coupling is enabled. For the purpose of coupling, the actual reference level (without the offset applied) is used, though this command will always reflect the display value.
For example, suppose a starting reference level offset of 0 dB and a reference level of 10 dBm. If the offset is set to 20 dB, the display reference level will be set to 10 dBm - 20 dB = -10 dBm; no attenuation change will occur. Likewise, if the starting reference level offset is 20 dB and the (display) reference level is set to 0 dBm, the display reference level will remain at 0 dBm, though the (actual) reference level value used in auto attenuation coupling is 0 dBm + 20 dB = 20 dBm.
To obtain the actual reference level, either add in the reference level offset, or temporarily set the offset to 0 (in which case the display reference level will reflect the actual one).
See UNIT:POWer to query or set the current amplitude units.
This command causes the reference level to immediately be set to an automatically computed value that best displays the particular data. The reference level is set to a specified dB above the selected trace max value. This command is semantically equivalent to :DISPlay[:WINDow]:TRACe[:SCALe]:RLEVel <amplitude> with the computed value for amplitude.
See UNIT:POWer to query or set the current amplitude units.
Sets the reference level offset value for the y-axis.
This offset is used for display purposes only, and does not affect the actual reference level used for auto attenuation coupling, or any other settings that depend on reference level.
See DISP:WIND:TRAC:Y:SCAL:RLEV for details on the interaction between reference level offset and display reference level.
See UNIT:POWer to query or set the current amplitude units.
Sets the reference level offset value for the y-axis.
This offset is used for display purposes only, and does not affect the actual reference level used for auto attenuation coupling, or any other settings that depend on reference level.
See DISP:WIND:TRAC:Y:SCAL:RLEV for details on the interaction between reference level offset and display reference level.
See UNIT:POWer to query or set the current amplitude units.
Sets the reference level amplitude value for the secondary y-axis. (E.G. For trace math trace)
<numeric_value> {DB}
Query Return:
Numeric (dB)
Default Value:
0 dB
Default Unit:
-100 dB to 100 dB
:EMF:STORe:PATH <string>
EMF Log Location
This command sets or queries the relative path to the directory wheres EMF result files will be saved. The log location is only used when EMF logging is enabled. The path is relative to the selected EMF storage device specified by the Device setting (:MMEMory:EMF:STORe:LOG).
Default Value:
Fetch Adjacent Channel Power Ratio
Returns the most recent adjacent channel power ratio measurement results. If the instrument is sweeping, it will not return until the sweep is complete. If the instrument is not sweeping and the current data is not valid it will return error -230. This could occur if there was a *RST immediately before the :FETCh? or if a measurement parameter was changed without an :INITiate
Data is returned as 9 comma-separated values: main channel power, absolute lower adjacent channel power, absolute upper adjacent channel power, absolute lower alternate channel power, absolute upper alternate channel power, relative lower adjacent channel power, relative upper adjacent channel power, relative lower alternate channel power, relative upper alternate channel power.
If the measurement is not enabled (see [:SENSe]:CHPower:STATe) then, the instrument will indicate error -400 and return the string "nan,nan,nan,nan,nan,nan,nan,nan,nan"
Returns the amplitude at the given frequency. The command does not wait for the sweep to complete.
If the trace data at the requested frequency is invalid (or out of span) then NAN is returned and error code -230 is indicated.
<numeric_value> {HZ | KHZ | MHZ | GHZ}
Fetch Burst Average Power
Returns the most recent burst average power measurement result. If the measurement is not enabled (see [:SENSe]:BPOWer:STATe) then, the instrument will indicate error -400. If a measurement is in progress, it blocks until complete.
Fetch Carrier Aggregation Measurements
Returns the Carrier Aggregation measurement results for each carrier in a JSON format. Each carrier measurement result will include the Carrier Id, measurement name, and measurement results. If a measurement is in progress, it blocks until the measurement is completed. Data is available only up to the available number of carriers, the rest will be an empty JSON. See command [:SENSe]:CAGGregation:CARRier:COUNt to set or query the number of carriers. An example of Carrier Aggregation measurement in 5GNR is as follows (Please refer to the individual measurement for further example):
Fetch Channel Power and Density
This command returns the most recent channel power measurement results: channel power and channel power density.
If the instrument is sweeping, it will not return until the sweep is complete. If the instrument is not sweeping and the current data is not valid it will return error -230. This could occur if there was a *RST immediately before the :FETCh? or if a measurement parameter was changed without an :INITiate. Data is returned as 2 comma-separated values: channel power, channel power density.
If the measurement is not enabled (see [:SENSe]:CHPower:STATe) then, the instrument will indicate error -400 and return the string "nan,nan"
Fetch Channel Power
Returns the most recent channel power measurement result. It returns only the channel power, not the channel power density. Use :FETCh:CHPower? to get both channel power and channel power density.
If the instrument is sweeping, it will not return until the sweep is complete. If the instrument is not sweeping and the current data is not valid it will return error -230. This could occur if there was a *RST immediately before the :FETCh? or if a measurement parameter was changed without an :INITiate.
If the measurement is not enabled (see [:SENSe]:CHPower:STATe) then, the instrument will indicate error -400 and return the string "nan,nan"
Fetch Channel Power Density
Returns the most recent channel power density measurement result. It returns only the channel power density, not the channel power.
Use :FETCh:CHPower? to get both channel power and channel power density.
If the instrument is sweeping, it will not return until the sweep is complete. If the instrument is not sweeping and the current data is not valid it will return error -230. This could occur if there was a *RST immediately before the :FETCh? or if a measurement parameter was changed without an :INITiate.
If the measurement is not enabled (see [:SENSe]:CHPower:STATe) then, the instrument will indicate error -400 and return the string "nan,nan"
Fetch CI Ratio
Returns the most recent Carrier-to-Interference measurement result. If the instrument is sweeping, it will not return until the sweep is complete. If the instrument is not sweeping and the current data is not valid it will return error -230. This could occur if there was a *RST immediately before the :FETCh?
If the measurement is not enabled (see [:SENSe]:CINTerference:STATe) then, the instrument will indicate error -400.
Fetch Carrier to Interference Ratio
Returns the most recent Carrier-to-Interference Ratio measurement result.
Use :FETCh:CINTerference? for complete Carrier-to-Interference Measurement data. If the instrument is sweeping, it will not return until the sweep is complete. If the instrument is not sweeping and the current data is not valid it will return error -230. This could occur if there was a *RST immediately before the :FETCh? or if a measurement parameter was changed without an :INITiate.
If the measurement is not enabled (see [:SENSe]:CHPower:STATe) then, the instrument will indicate error -400.
Fetch C/I Carrier Channel Power
Returns the most recent C/I carrier channel power measurement result. Use :FETCh:CINTerference? for complete Carrier-to-Interference Measurement data. If the instrument is sweeping, it will not return until the sweep is complete. If the instrument is not sweeping and the current data is not valid it will return error -230. This could occur if there was a *RST immediately before the :FETCh? or if a measurement parameter was changed without an :INITiate.
If the measurement is not enabled (see [:SENSe]:CHPower:STATe) then, the instrument will indicate error -400.
Fetch C/I Interference Channel Power
Returns the most recent C/I interference channel power measurement result. Use :FETCh:CINTerference? for complete Carrier-to-Interference Measurement data. If the instrument is sweeping, it will not return until the sweep is complete. If the instrument is not sweeping and the current data is not valid it will return error -230. This could occur if there was a *RST immediately before the :FETCh? or if a measurement parameter was changed without an :INITiate.
If the measurement is not enabled (see [:SENSe]:CHPower:STATe) then, the instrument will indicate error -400.
Fetch PBCH Constellation
Get the latest Physical Broadcast Channel (PBCH) constellation hitmap results for the selected beam after waiting for the current measurement to complete. Beam selection is performed using the [:SENSe]:CONStellation:PBCH:BEAM command. The results are in JSON format with the hitmap represented as an array of arrays [I,Q,C] where I = real coordinate, Q = imaginary coordinate, and C = hit count. An example response looks like this, but real responses will likely have many more values than shown here:
In NRAD mode, there will be an additional key-value pair indicating the selected beam number.
Fetch Data Channel Constellation
Get the latest Physical Downlink Shared Channel (PDSCH) constellation results after waiting for the current measurement to complete. The results are in JSON format with the hitmap represented as an array of arrays [I,Q,C] where I = real coordinate, Q = imaginary coordinate, and C = hit count. Only constellations that match the selected modulation type (see [:SENSe]:MODulation:TYPE) are returned. An example response looks like this, but real responses will likely have many more values than shown here:
Returns the Control Channel measurements in json format. This includes Sync, Reference, Broadcast and Control channel measurements. If a measurement is in progress, it blocks until complete.
This command transfers trace data and trace status data from the instrument to the controller for all traces with display state ON (see Trace Display State commands), as well as measurement data for the currently active measurement (see ":DISPlay:MEASurement") in JSON format.
An optional parameter can be given to set the format data output, the parameter follows the same enumerable value as the Trace Data format setting. When using REAL as the output format, the numeric value field is required. See the document on Trace Data Format (:FORMat[:TRACe][:DATA]) for more info.
The returned response is formatted as a list of packets, each of which has a header detailing its contents. A single value (numeric ascii if ascii format is specified, or uint8 otherwise) precedes the packet list that specifies the number of packets contained in the response. Overall format is as follows:
The headers of each packet are either in a comma-separated list if the user requests ASCii format, or in binary otherwise. The individual packets are formatted as follows (value order is preserved between binary and ascii):
Packet type is represented as: 0 -> Trace Data, 1 -> Trace Status, 2 -> JSON Measurement data
Data Format is represented as: 0 -> ASCII, 1 -> Integer32, 2 -> Real32, 3 -> Real64
The measurement data is in a JSON format with an extra item added under the key "measurementName" indicating the active measurement.
:FETCh:DENSity:DATA? <numeric_value>
RTSA density data
In RTSA modes, returns the density data
Fetch EIRP
This command returns the current EIRP, Max EIRP, Horizontal EIRP, Vertical and Sum EIRP results in dBm. If the instrument is sweeping, it will not return until the sweep is complete. If the instrument is not sweeping and the current data is not valid it will return error -230. This could occur if there was a *RST immediately before the :FETCh? or if a measurement parameter was changed without an :INITiate. Data is returned as 2 comma-separated values: EIRP power, Max power. If the measurement is not active, the instrument will indicate error -400 and return the string "nan,nan".
Fetch Current EIRP
This command returns the current EIRP measurement result in dBm.
If the instrument is sweeping, it will not return until the sweep is complete.
If the instrument is not sweeping and the current data is not valid it will return error -230. This could occur if there was a *RST immediately before the :FETCh? or if a measurement parameter was changed without an :INITiate. If the measurement is not active, the instrument will indicate error -400 and return the string "nan".
Fetch MAXimum EIRP
This command returns the maximum EIRP measurement result in dBm.
If the instrument is sweeping, it will not return until the sweep is complete.
If the instrument is not sweeping and the current data is not valid it will return error -230. This could occur if there was a *RST immediately before the :FETCh? or if a measurement parameter was changed without an :INITiate. If the measurement is not active, the instrument will indicate error -400 and return the string "nan".
Fetch EMF
Return the current EMF measurement data.
Return value is json format as follows:
"CurrentAvg": <average of all isotropic results for current measurement>,
"CurrentMin": <minimum of all isotropic results for current measurement>,
"CurrentMax": <maximum of all isotropic results for current measurement>,
"TotalAvg": <average of all isotropic results across all measurements>,
"TotalMin": <minimum of all isotropic results across all measurements>,
"TotalMax": <maximum of all isotropic results across all measurements>,
"CurrentLimitResult": <pass/fail result of limit check for current measurement>,
"TotalLimitResult": <pass/fail result of limit check across all measurements>,
"CurrentMeasurementCount": <number of the current measurement starting from one>,
"CurrentAxis": <the current antenna axis setting X Y or Z>,
"ElapsedMeasurementTime": <number of milliseconds since start of current measurement>
Note that the name-value pairs in the response may be in any order.
If the measurement is not enabled with EMF:STATE then, the instrument will indicate error -400 and return a response with all values as 'nan'.
Fetch Frame Power Analysis Measurements
Returns the latest Frame Power Analysis measurements in json format. {
Returns the most recent Interference Tone measurement result. It returns only the integrated power.
If the instrument is sweeping, it will not return until the sweep is complete. If the instrument is not sweeping and the current data is not valid it will return error -230. This could occur if there was a *RST immediately before the :FETCh? or if a measurement parameter was changed without an :INITiate.
If the measurement is not enabled (see [:SENSe]:INTerference:STATe) then, the instrument will indicate error -400 and return the string "nan,nan"
Fetch MIMO Antennas
Returns the sync power measurements in json format. If a measurement is in progress, it blocks until complete.
"coordinates":"nan, nan,nanm",
Fetch Occupied Bandwidth
Returns a different set of measurement information depending on the suffix. The default suffix of 1 will return the most recent occupied bandwidth measurement results: occupied bandwidth, percent of power and dB down. One of either percent of power or dB down is measured and the other is set. That is determined by the value set using [:SENSe]:OBWidth:METHod. If the measurement is not enabled with :SENSe:OBWidth:STATe then, the instrument will indicate error -400 and return the string "nan,nan,nan".
Using suffix 2 will return the most recent channel power, x dB bandwidth, percent bandwidth, and transmit frequency error. The channel power and occupied bandwidth measurements will be calculated regardless of CHP:STAT and OBW:STAT settings.
Using suffix 3 will return the same results as 1, plus the start, center, and end frequencies of the occupied bandwidth.
For all suffixes, if the instrument is sweeping, it will not return until the sweep is complete. If the instrument is not sweeping and the current data is not valid it will return error -230. This could occur if there was a *RST immediately before the :FETCh? or if a measurement parameter was changed without an :INITiate.
OBWidth Suffix Range:
1-3, Default = 1
Fetch OTA Coverage Mapping
Available in Spectrum Analyzer, LTE, 5GNR, and CSC modes (see [:SENSe]:MODE)
Returns the most recent Coverage Mapping measurement results. The OTA Coverage Mapping measurement must be the active measurement (see [:SENSe][:OTA]:MAPPing:STATe);
otherwise, the instrument will report error -400 and return the string "{}". If the instrument is sweeping, it will not return until the sweep is complete. If the instrument is not sweeping and the current data is not valid it will report error -400. This could occur if there was a *RST immediately before the :FETCh? or if a measurement parameter was changed without an :INITiate.
Data is returned in JSON format. Note that the name-value pairs in the response may be in a different order.
For CHP measurement, data is returned as follows:
{"mapValue":"<channel power value>","measurementType":"CHP","power":"<channel power>"}
For PSD measurement, data is returned as follows:
{"mapValue":"<channel power spectral density value>","measurementType":"PSD","density":"<channel power spectral density>"}
For RSSI measurement, data is returned as follows:
Returns the PCI measurements. This command returns cell id, group id, corrected carrier frequency, detected beam,
frame start, frequency error, sector id, group id, and time offset(in ns) as output in json format.
If a measurement is in progress, it blocks until complete.
An example is as follows:
"cellId": 0,
"cellIdGroup": 0,
"correctedCarrierFrequency": 4499999985.264854,
"detectedBeam": 4,
"frameStart": 233097,
"frequencyError": -14.735145792134368,
"ppmFrequencyError": 0.09346635883256266,
"sectorId": 0,
"status": {
"hardwareErrors": {
"ADCOverRange": 0,
"DeviceAccess": 0,
"EEPROM": 0,
"IrregularData": 0,
"Limit": 0,
"LockLO1": 0,
"LockLO2": 0,
"NoCal": 0,
"Overpower": 0,
"SLOLock": 0,
"Saturation": 0,
"TgLockLo1": 0
"statusMessage": "statusPciDone",
"statusNumber": 10
"coordinates":"37.14681, -121.65609, 128m",
"time":"Fri Jun 28 19:56:45 2019 GMT"
"timeOffset": -634782.9687499882
Fetch Data Channel Measurement
Returns the Data Channel measurements in json format.
If a measurement is in progress, it blocks until complete.
"coordinates":"37.146865, -121.656103,112m",
"time":"Sat Aug 31 00:44:13 2019 GMT"
Fetch Peak
Returns a pair (amplitude, frequency in Hz) of the peak amplitude in the current sweep. The command does not wait for the sweep to complete. If the trace data is invalid then both numbers in the pair will be NAN and error code -230 will be indicated.
Fetch RRM Measurements
Returns the Radio Resource Management(RRM) measurements in json format.
RRM measurements are comprised of RSRP, RSRQ, and SINR which are computed using the Cell Reference Signals (CRS).
If a measurement is in progress, it blocks until complete.
Fetch Cell Scanner
Returns the cell scanner measurements in a json format. If a measurement is in progress, it blocks until completed. Returned data format varies based on whether the current mode is 5GNR or LTE.
5GNR Mode format:
"coordinates":"37.14681, -121.65609, 128m",
"time":"Fri Jun 28 19:56:45 2019 GMT"
LTE Mode format:
"coordinates":"nan, nan,nanm","time":""
Fetch Spectral Emission Mask
This command returns the current Spectral Emission Mask mesurement result. If the instrument is sweeping, it will not return until the sweep is complete. If the instrument is not sweeping and the current data is not valid, it will return an empty JSON object and error -230. This could occur if there was a *RST immediately before the :FETCh? or if a measurement parameter was changed without an :INITiate. Data is returned as ASCII of JSON object that consists of reference power, reference channel power, and an array of segment information. The following is the format of the response: { "referencePwr": <amplitude value>, "referenceChannelPwr": <amplitude value>, "segments": [{"setup": {"rbw": <frequency value>, "points": [{"x": <frequency value>, "y": <amplitude value>}, {"x": <frequency value>, "y": <amplitude value>}]}, "result": {"peakPwr": <amplitude value>, "peakFreq": <amplitude value>, "pass": <true|false>}}, { ... }]
} If the measurement is not active, the instrument will indicate error -400 and return an empty object.
Fetch SSB Measurements
Returns the SSB measurements.
This command returns the beam numbers with the best EVM and power, followed by Power and EVM results
for PSS, SSS, PBCH, PBCH DM-RS and SS Signal Quality Results in a json format.
If a measurement is in progress, it blocks until complete.
"status": {
"hardwareErrors": {
"ADCOverRange": 0,
"DeviceAccess": 0,
"EEPROM": 0,
"IrregularData": 0,
"Limit": 0,
"LockLO1": 0,
"LockLO2": 0,
"NoCal": 0,
"Overpower": 0,
"SLOLock": 0,
"Saturation": 0,
"TgLockLo1": 0
"statusMessage": "statusPciDone",
"statusNumber": 10
"coordinates":"37.14681, -121.65609, 128m",
"time":"Fri Jun 28 19:56:45 2019 GMT"
{ ... },
{ ... },
{ ... },
{ ... },
{ ... },
{ ... },
{ ... }
Fetch Sync EVM
Returns the Sync EVM measurements in json format.
If a measurement is in progress, it blocks until complete.
"coordinates":"37.146865, -121.656103,112m",
"time":"Sat Aug 31 00:44:13 2019 GMT"
Fetch Sync Power
Returns the sync power measurements in json format. If a measurement is in progress, it blocks until complete.
"gps": {
"coordinates":"37.146865, -121.656103,112m",
"time":"Sat Aug 31 00:44:13 2019 GMT"
Fetch Time Alignment Error
Returns the Time Alignment Error measurements in json format.
If a measurement is in progress, it blocks until complete.
Returns the following value a peak amplitude, minimum amplitude, and average amplitude in the current sweep trace data. If a sweep is in progress, it blocks until complete.
Fetch Sync Measurements
Returns the sync measurements. This command returns frequency error stats, carrier id, corrected carrier frequency, frame start, frequency error, gps info, scrambling code, hardware status and time offset(in ns) as output in json format.
If a measurement is in progress, it blocks until complete.
This command specifies the format in which data is returned in TRAC:DATA queries. The optional numeric parameter is needed for REAL format only. It defines the length of the floating point number in bits. Valid values are 32 and 64. If the optional numeric parameter is omitted, the default length of REAL data is set to 64 bits.
ASCii format returns the data in comma-separated ASCII format. The units are the current measurement units.
INTeger,32 values are signed 32-bit integers in little-endian byte order. This format returns the data in 4-byte blocks. The values are scaled by 1000, so if the current measurement units are dBm the integer values would be mdBm. For example, if the measured result was -12.345 dBm, that value would be sent as -12345.
REAL,32 values are 32-bit floating point numbers conforming to the IEEE 754 standard in little-endian byte order. This format returns the data in 4-byte binary format. The units are the current measurement units.
REAL,64 values are 64-bit floating point numbers conforming to the IEEE 754 standard in little-endian byte order. This format returns the data in 8-byte binary format. The units are the current measurement units.
Query Return:
Default Value:
:FRAMe:SPECtrum:TRACe:DISPlay[:STATe] <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Trace Display State
The trace visibility state. If it is OFF, the :TRAC:DATA? command will return nan.
Specifies how successive sweeps are combined to produce the resulting display value. Setting the TYPE to NORMal will cause the displayed value for a point to be the current measured value for that point. Setting the TYPE to AVERage will cause the displayed value for a point to be the average of the last <integer> measured values where <integer> is set by [:SENSe]:AVERage:COUNt. Setting the TYPE to MAXimum will cause the displayed value for a point is the maximum measured value for that point over sweeps. Setting the TYPE to MINimum will cause the displayed value for a point is the minimum measured value for that point over sweeps.Setting the TYPE to RMAXimum will cause the displayed value for a point to be the maximum of the last <integer> measured values where <integer> is set by [:SENSe]:AVERage:COUNt.Setting the TYPE to RMINimum will cause the displayed value for a point to be the minimum of the last <integer> measured values where <integer> is set by [:SENSe]:AVERage:COUNt.
Specifies how successive sweeps are combined to produce the resulting display value. Setting the TYPE to NORMal will cause the displayed value for a point to be the current measured value for that point. Setting the TYPE to AVERage will cause the displayed value for a point to be the average of the last <integer> measured values where <integer> is set by [:SENSe]:AVERage:COUNt. Setting the TYPE to MAXimum will cause the displayed value for a point is the maximum measured value for that point over sweeps. Setting the TYPE to MINimum will cause the displayed value for a point is the minimum measured value for that point over sweeps.Setting the TYPE to RMAXimum will cause the displayed value for a point to be the maximum of the last <integer> measured values where <integer> is set by [:SENSe]:AVERage:COUNt.Setting the TYPE to RMINimum will cause the displayed value for a point to be the minimum of the last <integer> measured values where <integer> is set by [:SENSe]:AVERage:COUNt.
:FRAMe:TDOMain:TRACe:UPDate[:STATe] <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Trace Update State
The trace update state detemine whether the trace is update in every sweep.
<0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Query Return:
0 | 1
Default Value:
:INITiate:CONTinuous <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Sweep Type
Specifies whether the sweep/measurement is triggered continuously. If the value is set to ON or 1, another sweep/measurement is triggered as soon as the current one completes. If continuous is set to OFF or 0, the instrument remains initiated until the current sweep/measurement completes, then enters the 'idle' state and waits for the :INITiate[:IMMediate] command or for :INITiate:CONTinuous ON.
If :INITiate:CONTinuous is changed to ON before the current sweep/measurement completes, a new sweep/measurement will be continuously triggered as soon as the current sweep/measurement completes. If :INITiate[:IMMediate] is received before the current sweep/measurement completes, it will be ignored. Clients must either wait for the current sweep/measurement to complete before triggering a 'single sweep', or :ABORt the sweep/measurement after setting :INITiate:CONTinuous to OFF (which will cause the instrument to immediately enter the idle state where it can accept new triggers).
The default value is ON. That is, sending :INIT:CONT is equivalent to sending :INIT:CONT ON. The query version of the command returns a 1 if the instrument is continuously sweeping/measuring and returns a 0 if the instrument is in single sweep/measurement mode.
<0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Query Return:
0 | 1
Default Value:
Initiate Single Sweep
Initiates a sweep/measurement. If :INITiate:CONTinuous is set to ON, or if :INITiate:CONTinuous is set to OFF but the current sweep has not completed yet,
this command is ignored. Use this command in combination with :STATus:OPERation?
or *OPC? to synchronize the capture of one complete set of data. When this command
is sent, the "sweep complete" bit of :STATus:OPERation? is set to 0, indicating that the measurement has not completed. The data collection is then triggered. The controlling program can poll :STATus:OPERation? to determine the status. When the "sweep complete" bit is set to 1, data is ready to be retrieved.
In the case of demodulation measurements, only the *OPC? query is applicable for purposes of synchronization; the query will only return a value when both the sweep and the demodulation have completed.
This command is also overlapped, so alternatively, *OPC? can be used to wait for completion of the measurement without polling. When this command is received, the pending operation bit is set. The pending operation will finish once the sweep/measurement is done. Clients can use *OPC? to 'block' until the sweep/measurement is completed.
Initiate Average Count Sweep
Initiates sweep until all active traces reach its average count
Self Test
Perform a self-test and return the results. The response is formatted as a JSON ( array of name,value pair result objects. Some result objects also include a 'status' property that will be either 'pass' or 'fail' based on whether the criteria for that test was met.
For tests of voltages, generally, the test passes if the measured voltage is within 5% or 10% of the expected voltage. A number of absolute minimum and maximum tolerances have been defined and will override this general behavior for results with a nonsymmetric range about the expected value.
:INPut:OPOWer:RELay[:STATe] <CLOSed>
Set Relay State
Query the state of the overpower relay, or close it.
During an overpower condition, the relay will open automatically to prevent damage to RF circuitry, and the device dependent error bit in the ESR will be set to indicate that an overpower condition occurred. Additionally the instrument will automatically try to close the relay every hour after it detects that the relay is opened
To recover, remove the offending input source and then issue this command with a parameter of CLOSed to close the relay or wait for an hour from the time when the relay was opened for the instrument to close the relay automatically.
Note that while this command returns the relay state as "CLOSed|OPEN", this command only accepts "CLOSed as a parameter" (that is, the relay cannot be manually opened, only closed).
Recovering from an overpower condition requires user interaction, either manually or via an automated program that can send this SCPI command to the instrument or the instrument can itself try closing the relay every hour after it detects an open state. Additionally, if the relay is CLOSed without removing the source of the overpower, it will immediately revert to OPEN.
Query Return:
Default Value:
:INSTrument:ACTive:STATe <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
The "set" state indicates that the instrument is used by someone.
The "unset" state indicates it is not used by anyone
<0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Query Return:
0 | 1
Default Value:
:INSTrument:REMote:STATe <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>,<string>
This command can be used to indicate the device is being used by someone. The set command takes two parameters:
- a boolean to indicate whether the device is being used
- a string to indicate the identification of someone currently using the device.
When a value of 1 is passed into the boolean parameter (indicating the device being used), the identification string parameter must be non-empty; otherwise, a scpi error will be generated.
When no longer being used, these settings should be cleared with a boolean parameter of zero. The string paramter does not matter because it will automatically be set to the empty string.
The query command returns the current values of the boolean and the string settings. The remote identification string setting is empty only if it has never been set or has been cleared via this command.
Both settings will be reset after a reboot.
<0 | 1 | ON | OFF>,<string>
Measure Adjacent Channel Power Ratio
Only available in Spectrum Analyzer mode. ([:SENSe]:MODE SPEC)
Sets the active measurement to adjacent channel power ratio, sets the default measurement parameters, triggers a new measurement and returns the main channel power, lower adjacent, upper adjacent, lower alternate and upper alternate channel power results. It is a combination of the commands :CONFigure:ACPower; :READ:ACPower? For a description of the default adjacent channel power ratio measurement parameters see :CONFigure:ACPower. To make an adjacent channel power ratio measurement with settings other than the default values send: :CONFigure:ACPower
Commands to set desired settings: :READ:ACPower?
Data is returned as 9 comma-separated values: main channel power, absolute lower adjacent channel power, absolute upper adjacent channel power, absolute lower alternate channel power, absolute upper alternate channel power, relative lower adjacent channel power, relative upper adjacent channel power, relative lower alternate channel power, relative upper alternate channel power.
Measure Channel Power And Density
Only available in Spectrum Analyzer mode. ([:SENSe]:MODE SPEC)
Sets the active measurement to channel power, sets the default measurement parameters, triggers a new measurement and returns the channel power and channel power density results. It is a combination of the commands :CONFigure:CHPower; :READ:CHPower?
For a description of the default channel power measurement parameters see :CONFigure:CHPower. To make a channel power measurement with settings other than the default values send: :CONFigure:CHPower Commands to set desired settings :READ:CHPower? Data is returned as 2 comma-separated values: channel power, channel power density.
Measure Channel Power
Sets the active measurement to channel power, sets the default measurement parameters, triggers a new measurement and returns channel power as the result. It is a combination of the commands :CONFigure:CHPower; :READ:CHPower:CHPower?
To measure both channel power and channel power density use MEASure:CHPower? For a description of the default channel power measurement parameters see :CONFigure:CHPower. To make a channel power measurement with settings other than the default values send: :CONFigure:CHPower, Commands to set desired settings: :READ:CHPower:CHPower?
Measure Channel Power Density
Sets the active measurement to channel power, sets the default measurement parameters, triggers a new measurement and returns channel power density as the result. It is a combination of the commands :CONFigure:CHPower; :READ:CHPower:DENSity?
To measure both channel power and channel power density use MEASure:CHPower? For a description of the default channel power measurement parameters see :CONFigure:CHPower. To make a channel power measurement with settings other than the default values send: :CONFigure:CHPower, Commands to set desired settings: :READ:CHPower:DENSity?
Cancel CI Measurement
Reset the state of the current Carrier-to-Interference Ratio measurement.
Continue CI Measurement
Advance the state Inactive/CarrierOn/CarrierOff of the current Carrier-to-Interference Ratio measurement.
Measure Interference Tone Integrated Power
Sets the active measurement to Interference Tone, sets the default measurement parameters, triggers a new measurement and returns integrated power as the result. It is a combination of the commands :CONFigure:INTerference; :READ:INTerference:POWer?
For a description of the default Interference Tone measurement parameters see :CONFigure:INTerference. Use :CONFigure:INTerference command to replace the default values.
:MEASure:IQ:CAPTure [<PPS>]
This set command is used to start the IQ capture measurement.
If IQ:MODE is SINGle, this command will triger a single I/Q block capture. While the capture is in progress the I/Q Capture bit of STATus:OPERation? will be set to 1. Clients can read the captured data with the TRAC:IQ:DATA? query.
If IQ:MODE is STREAM, this command will start streaming capture of I/Q data. The most recently captured block of I/Q data can be read with the TRAC:IQ:DATA? query. In STREAM capture mode, the capture will not complete until aborted. While streaming is going, clients will need to continuously read captured blocks with TRAC:IQ:DATA?.
Regardless of the capture mode, the capture can be aborted. The capture can be aborted with the ABORt command preferably, though most commands which change hardware settings will also abort the capture (clients should assume that any non-query command sent while a capture is in progress will abort the capture). To determine if the capture was aborted, check the output of STATus:OPERation?.
The capture will also be 'paused' if the instrument detects an overpower or overheat condition: in this situation, any pending TRAC:IQ:DATA? query will immediately return #0 and a device-specific error will be added to the SCPI error queue. When the condition is rectified (either by removing the source of the overpower and closing the overpower relay, or waiting for the instrument to cool down), the capture will automatically restart.
Additionally if the instrument detects a change in reference source (either due to a loss/acquisition of GPS or a connection/disconnection of external reference) a device-specific error will be added to the SCPI error queue.
In either capture mode, this command will do nothing if a capture is already in progress.
The device-specific errors this command adds to the SCPI error queue include a description that looks like the following:
Device-specific error;Reference source changed during capture @ Thu Jun 18 17:02:03 2015
Device-specific error;Capture paused due to overheating @ Thu Jun 18 17:02:03 2015
Device-specific error;Capture paused due to RF overpower @ Thu Jun 18 17:02:03 2015
Each description contains the reason for the error and a timestamp when the error occurred.
In products that support SENSe:SWEep:MODE, if the sweep mode (see SENSe:SWEep:MODE) is not currently FFT, this command will set it to FFT prior to starting the capture.
A optional parameter, PPS, can be set if the capture or stream is to start within a ms of the GPS PPS. This can be used to synchronize captures between multiple MS208xAs. If there's no GPS, it will be based on an internal PPS counter that might not have an absolute reference.
Capture on Failure
Sets or queries whether the instrument will automatically save an IQ capture when losing sync.
When the instrument goes from having good sync to no sync, the IQ data for the failed measurement is saved to the user partition.
"FIRSt" causes a single capture to be performed and then transition to the OFF" state. REPeat" causes saves the IQ data on every loss of sync.
"FIRSt" is recommended to avoid accidentally filling up the user partition.
This command is only available when in 5GNR Analyzer mode ([:SENSe]:MODE NRADio).
Query Return:
Default Value:
Measure OTA Coverage Mapping
Only available in Spectrum Analyzer mode (see [:SENSe]:MODE).
Supports RSSI, CHP, and PSD map measurements (see [:SENSe][:OTA]:MAPPing:MEASurement).
Sets the active measurement to OTA Coverage Mapping, sets the default measurement parameters, triggers a new measurement, and returns the measured values.
Measurement parameters for the default RSSI include:
Sets the instrument to single sweep mode.
Measurement parameters for CHP and PSD include:
Sets the integration bandwidth equal to span.
Sets the detection method to RMS.
Sets the instrument to single sweep mode.
See :READ:OTA:MAPPing? for details on returned data.
:MEASure:OTA:MAPPing:RUN <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
OTA Coverage Mapping Data Collection
Turn on/off OTA Coverage Mapping Data Collection. The instrument must be in Coverage Mapping measurement for the command to be effective (see [:SENSe][:OTA]:MAPPing:STATe).
Note that before starting/restarting indoor mapping with the time interval, the start position will have to be selected first (see [:SENSe][:OTA]:MAPPing:POSition)
<0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Query Return:
0 | 1
Default Value:
Clear All IQ Capture On Event
Turns off all IQ Capture on event types that are active.
:MMEMory:EMF:STORe:LOG <string>
EMF Log Storage Device
This command sets or queries the storage device where EMF log files will be saved. Use the :MMEMory:CATalog:MSUSs? query to retrieve a list of valid parameters for this setting.
Default Value:
:MMEMory:LOAD:LIMit <string>,<string>,<string>
Load Limit From File
This command loads limit data from the specified limit file.
The file location is resolved using the MSUS and file path parameters. Parameters:
1. Label: Used to specify which limit to load. Currently, the label only supports loading all limits. Send an empty string or "ALL" to load all limits.
2. File path: The file path (including file name) relative to the MSUS root directory. File path is case sensitive. File extension is optional.
3. MSUS: Device to load the file from. See MMEMory:CATalog:MSUSs? for information on obtaining the list of available devices. MSUS parameter is case sensitive.
The model of the device that the limit was saved in must match the model of the the device to load in; otherwise, the load will be rejected.
:MMEMory:LOAD:MAP <string>
OTA Indoor Map File Path
Sets/queries the file name with path of the current indoor map. The instrument must be in Coverage Mapping measurement for the set command to be effective (see [:SENSe][:OTA]:MAPPing:STATe).
Store data to RAM from a file. This command takes three parameters
1. data block size: that needs to be stored in bytes (must be a word aligned)
2. offset: in bytes from start of RAM address to store data at
3. filename: name of the file without the full path. Contents of this file will be copied over to RAM
:MMEMory:LOAD:RECord <string>,<string>
Load Playback File
This command loads a file made with Trace Recording for playback.
1. File path: The file path (including file name) relative to the MSUS root directory. File extension is optional.
2. MSUS: Device to recall the file from. See MMEMory:CATalog:MSUSs? for information on obtaining the list of available devices.
:MMEMory:LOAD:SEMask:CUSTom <string>,<string>
Load Custom SEM From File
This command loads sem mask data from the specified csv file.
The file location is resolved using the MSUS and file path parameters. Parameters:
2. File path: The file path (including file name) relative to the MSUS root directory. File path is case sensitive. File extension is optional.
3. MSUS: Device to load the file from. See MMEMory:CATalog:MSUSs? for information on obtaining the list of available devices. MSUS parameter is case sensitive.
Specifies the stop mode of the end of sweep save on event system. Setting the value to CONTinuous will cause the instrument to keep saving traces at the completion of every valid sweep. Setting the value to SINGle will trigger a save trace on the next complete valid sweep and then automatically turn the end of sweep save on event feature OFF.
Query Return:
Default Value:
:MMEMory:STOEvent:EOSWeep[:STATe] <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
End of Sweep Save on Event State
Turn the end of sweep save on event ON or OFF. Turning the feature on will cause the instrument to automatically save a trace whenever a sweep completes.
A common cause of the command failure is not having enough space available on the storage location. Use :MMEMory:CATalog:DIRectory query command to retrieve the total space available on the storage location.
<0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Query Return:
0 | 1
Default Value:
:MMEMory:STOEvent:LIMit:INTerval <numeric_value> {PS | NS | US | MS | S | MIN | HR}
Limit Save On Event Interval
Sets the time interval to keep saving after a limit line failure has occured when :MMEMory:STOEvent:LIMit:MODE is set to INTerval.
<numeric_value> {PS | NS | US | MS | S | MIN | HR}
Specifies the stop mode of the limit save on event system. Setting the value to CONTinuous will cause the instrument to keep saving traces at every limit line failure. Setting the value to SINGle will trigger a save trace on the next limit line failure and then automatically turn the end of sweep save on event feature OFF automatically. Setting the value to INTerval will trigger a save on the next limit line failure and contiue to save at every end of sweep until the set time interval has expired.
Query Return:
Default Value:
:MMEMory:STOEvent:LIMit:PTRigger[:STATe] <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Limit Pretrigger Save on Event State
Turn the limit pre-trigger save on event ON or OFF. Turning the feature ON will cause the instrument to automatically save a trace captured prior to the limit line failure trace. The :MMEMory:STOEvent:LIMit[:STATe] and :INITiate:CONTinuous needs to be turned ON for the pre-trigger feature to apply.
A common cause of the command failure is not having enough space available on the storage location. Use :MMEMory:CATalog:DIRectory query command to retrieve the total space available on the storage location.
<0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Query Return:
0 | 1
Default Value:
:MMEMory:STOEvent:LIMit[:STATe] <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Limit Save on Event State
Turn the limit save on event ON or OFF. Turning the feature on will cause the instrument to automatically save a trace whenever a limit line failure occurs.
A common cause of the command failure is not having enough space available on the storage location. Use :MMEMory:CATalog:DIRectory query command to retrieve the total space available on the storage location.
<0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Query Return:
0 | 1
Default Value:
:MMEMory:STOEvent:TIMer:INTerval <numeric_value> {PS | NS | US | MS | S | MIN | HR}
Timer Save On Event Interval
Sets the time interval to save when :MMEMory:STOEvent:TIMer[:STATe] is enabled. The queried value is always in milliseconds.
<numeric_value> {PS | NS | US | MS | S | MIN | HR}
Query Return:
Numeric (ms)
Default Value:
240000 ms
Default Unit:
0 ms to 3600000 ms
:MMEMory:STOEvent:TIMer[:STATe] <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Limit Save on Event State
Turn the timer save on event ON or OFF. Turning the feature on will cause the instrument to automatically save a trace at the interval specified by :MMEMory:STOEvent:LIMit:INTerval, if space is available. Available memory may be checked using :MMEMory:CATalog:DIRectory query command.
<0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Query Return:
0 | 1
Default Value:
:MMEMory:STORe:CSCanner:CSV:MSUS <string>
Channel Scanner Csv Logging Storage Device
This command sets or queries the storage device where Channel Scanner log files will be saved. Use the :MMEMory:CATalog:MSUSs? query to retrieve a list of valid parameters for this setting.
Default Value:
:MMEMory:STORe:CSCanner:CSV:PATH <string>
Channel Scanner CSV Logging Location
This command sets or queries the relative path to the directory wheres Channel Scanner result files will be saved. The log location is only used when Channel Scanner logging is enabled. The path is relative to the selected Channel Scanner storage device specified by the Device setting (:MMEMory:STORe:CSCanner:CSV:MSUS).
Default Value:
:MMEMory:STORe:LIMit <string>,<string>,<string>
Store Limit To File
This command stores the limit data into the specified file location. The file location is resolved using the MSUS and file path parameters. Intermediate folders specified by the file path parameter are automatically created. The output file extension is .lim.
The command automatically overwrites the specified file if present. Parameters:
1. Label: Used to specify which limit to store. Currently, the label only supports storing all limits. Send an empty string or "ALL" to store all limits.
2. File path: The file path (including file name) relative to the MSUS root directory. File path is case sensitive. File extension is optional.
3. MSUS: Device to store the file to. See MMEMory:CATalog:MSUSs? for information on obtaining the list of available devices. MSUS parameter is case sensitive.
A common cause of the command failure is not having enough space available on the storage location. Use :MMEMory:CATalog:DIRectory query command to retrieve the total space available on the storage location.
This command saves the current OTA Coverage Mapping data to a file in CSV format in specified file location. The file location is resolved using the MSUS and file path parameters. These parameters are case sensitive.
1. Label: This is currently unused when saving OTA Coverage Mapping data and an empty string should be used.
2. File path: The file path (including file name) relative to the MSUS root directory. File extension should not be specified.
3. MSUS: Device to save the file on. See MMEMory:CATalog:MSUSs? for information on obtaining the list of available devices.
A common cause of the command failure is not having enough space available on MSUS to save trace. Use :MMEMory:CATalog:DIRectory query command to retrieve the total space available on MSUS. The CSV file will have the following formats depending on the mapping measurement:
INSTRUMENT_BEGIN Model,OptionsInstalled,ExternalSerialNumber,FileFormatVersion,Application,Mode,Measurement <Model>,<Installed Options>,<External Serial Number>,<File Format Version>,<Application>,<Mode>,<Measurement> INSTRUMENT_END DATA_BEGIN Point,GPS Status,Longitude(radians)/X,Latitude(radians)/Y,Altitude(m),UTC Date,UTC Time,Measurement,RSSI(dBm),Center Frequency(Hz),RBW(Hz),VBW(hz),Detection,Excellent(dBm),Very Good(dBm),Good(dBm),Fair(dBm),Poor(dBm) <Point Number>,<Longitude or X Coordinate>,<Latitude or Y Coordinate>,<Altitude>,<UTC Date>,<UTC Time>,<Measurement Type>,<Channel Power>,<Center Frequency>,<RBW>,<VBW>,<Detection>,<Excellent>,<Very Good>,<Good>,<Fair>,<Poor> ... ... ... DATA_END Channel Power:
INSTRUMENT_BEGIN Model,OptionsInstalled,ExternalSerialNumber,FileFormatVersion,Application,Mode,Measurement <Model>,<Installed Options>,<External Serial Number>,<File Format Version>,<Application>,<Mode>,<Measurement> INSTRUMENT_END DATA_BEGIN Point,GPS Status,Longitude(radians)/X,Latitude(radians)/Y,Altitude(m),UTC Date,UTC Time,Measurement,Channel Power(dBm),Center Frequency(Hz),RBW(Hz),VBW(hz),Detection,Excellent(dBm),Very Good(dBm),Good(dBm),Fair(dBm),Poor(dBm) <Point Number>,<Longitude or X Coordinate>,<Latitude or Y Coordinate>,<Altitude>,<UTC Date>,<UTC Time>,<Measurement Type>,<Channel Power>,<Center Frequency>,<RBW>,<VBW>,<Detection>,<Excellent>,<Very Good>,<Good>,<Fair>,<Poor> ... ... ... DATA_END Channel Power Density:
INSTRUMENT_BEGIN Model,OptionsInstalled,ExternalSerialNumber,FileFormatVersion,Application,Mode,Measurement <Model>,<Installed Options>,<External Serial Number>,<File Format Version>,<Application>,<Mode>,<Measurement> INSTRUMENT_END DATA_BEGIN Point,GPS Status,Longitude(radians)/X,Latitude(radians)/Y,Altitude(m),UTC Date,UTC Time,Measurement,Channel Power Density(dBm/Hz),Center Frequency(Hz),RBW(Hz),VBW(hz),Detection,Excellent(dBm/Hz),Very Good(dBm/Hz),Good(dBm/Hz),Fair(dBm/Hz),Poor(dBm/Hz) <Point Number>,<Longitude or X Coordinate>,<Latitude or Y Coordinate>,<Altitude>,<UTC Date>,<UTC Time>,<Measurement Type>,<Channel Power>,<Center Frequency>,<RBW>,<VBW>,<Detection>,<Excellent>,<Very Good>,<Good>,<Fair>,<Poor> ... ... ... DATA_END If there is no GPS lock and an indoor map is being used, the longitude becomes the X coordinate, the Latitude becomes the Y coordinate. Altitude, UTC Date, and UTC Time will be N/A.
This command saves the current OTA Coverage Mapping data to a file in KML format in specified file location. The file location is resolved using the MSUS and file path parameters. These parameters are case sensitive.
1. Label: This is currently unused when saving OTA Coverage Mapping data and an empty string should be used.
2. File path: The file path (including file name) relative to the MSUS root directory. File extension should not be specified.
3. MSUS: Device to save the file on. See MMEMory:CATalog:MSUSs? for information on obtaining the list of available devices.
A common cause of the command failure is not having enough space available on MSUS to save trace. Use :MMEMory:CATalog:DIRectory query command to retrieve the total space available on MSUS. If there is no GPS lock and an indoor map is being used, the longitude becomes the X coordinate, the Latitude becomes the Y coordinate. Altitude, UTC Date, and UTC Time will be N/A.
Load data from RAM to a file. This command takes three parameters
1. data block size: that needs to be loaded in bytes (must be a word aligned)
2. offset: in bytes from start of RAM address to load from
3. filename: name of the file without the full path. This is the destination file where the contents of RAM are copied over In NRAD and LTE modes, this command saves a IQ capture in 32 bit floating point format
matching the settings. The parameters are ignored (but still need to be passed) and values
are used are based on the capture bandwith. The capture is 60 ms long to cover multiple frames.
This is the command used by the capture buttons in the NRAD and LTE modes in the file menu.
Discard Trace Recording CSV File
This command discards the last file written for Trace Recording in CSV.
:MMEMory:STORe:RECord:CSV:MSUS <string>
Trace Recording CSV Storage Device
This command sets or queries the MSUS device that Trace Recordings in CSV will be stored in.
Default Value:
:MMEMory:STORe:RECord:CSV:PATH <string>
Trace Recording CSV Storage Location
This command sets or queries the directory that Trace Recordings in CSV will be stored in.
Default Value:
:MMEMory:STORe:RECord:CSV:PREFix <string>
Trace Recording CSV File Name Prefix
This command sets or queries the file name prefix for Trace Recording in CSV.
Default Value:
:MMEMory:STORe:RECord:MSUS <string>
Trace Recording Storage Device
This command sets or queries the MSUS device recorded traces will be stored in.
Default Value:
:MMEMory:STORe:RECord:PATH <string>
Trace Recording Storage Location
This command sets or queries the path to the directory recorded traces will be stored in.
Default Value:
:MMEMory:STORe:RECord:PREFix <string>
Trace Recording File Name Prefix
This command sets or queries the file name prefix for Trace Recording.
This command saves the current trace to CSV file in specified file location. The file location is resolved using the MSUS and file path parameters. These parameters are case sensitive.
1. Label: Used to specify which trace to save. Currently, the label only supports saving all traces. Send an empty string or "ALL" to store all traces.
2. File path: The file path (including file name) relative to the MSUS root directory. File extension should not be specified.
3. MSUS: Device to save the file on. See MMEMory:CATalog:MSUSs? for information on obtaining the list of available devices.
A common cause of the command failure is not having enough space available on MSUS to save trace. Use :MMEMory:CATalog:DIRectory query command to retrieve the total space available on MSUS.
Read Adjacent Channel Power Ratio
Triggers a new adjacent channel power ratio measurement and returns the results: main channel power, lower adjacent and upper adjacent channel power. It is the equivalent of the command sequence :ABORT; :INITiate; :FETCh:ACPower?
The channel power measurement must be the active measurement (specified by the command :CONFigure:ACPower).The instrument should be in the single sweep mode.
The current measurement can be queried using the command :CONFigure? Data is returned as 9 comma-separated values: main channel power, absolute lower adjacent channel power, absolute upper adjacent channel power, absolute lower alternate channel power, absolute upper alternate channel power, relative lower adjacent channel power, relative upper adjacent channel power, relative lower alternate channel power, relative upper alternate channel power.
If the measurement is not active, the instrument will indicate error -400 and return the string "nan,nan,nan,nan,nan". If :INITiate command fails or if :INITiate:CONTinuous is set to ON(continuous sweep) it returns a string "nan,nan,nan,nan,nan,nan,nan,nan,nan"
Read Channel Power And Density
Triggers a new channel power measurement and returns the results: channel power and channel power density. It is the equivalent of the command sequence: ":ABORT; :INITiate; :FETCh:CHPower?"
The channel power measurement must be the active measurement (specified by the command :CONFigure:CHPower).The instrument should be in the single sweep mode. Data is returned as 2 comma-separated values: channel power, channel power density.
If the measurement is not active, the instrument will indicate error -400 and return the string "nan,nan". If :INITiate command fails, or if :INITiate:CONTinuous is set to ON(continuous sweep), it returns a string "nan,nan".
Read Channel Power
Triggers a new channel power measurement and returns the channel power result: channel power. It is the equivalent of the command sequence ":ABORT; :INITiate; :FETCh:CHPower:CHPower?"
The channel power measurement must be the active measurement (specified by the command :CONFigure:CHPower).The instrument should be in the single sweep mode. Data returned is: channel power.
If the measurement is not active, the instrument will indicate error -400 and return the string "nan,nan". If :INITiate command fails, or if :INITiate:CONTinuous is set to ON(continuous sweep), it returns a string "nan,nan".
Read Channel Power Density
Triggers a new channel power measurement and returns the results: channel power density. It is the equivalent of the command sequence :ABORT; :INITiate; :FETCh:CHPower:DENSity? The channel power measurement must be the active measurement (specified by the command :CONFigure:CHPower).The instrument should be in the single sweep mode. Data returned is: channel power density.
If the measurement is not active, the instrument will indicate error -400 and return the string "nan,nan". If :INITiate command fails, or if :INITiate:CONTinuous is set to ON(continuous sweep), it returns a string "nan,nan"
Triggers a new EIRP measurement and returns the current EIRP, Max EIRP, Horizontal EIRP, Vertical and Sum EIRP results in dBm. It is a combination of the commands :ABORT; :INITiate; :FETCh:EIRPower?
The EIRP measurement must be the active measurement (specified by the command :CONFigure:EIRPower). The instrument should be in the single sweep mode. Data is returned as 2 comma-separated values: EIRP, max EIRP. If the measurement is not active, the instrument will indicate error -400 and return the string "nan,nan". If :INITiate command fails or if :INITiate:CONTinuous is set to ON(continuous sweep), it returns a string "nan,nan".
Read Current EIRP
Triggers a new EIRP measurement and returns the current EIRP result in dBm. It is a combination of the commands :ABORT; :INITiate; :FETCh:EIRPower:DATA?
The EIRP measurement must be the active measurement (specified by the command :CONFigure:EIRPower).The instrument should be in the single sweep mode. If the measurement is not active, the instrument will indicate error -400 and return the string "nan". If :INITiate command fails or if :INITiate:CONTinuous is set to ON(continuous sweep),it returns a string "nan".
Read MAXimum EIRP
Triggers a new EIRP measurement and returns the maximum EIRP results in dBm. It is a combination of the commands :ABORT; :INITiate; :FETCh:EIRPower:MAX?
The EIRP measurement must be the active measurement (specified by the command :CONFigure:EIRPower). The instrument should be in the single sweep mode. If the measurement is not active, the instrument will indicate error -400 and return the string "nan". If :INITiate command fails or if :INITiate:CONTinuous is set to ON(continuous sweep),it returns a string "nan".
Read Interference Tone Integrated Power
Triggers a new Interference Tone measurement and returns the integrated power result. It is the equivalent of the command sequence ":ABORT; :INITiate; :FETCh:INTerference:POWer?"
The Interference Tone measurement must be the active measurement (specified by the command :CONFigure:INTerference).The instrument should be in the single sweep mode. Data returned is: integrated power.
If the measurement is not active, the instrument will indicate error -400 and return the string "nan,nan". If :INITiate command fails, or if :INITiate:CONTinuous is set to ON(continuous sweep), it returns a string "nan,nan".
Read OTA Coverage Mapping
Available in Spectrum Analyzer mode only (see [:SENSe]:MODE)
Triggers a new OTA Coverage Mapping measurement and returns the results. It is the equivalent of the command sequence ":ABORT; :INITiate; :FETCh:OTA:MAPPing? The OTA Coverage Mapping measurement must be the active measurement (see [:SENSe][:OTA]:MAPPing:STATe);
otherwise, the instrument will report error -400 and return the string "{}". The instrument must be in the single sweep mode. Data is returned in JSON format. See :FETCh:OTA:MAPPing for more details.
If :INITiate command fails, "nan" will be returned in place of the measurement data in the JSON response. If :INITiate:CONTinuous is set to ON(continuous sweep), the instrument will report error -213 and return "nan" for the measurement data in the JSON response.
Read Spectral Emission Mask
Triggers a new Spectral Emission Mask measurement and returns the current Spectral Emission Mask mesurement result. It is a combination of the commands :ABORT; :INITiate; :FETCh:SEMask? The Spectracl Emission Mask measurement must be the active measurement (specified by the command :CONFigure:SEMask). Data is returned as ASCII of JSON object. Please refer to :FETCh:SEMask command for sample response.
If the measurement is not active, the instrument will indicate error -400 and return an empty object.
This command sets and queries the squelch level, which cuts off audio from signals below its level.
See UNIT:POWer to query or set the current amplitude units.
<numeric_value> {<amplitude_units>}
Query Return:
Numeric (<amplitude_units>)
Default Value:
-120 dBm
Default Unit:
-120 dBm to 30 dBm
[:SENSe]:AMFM:STATe <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
AMFM Measurement State
This command sets and queries the state of the AMFM meausurement.
<0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Query Return:
0 | 1
Default Value:
[:SENSe]:ARFChannel <numeric_value>
Absolute RF Channel Number
Sets or queries the Absolute RF Channel Number for the current demod measurement. Accepted values vary based on the current operating band. Inputting invalid values will set the closest valid value possible for the given circumstances.
When the operating band is not being used ([:SENSe]:OBANd is INValid), this value will not be settable. Attempts to set this when the system is in this state will return the error -221.
Query Return:
Default Value:
0 to 3279165
[:SENSe]:AVERage:COUNt <numeric_value>
Sense Average Count
Sets the effective number of averages and the length of the rolling min and max hold. Due to memory limitations the actual length of buffers for rolling min and max hold are limited to 2,000,000 / number of trace points.
Specifies how successive traces are combined to produce the resulting display value. Only applies to trace 1. Setting the TYPE to NORMal will cause the displayed value for a point to be the current measured value for that point. Setting the TYPE to AVERage will cause the displayed value for a point to be the average of the last <integer> measured values where <integer> is set by [:SENSe]:AVERage:COUNt. Setting the TYPE to MAXimum will cause the displayed value for a point is the maximum measured value for that point over sweeps. Setting the TYPE to MINimum will cause the displayed value for a point is the minimum measured value for that point over sweeps.Setting the TYPE to RMAXimum will cause the displayed value for a point to be the maximum of the last <integer> measured values where <integer> is set by [:SENSe]:AVERage:COUNt.Setting the TYPE to RMINimum will cause the displayed value for a point to be the minimum of the last <integer> measured values where <integer> is set by [:SENSe]:AVERage:COUNt.
Note that using this command turns the automatic resolution bandwidth setting OFF. In Zero Span, the range will change to allow a mininum of 5 KHz to the maximum of 20 MHz.
Sets the ratio of the resolution bandwidth to the span for use when the resolution bandwidth to span coupling is enabled. Note that the front panel interface sets the inverse ratio: the span to the resolution bandwidth.
Note that using this command turns the automatic video bandwidth setting OFF. In Zero Span, the range will change to allow a mininum of 5 KHz to the maximum of 20 MHz.
Sets the ratio of the video bandwidth to the resolution bandwidth for use when the video to resolution bandwidth coupling is enabled. Note that the front panel interface sets the inverse ratio: the resolution bandwidth to the video bandwidth which is an integer, in other words, if you send 0.35, the display will show 2 not 2.857
[:SENSe]:BANDwidth[:RESolution]:AUTO <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
RBW Auto
Sets the state of the coupling of the resolution bandwidth to the frequency span. Setting the value to ON or 1 will result in the resolution bandwidth being coupled to the span. That is, when the span changes, the resolution bandwidth changes. Setting the value to OFF or 0 will result in the resolution bandwidth being decoupled from the span. That is, changing the span will not change the resolution bandwidth. When this command is issued, the resolution bandwidth setting itself will not change.
<0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Query Return:
0 | 1
Default Value:
[:SENSe]:BANDwidth:VIDeo:AUTO <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
VBW Auto
Sets the state of the coupling of the video bandwidth to the resolution bandwidth. Setting the value to ON or 1 will result in the video bandwidth being coupled to the resolution bandwidth. That is, when the resolution bandwidth changes, the video bandwidth changes. Setting the value to OFF or 0 will result in the video bandwidth being decoupled from the resolution bandwidth. That is, changing the resolution bandwidth will not change the video bandwidth.
<0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Query Return:
0 | 1
Default Value:
[:SENSe]:BEAM <numeric_value>
Measured Beam
Sets or queries the beam number to measure and display.
Query Return:
Default Value:
0 to 63
[:SENSe]:BEAM:TRACking:STATe <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Detected Beam Tracking State
Sets or queries the state of the beam tracking functionality.
<0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Query Return:
0 | 1
Default Value:
[:SENSe]:BPOWer:END <numeric_value> {PS | NS | US | MS | S | MIN | HR}
End Time Burst Average Power
Set and queries the end time position marker in burst power measurement.
<numeric_value> {PS | NS | US | MS | S | MIN | HR}
Query Return:
Numeric (ms)
Default Value:
40000 ms
Default Unit:
1e-05 ms to 60000 ms
[:SENSe]:BPOWer:STARt <numeric_value> {PS | NS | US | MS | S | MIN | HR}
Start Time Burst Average Power
Set and queries the start time position marker in burst average power measurement.
<numeric_value> {PS | NS | US | MS | S | MIN | HR}
Query Return:
Numeric (ms)
Default Value:
10000 ms
Default Unit:
0 ms to 59999.999 ms
[:SENSe]:BPOWer:STATe <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Burst Average Power State
Sets and queries the state of the burst average power measurement
<0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Query Return:
0 | 1
Default Value:
Get Carrier Aggregation Measurements
Returns the Carrier Aggregation measurements for each carrier in a JSON format. Unlike [:SENSe]:FETCh:CAGGregation this command does not wait for the current measurement to complete before returning results.
Sets and queries the number of carriers in the Carrier Aggregation measurement.
Query Return:
Default Value:
1 to 8
[:SENSe]:CAGGregation:STATe <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Carrier Aggregation Measurement State
Turns on Carrier Aggregation, disables other measurements. When Carrier Aggregation measurement is on, changing frequencies, band, and antenna configurations will only apply to the active carrier. For instance, if the active carrier is set to 2, changing the center frequency will only change the center frequency for the carrier 2. Use command [:SENSe]:CAGGregation:CARRier:ACTive to set the active carrier.
Sets or queries the channel bandwidth for the current demod measurement.
Full set of possible values are 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100 MHz, though actual accepted values vary based on the current operating band and purchased options.
Sets and queries the integration bandwidth for Carrier to Interference Ratio measurement. Integration bandwidth must be less than or equal to span.
<numeric_value> {HZ | KHZ | MHZ | GHZ}
Query Return:
Numeric (Hz)
Default Value:
10350000 Hz
Default Unit:
10 Hz to 400000000000 Hz
CI Carrier State
Queries the current measuring state for Carrier to Interference Ratio measurement. Values can be INACtive|ONCarrier|OFFCarrier, and are advanced with the MEAS:CINT:CONT command.
Query Return:
Default Value:
[:SENSe]:CINTerference:STATe <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Carrier-to-Interference Ratio Measurement State
Sets and queries the state of the Carrier-to-Interference Ratio measurement, ON or OFF. When using :CONFigure:CINTerference, the state is automatically set to ON.
<0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Query Return:
0 | 1
Default Value:
[:SENSe]:CLOCk:ADJust <numeric_value> {PS | NS | US | MS | S | MIN | HR}
Time Offset Correction
This command is used to change the time offset correction for the GMC to GNSS calculation.
<numeric_value> {PS | NS | US | MS | S | MIN | HR}
Query Return:
Numeric (ms)
Default Value:
0 ms
Default Unit:
-5 ms to 5 ms
[:SENSe]:CONStellation <PBCH|PDSCh>
Constellation Select
Sets or queries the constellation data selection for the current LTE or 5G measurement. Only PBCH is available in 5G measurement.
Valid selections are: PBCH and PDSCH.
Query Return:
Default Value:
PBCH Constellation
Get the Physical Broadcast Channel (PBCH) constellation results immediately from the last complete measurement. See the description for :FETCh:CONStellation:PBCH for the results format.
[:SENSe]:CONStellation:PBCH:BEAM <numeric_value>
Constellation Measurement State
Sets the beam number to filter for in the PBCH constellation measurement.
Query Return:
Default Value:
0 to 63
Data Channel Constellation
Get the Physical Downlink Shared Channel (PDSCH) constellation results immediately from the last complete measurement. See the description for :FETCh:CONStellation:PDSCh for the results format.
[:SENSe]:CONStellation:REFerence:STATe <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Constellation Reference Point State
Turns on/off constellation reference points
<0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Query Return:
0 | 1
Default Value:
[:SENSe]:CONStellation:STATe <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Constellation Measurement State
Turns on/off constellation measurement, disables other measurements
<0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Query Return:
0 | 1
Default Value:
[:SENSe]:CYCLicprefix <NORMal|EXTended|AUTO>
Cyclic Prefix
Sets or queries the cyclic prefix type.
Available parameters are NORMal, EXTended, and AUTO for LTE mode.
Query Return:
Default Value:
[:SENSe]:CYCLicprefix <NORMal|EXTended|AUTO>
Cyclic Prefix
Sets or queries the cyclic prefix type. Only NORMal is available in 5GNR
Query Return:
Default Value:
Discard Demod CSV
This command discards the last file written for Demod CSV Recording.
[:SENSe]:DEMod:GATE:DURation <COUPled|FRAMe>
Gated Spectrum Duration
Set or query the gated duration in LTE or 5G frame power measurement. Valid selections are: COUPled - only symbols within the analysis view ([:SENSe]:FPAView) will be considered for gated spectrum. FRAMe - all symbols will be considered for gated spectrum.
Set or query the gated spectrum type in LTE or 5G frame power measurement. Valid selections are: UPLink, DWLink, GP(Guard Period), ALL and NONe in LTE. UPLink, DWLink, FLEXible, ALL and NONe in 5G.
Query Return:
Default Value:
Demod Logging State
Set or query what state Demod logging is currently in. LOG to collect data, PAUSe to stop taking data but keep the recording open, STOP to end the recording and save the csv file. Note that the resulting file will have some fields left unfilled depending on which measurement is being recorded. Such fields are recorded as nan for floating point numbers and as -1 for integers.
Query Return:
Default Value:
[:SENSe]:DEMod:STORe:MSUS <string>
Demod Log Storage Device
This command sets or queries the storage device where the Demod CSV log files will be saved. Use the :MMEMory:CATalog:MSUSs? query to retrieve a list of valid parameters for this setting.
Default Value:
[:SENSe]:DEMod:STORe:PATH <string>
Demod Log Location
This command sets or queries the relative path to the directory where the Demod CSV log files will be saved. The log location is only used when Demod logging is enabled. The path is relative to the selected Demod storage device specified by the Device setting (:MMEMory:DEMod:STORe:MSUS).
Default Value:
[:SENSe]:DENSity:ACQuisition <numeric_value> {PS | NS | US | MS | S | MIN | HR}
Density Acquisition Time
Density acquisition time for RTSA Mode
<numeric_value> {PS | NS | US | MS | S | MIN | HR}
Query Return:
Numeric (ms)
Default Value:
50 ms
Default Unit:
50 ms to 5000 ms
[:SENSe]:DENSity:CSCale:AUTO <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
RTSA Density Color Scale Auto
In RTSA mode, this toggles the functionality for automatically scaling the color scale for the density spectrum measurement.
<0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Query Return:
0 | 1
Default Value:
[:SENSe]:DENSity:CSCale:HIGH <numeric_value>
RTSA Density Color Scale High
In RTSA mode, this indicates the percentage of hits needed at each point to be represented as the highest color of the density measurement's color scale (red).
Query Return:
Default Value:
0 to 100
[:SENSe]:DENSity:CSCale:LOW <numeric_value>
RTSA Density Color Scale Low
In RTSA mode, this indicates the percentage of hits needed at each point to be represented as the lowest color of the density measurement's color scale (blue).
Query Return:
Default Value:
0 to 100
Minimum Detectable Signal Duration
Gets the minimum duration (in ms) of a signal detectable by the system in RTSA mode.
Query Return:
Numeric (ms)
Default Value:
5e-06 ms
Default Unit:
1e-06 ms to 5000000 ms
[:SENSe]:DENSity:DISPlay:RESolution <NORMal|HIGH>
Density Display Resolution
This command sets the display resolution setting for the density measurement in RTSA mode.
Query Return:
Default Value:
FFT Count
Gets the current FFT count.
Query Return:
Default Value:
32 to 4294967295
[:SENSe]:DENSity:PERSistence <numeric_value> {PS | NS | US | MS | S | MIN | HR}
Density Persistence Time
Sets the density persistence time parameter in RTSA mode.
<numeric_value> {PS | NS | US | MS | S | MIN | HR}
Query Return:
Numeric (ms)
Default Value:
0 ms
Default Unit:
0 ms to 10000 ms
Density Persistence Clear
Clears the persistent data for the denisty measurement in RTSA mode.
Sets the detection method for calculating each display point. This command changes the detection method for the currently selected trace (see Select Trace command). To set the detection mode for any trace use the Trace Detector Type command. Each display point represents several measurements. The detection type determines how the display point is derived from its associated measurements. POSitive Peak detection displays the maximum value of the associated measurements. RMS detection displays the average power of the associated measurement. NEGative Peak detection displays the minimum value of the associated measurements. SAMPle detection selects one of the associated measurement points to display. In zero span and RTSA mode the SAMPle detection replaces RMS detection. NORMal detection displays the maximum value, POSitive Peak, when the point is odd and minimum value, NEGative Peak, when the point is even.
Directional Antenna Information
Requests combined data from the GPS module, the compass, and the status of the trigger switch, RF amp and the overload detector.
Sets or queries the duplex type. TDD is available for 5GNR and LTE. FDD is availiable for LTE.
Query Return:
Default Value:
[:SENSe]:EARFchannel <numeric_value>
E-UTRA Absolute RF Channel Number
Sets or queries the E-UTRA Absolute RF Channel Number for the current demod measurement. Accepted values vary based on the current operating band. Inputting invalid values will set the closest valid value possible for the given circumstances.
When the operating band is not being used ([:SENSe]:OBANd is INValid), this value will not be settable. Attempts to set this when the system is in this state will return the error -221.
Query Return:
Default Value:
0 to 3279165
[:SENSe]:EIRPower:CLOSs <numeric_value> {DB}
EIRP Test Port Cable Loss
This command sets or queries the test port cable loss for EIRP measurement.
See UNIT:POWer to query or set the current amplitude units.
<numeric_value> {DB}
Query Return:
Numeric (dB)
Default Value:
0 dB
Default Unit:
0 dB to 999 dB
[:SENSe]:EIRPower:DISTance <numeric_value>
EIRP Measurement's Distance
This command sets or queries the EIRP measurement's distance. Allowed unit types include m (meters) or ft (feet).
Note that if no unit is passed in, the instrument will assume that the incoming or outgoing unit is the unit type set through the [:SENSe]:EIRPower:DISTance:UNIT SCPI command.
Default Value:
0.01 m
Default Unit:
0.01 m to 50000 m
EIRP Distance Units
This command sets or queries the EIRP distance units. The query returns:
MET - Meters
FEET - Feet
Query Return:
Default Value:
Maximum EIRP Count
This command returns the current maximum EIRP count.
Reset Maximum EIRP Count
This command resets the maximum EIRP count.
EIRP Path Loss
This command queries the EIRP total path loss between the base station gNB and test antenna.
Query Return:
Numeric (dB)
Default Value:
0 dB
Default Unit:
0 dB to 999 dB
[:SENSe]:EIRPower:RAGain <numeric_value> {DB}
EIRP Rx Antenna Gain
This command sets or queries the EIRP Rx Antenna Gain in dBi.
See UNIT:POWer to query or set the current amplitude units.
<numeric_value> {DB}
Query Return:
Numeric (dB)
Default Value:
0 dB
Default Unit:
0 dB to 999 dB
[:SENSe]:EIRPower:STATe <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
EIRP State
Sets the state of the EIRP measurement, ON or OFF. When using :CONFigure:EIRPower,the state is automatically set to ON
<0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Query Return:
0 | 1
Default Value:
EIRP Sum Reset
Resets the Horizontal and Vertical EIRP values.
[:SENSe]:EIRPower:TAGain <numeric_value> {DB}
EIRP Tx Antenna Gain
This command sets or queries the EIRP Tx Antenna Gain in dBi.
See UNIT:POWer to query or set the current amplitude units.
<numeric_value> {DB}
Query Return:
Numeric (dB)
Default Value:
0 dB
Default Unit:
0 dB to 999 dB
EMF Axis
Set or query the current axis: X, Y, or Z.
Query Return:
Default Value:
[:SENSe]:EMF:AXIS:TIME <numeric_value> {PS | NS | US | MS | S | MIN | HR}
EMF Axis Dwell Time
Set or query the duration for which each axis will be measured before switching axes during a measurement. Note that this is the minimum time to spend on each axis, more may be spent in order to ensure each axis gets an equal number of complete sweeps. This, in addition to variable sweep times, means that the number of ISO_RESULTS in the log may vary somewhat (though they will contain roughly the same amount of data in total).
<numeric_value> {PS | NS | US | MS | S | MIN | HR}
Query Return:
Numeric (ms)
Default Value:
1000 ms
Default Unit:
10 ms to 120000 ms
Get the ICNIRP limit points that correspond to each display point for the current span.
[:SENSe]:EMF:ICNirp:STATe <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
EMF ICNIRP Limit State
Set or query whether or not the limit is set to the ICNIRP standard. The ICNIRP limit will take precedence over any normal limit for EMF measurements. To set a custom limit for EMF measurements, use the regular limit commands and set this to OFF. When ICNIRP limit is OFF, the limit #1 upper data is used to evaluate pass/fail results for EMF measurements. Both ICNIRP and custom limits are evaluated by checking trace #2 which is the isotropic result.
<0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Query Return:
0 | 1
Default Value:
[:SENSe]:EMF:LOG <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
EMF Logging Enable
Set or query whether or not EMF data logging is enabled.
<0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Query Return:
0 | 1
Default Value:
[:SENSe]:EMF:MEASurement:COUNt <numeric_value>
EMF Measurement Count
Set or query the number of measurements to take.
Query Return:
Default Value:
1 to 10000
[:SENSe]:EMF:MEASurement:TIME <numeric_value> {PS | NS | US | MS | S | MIN | HR}
EMF Measurement Time
Set or query the duration of each complete measurement. Queries return the value in milliseconds. Note that like dwell time, this is a minimum. More time may be added if any axes have not been measured.
<numeric_value> {PS | NS | US | MS | S | MIN | HR}
Query Return:
Numeric (ms)
Default Value:
360000 ms
Default Unit:
60000 ms to 1800000 ms
[:SENSe]:EMF:RUN <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
EMF Run State
Start/stop the EMF measurement or query its state. While running, other commands are disabled.
<0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Query Return:
0 | 1
Default Value:
[:SENSe]:EMF:STATe <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
EMF Measurement State
Enter/exit the EMF measurement or query its state.
<0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Query Return:
0 | 1
Default Value:
Frame Power Analysis View
Sets or queries the Frame Power Analysis view mode for the current LTE measurement.
Valid selections are: FRAME, SUBFRAME or SLOT.
Query Return:
Default Value:
[:SENSe]:FRAMe:POWer:STATe <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Frame Power Analysis State Command
Turns on frame power analysis measurement, disables other measurements
Sets the center frequency. Note that changing the value of the center frequency will change the value of the coupled parameters Start Frequency and Stop Frequency. It may also change the value of the span.
<numeric_value> {HZ | KHZ | MHZ | GHZ}
Query Return:
Numeric (Hz)
Default Value:
1500000000 Hz
Default Unit:
-99999999995 Hz to 5999999995 Hz
[:SENSe]:FREQuency:CENTer:SHARe <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Share Center Frequency
Enables "sharing" of the instrument center frequency.
When ON, changing any center frequency setting attempts
Set a frequency offset, which will be added to the start, stop, and center frequencies. This offset is for display purposes only and does not affect the frequency range being measured.
Sets the frequency span. Setting the value of <freq> to 0 Hz is the equivalent of setting the span mode to zero span. Note that changing the value of the frequency span will change the value of the coupled parameters Start Frequency and Stop Frequency and may change the Center Frequency.
Note that this command is not available for Spectral Emission Mask measurement.
<numeric_value> {HZ | KHZ | MHZ | GHZ}
Query Return:
Numeric (Hz)
Default Value:
106000000000 Hz
Default Unit:
10 Hz to 106000000000 Hz
Set to Full Span
Sets the frequency span to full span. Note that changing the value of the frequency span will change the value of the coupled parameters, Start Frequency and Stop Frequency and may change the Center Frequency.
Set to Last Span
Sets the frequency span to the previous span value. Note that changing the value of the frequency span will change the value of the coupled parameters, Start Frequency and Stop Frequency and may change the Center Frequency.
Sets the start frequency. Note that in the spectrum analyzer, changing the value of the start frequency will change the value of the coupled parameters, Center Frequency and Span.
Note that this command is not available for Spectral Emission Mask measurement.
Set or query the step size to gradually increase or decrease frequency value. This command doesn't change any behavior in the backend but will be included in save/recall operations.
Sets the stop frequency. Note that in the spectrum analyzer, changing the value of the stop frequency will change the value of the coupled parameters, Center Frequency and Span.
Note that this command is not available for Spectral Emission Mask measurement.
<numeric_value> {HZ | KHZ | MHZ | GHZ}
Query Return:
Numeric (Hz)
Default Value:
3000000000 Hz
Default Unit:
-99999999990 Hz to 6000000000 Hz
[:SENSe]:FREQuency:SWEep:TIME <numeric_value> {PS | NS | US | MS | S | MIN | HR}
Frequency Sweep Time
Sets the value of the minimum frequency sweep time parameter. The sweep will complete in the shortest time possible greater than the specified time. This value is ignored when Frequency Sweep Time Auto is set to TRUE. See command :FREQuency: SWEep:TIMe:AUTO. Any changes to this setting would automatically set Frequency Sweep Time Auto to false.
<numeric_value> {PS | NS | US | MS | S | MIN | HR}
Query Return:
Numeric (ms)
Default Value:
5000 ms
Default Unit:
0.001 ms to 3600000 ms
[:SENSe]:FREQuency:SWEep:TIMe:AUTO <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Frequency Sweep Time Auto
Specifies Sweep Time State as it applies to the Frequency Sweep Time. The default state is set to be TRUE and does not use the Frequency Sweep Time to determine the sweep speed.
<0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Query Return:
0 | 1
Default Value:
[:SENSe]:FSTRength:ANTenna <string>
Field Strength Antenna
Select or query the current antenna set for Field Strength.
Default Value:
Field Strength Antenna Factor
Returns an interpolated list of antenna factors as a json array where the size of the array corresponds to the number of display points currently selected.
For example: [ 2.0, 3.4, 5.3 ]
[:SENSe]:FSTRength:ANTenna:FILE <block data>
User Antenna List File Import and Export
This command imports/exports a file to/from the instrument. Data is transferred to/from the instrument as an IEEE definite length arbitrary block response, which has the form <header><block>.
Block Data: The data to be written to the instrument in block data format
Please note that the maximum file transfer size to the instrument is 25 MB.
The ASCII header specifies the number of data bytes of the file. It looks like #AX, where A is the number of digits in X and X is the number of bytes in the <block>. The first character is the literal ascii hash '#' 043. The second character (A) is a single ascii digit '1' to '9' describing the number of bytes in the length section (X). This number is called nlength. The next nlength bytes make up an ascii string of digits '1' to '9' describing the length of the <block> data.
For example, if the first 6 bytes are #49999, then the nlength is 4. The 4 bytes of length are 9999. After that follows the <block>, which would be 9999 bytes in size.
The file is returned in block data format with an ASCII header The query command will return a #10 if the file cannot be found.
<block data>
Field Strength Antenna List
Returns the list of available antennas. Return value is json array containing the Antenna name, its Start Frequency and its Stop Frequency.
For example:
"name": "Anritsu_Antenna_1",
"name": "Anritsu_Antenna_2",
Field Strength User Antenna List
Returns the list of available user antennas. Return value is json array containing the Antenna name, its Start Frequency and its Stop Frequency.
For example:
"name": "User_Antenna_1",
"name": "User_Antenna_2",
[:SENSe]:FSTRength:STATe <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Field Strength State
Sets the state of the field strength measurement ON or OFF.
If this command is set to ON, the amplitude measurement units on the instrument will be converted to its Field Strength value.
To query the amplitude measurement units, use the :UNIT:POWer? query command.
<0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Query Return:
0 | 1
Default Value:
[:SENSe]:FSTRength:STATe <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Field Strength State
Sets the state of the field strength measurement ON or OFF.
If this command is set to ON, the amplitude measurement units on the instrument will be converted to its Field Strength value.
To query the amplitude measurement units, use the :UNIT:POWer? query command.
<0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Query Return:
0 | 1
Default Value:
[:SENSe]:GATE:DELay <numeric_value> {PS | NS | US | MS | S | MIN | HR}
Gate Delay
Sets or queries the gate delay time. Available values are limited based on current mode.
<numeric_value> {PS | NS | US | MS | S | MIN | HR}
Query Return:
Numeric (ms)
Default Value:
0 ms
Default Unit:
0 ms to 199.999 ms
[:SENSe]:GATE:DLSLots[:ONE] <numeric_value>
P1 Downlink Slots
Sets or queries the number of Downlink slots for P1 (the first section of the pattern). Per 3GPP TS 38.213 (11.1 Slot configuration), within the standard defined structure IE tdd-UL-DL-ConfigurationCommon, "nrofDownlinkSlots" designates the number of downlink slots - slots composed of only downlink symbols - at the start of a given period, in the range (0..MaxNrofSlots).
Query Return:
Default Value:
0 to 160
[:SENSe]:GATE:DLSLots:TWO <numeric_value>
P2 Downlink Slots
Sets or queries the number of Downlink slots for P2 (the optional second section of the pattern). Per 3GPP TS 38.213 (11.1 Slot configuration), within the standard defined structure IE tdd-UL-DL-ConfigurationCommon, "nrofDownlinkSlots" designates the number of downlink slots - slots composed of only downlink symbols - at the start of a given period, in the range (0..MaxNrofSlots).
Query Return:
Default Value:
0 to 160
[:SENSe]:GATE:DLSYmbols[:ONE] <numeric_value>
P1 Downlink Symbols
Sets or queries the number of Downlink symbols for P1 (the first section of the pattern). Per 3GPP TS 38.213 (11.1 Slot configuration), within the standard defined structure IE tdd-UL-DL-ConfigurationCommon, "nrofDownlinkSymbols" defines the number of downlink symbols within the slot following the downlink slots of a given period, in the range (0..MaxNrofSymbols-1).
Query Return:
Default Value:
0 to 13
[:SENSe]:GATE:DLSYmbols:TWO <numeric_value>
P2 Downlink Symbols
Sets or queries the number of Downlink symbols for P2 (the optional second section of the pattern). Per 3GPP TS 38.213 (11.1 Slot configuration), within the standard defined structure IE tdd-UL-DL-ConfigurationCommon, "nrofDownlinkSymbols" defines the number of downlink symbols within the slot following the downlink slots of a given period, in the range (0..MaxNrofSymbols-1).
Query Return:
Default Value:
0 to 13
[:SENSe]:GATE:FRAMe:OFFSet <numeric_value> {PS | NS | US | MS | S | MIN | HR}
Frame Time Offset
Specify a Custom Frame Time Offset to be used when the Frame Start Time is set to Custom
ex: sense:gate:frame:starttime custom
<numeric_value> {PS | NS | US | MS | S | MIN | HR}
UTC = Coordinated Universal Time in accordance with Recommendation ITU-R TF.460. The typical measuring signal is 1 pps (pulse-per-second) signal from the clock device with the rising-edge materializing the exact second epoch. The start of frame defined as the beginning of the first slot in the UL/DL pattern has to be phase-synchronised with the frame start time. The start of the radio frame on the output shall be synchronous with the input time reference, i.e., when an UTC traceable reference is required, the start of the radio frame shall be aligned with the start time of the UTC second epoch. A configurable time-offset of start frame shall be supported by all base stations in synchronized TDD-unicast areas in order to achieve interoperability in coexistence scenarios.
AUTO, indicates use of automatic synchronization for all TDD frame start times.
SYNO, or Synchronize Once, indicates use of automatic synchronization once to obtain a TDD frame start time, to be used for successive frames. Setup parameter changes will automatically force a re-synchronization. You can also send [:SENSe]:GATE:FRAMe:STARttime:FORCe to force a re-synchronization.
UTC, represents a TDD frame start time which corresponds with the Coordinated Universal Time.
UTC3pos, represents a frame start time of UTC +3 ms. (5G only)
UTC2neg, represents a frame start time of UTC -2 ms. (5G only)
CUSTom, represents a custom frame start time in the range (-5, 5] ms. To specify this value, see the "Frame Time Offset" command. (sense:gate:frame:offset)
Query Return:
Default Value:
Frame Force synchronization
When SYNO is set with this command [:SENSe]:GATE:FRAMe:STARttime, synchronization will be attempted until it is successful. The frame timing obtained from the successful synchronization is used for subsequent UL/DL Interference measurements. Sending this command will force a re-synchronization so an updated frame timing can be used for the same. This could be used if the signal condition changes or we need to re-establish sync with another base station.
[:SENSe]:GATE:FRAMestructure <A|B1|B2|CUSTom>
TDD MFCN Frame Structure
Sets or queries use of either a Custom Frame Structure or one of two recommended by the Electronic Communications Committee (ECC), for time division duplexing (TDD) of mobile/fixed communications network (MFCN) operation to facilitate cross-border coordination of TDD MFCN in the 3400-3800 MHz frequency band.
Query Return:
Default Value:
[:SENSe]:GATE:FRAMestructure:SSTYpe <TYP1|TYP2>
TDD MFCN Frame B Special Slot Type
Sets or queries special slot configuration type for Frame B1 and B2 structures of [:SENSe]:GATE:FRAMestructure selections. Valid selections are: TYP1 for D:G:U 6:4:4, or TYP2 for D:G:U 4:6:4. \
Query Return:
Default Value:
[:SENSe]:GATE:LENGth <numeric_value> {PS | NS | US | MS | S | MIN | HR}
Gate Delay Length
Sets or queries the length of the gate delay. Avalailable values are limited based on current mode.
<numeric_value> {PS | NS | US | MS | S | MIN | HR}
Query Return:
Numeric (ms)
Default Value:
1 ms
Default Unit:
0.001 ms to 200 ms
[:SENSe]:GATE:PERiod <P1s|P20ms|P10ms>
Gated Sweep Period Length
Sets or queries the time period used for the Gated Sweep functionality. Available settings are: "P10ms" (10ms) and "P20ms" (20ms).
Sets or queries the Transmission Periodicity for P1 (the first section of the pattern). Per 3GPP TS 38.213 (11.1 Slot configuration), within the standard defined structure IE tdd-UL-DL-ConfigurationCommon, "dl-UL-TransmissionPeriodicity" defines the slot configuration period of a given length in msec.
The designations are split into a whole msec component preceeded by M and a fractional msec component preceeded by P. Alternatively, set NONE to set the length of P1 to zero.
Sets or queries the Transmission Periodicity for P2 (the optional second section of the pattern). Per 3GPP TS 38.213 (11.1 Slot configuration), within the standard defined structure IE tdd-UL-DL-ConfigurationCommon, "dl-UL-TransmissionPeriodicity" defines the slot configuration period of a given length in msec.
The designations are split into a whole msec component preceeded by M and a fractional msec component preceeded by P. Alternatively, set NONE to set the length of P2 to zero.
Sets or queries the status of the Gated Sweep functionality. Usage requires Option 0090.
<0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Query Return:
0 | 1
Default Value:
Gated Sweep Trigger Source
Sets or queries the trigger source used for the Gated Sweep functionality.
Query Return:
Default Value:
[:SENSe]:GATE:ULSLots[:ONE] <numeric_value>
P1 Uplink Slots
Sets or queries the number of Uplink slots for P1 (the first section of the pattern). Per 3GPP TS 38.213 (11.1 Slot configuration), within the standard defined structure IE tdd-UL-DL-ConfigurationCommon, "nrofUplinkSlots" defines the number of uplink slots - slots composed of only uplink symbols - at the end of a given period, in the range (0..MaxNrofSlots).
Query Return:
Default Value:
0 to 160
[:SENSe]:GATE:ULSLots:TWO <numeric_value>
P2 Uplink Slots
Sets or queries the number of Uplink slots for P2 (the optional second section of the pattern). Per 3GPP TS 38.213 (11.1 Slot configuration), within the standard defined structure IE tdd-UL-DL-ConfigurationCommon, "nrofUplinkSlots" defines the number of uplink slots - slots composed of only uplink symbols - at the end of a given period, in the range (0..MaxNrofSlots).
Query Return:
Default Value:
0 to 160
[:SENSe]:GATE:ULSYmbols[:ONE] <numeric_value>
P1 Uplink Symbols
Sets or queries the number of Uplink symbols for P1 (the first section of the pattern). Per 3GPP TS 38.213 (11.1 Slot configuration), within the standard defined structure IE tdd-UL-DL-ConfigurationCommon, "nrofUplinkSymbols" defines the number of uplink symbols within the slot preceding the uplink slots in a given period, in the range (0..MaxNrofSymbols-1).
Query Return:
Default Value:
0 to 13
[:SENSe]:GATE:ULSYmbols:TWO <numeric_value>
P2 Uplink Symbols
Sets or queries the number of Uplink symbols for P2 (the optional second section of the pattern). Per 3GPP TS 38.213 (11.1 Slot configuration), within the standard defined structure IE tdd-UL-DL-ConfigurationCommon, "nrofUplinkSymbols" defines the number of uplink symbols within the slot preceding the uplink slots in a given period, in the range (0..MaxNrofSymbols-1).
Set or query the Generator Output Power Level (in dBm)
Query returns actual output power setting without regards to any
external gain or loss setting.
Note: Returned value will not match displayed output power on the
instrument if generator output offset external gain/loss setting is not 0 dB
See UNIT:POWer to query or set the current amplitude units.
<numeric_value> {<amplitude_units>}
Query Return:
Numeric (<amplitude_units>)
Default Value:
0 dBm
Default Unit:
-50 dBm to 15 dBm
[:SENSe]:GENerator:STATe <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Generator Output State
Set or query the Generator Output state: 0/OFF, 1/ON.
<0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Query Return:
0 | 1
Default Value:
[:SENSe]:GSCNumber <numeric_value>
Global Sync Channel Number
Sets or queries the Global Sync Channel Number for the current demod measurement. Accepted values vary based on the current operating band and absolute RF channel number. Inputting invalid values will set the closest valid value possible for the given circumstances.
When the operating band is not being used ([:SENSe]:OBANd is INValid), this value will not be settable. Attempts to set this when the system is in this state will return the error -221.
Sets the level beyond which the tone will not rise in the Interference Tone or Triangulation measurement. The max level must be greater than the min level.
See UNIT:POWer to query or set the current amplitude units.
Sets the level below which the tone will not play in the Interference Tone or Triangulation measurement. The min level must be less than the max level.
See UNIT:POWer to query or set the current amplitude units.
<numeric_value> {<amplitude_units>}
Query Return:
Numeric (<amplitude_units>)
Default Value:
-50 dBm
Default Unit:
-150 dBm to 29.9 dBm
[:SENSe]:INTerference:STATe <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Interference Tone Measurement State
Sets the state of the Interference Tone measurement, ON or OFF. When using :CONFigure:INTerference,the state is automatically set to ON
<0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Query Return:
0 | 1
Default Value:
[:SENSe]:IQ:BITS <F32|I32|I16|I10|I8>
IQ Sample Format
The number of IQ bits per sample. Lower values enable higher throughput (continuous IQ capture) or longer maximum capture length (block IQ capture). The number of samples per frame increases as the bits per sample decreases:
Value Bits per sample Samples per frame Type
F32 32 1 floating point
I32 32 1 integer
I16 16 2 integer
I10 10 3 integer
I8 8 4 integer
Query Return:
Default Value:
IQ Discard
Stops any IQ capture or stream in progress and discards all data.
[:SENSe]:IQ:LENGth <numeric_value> {PS | NS | US | MS | S | MIN | HR}
Capture Length
The set form of this command sets the iq length in milliseconds and query form returns the iq length in milliseconds
<numeric_value> {PS | NS | US | MS | S | MIN | HR}
Query Return:
Numeric (ms)
Default Value:
10000 ms
Default Unit:
0.001 ms to 100000000 ms
Query IQ Data
Queries the current Metadata of ongoing or previosuly completed capture/stream.
If no capture/stream has been initiated since instrument has been powered on, a data out of range error will be added to the SCPI error queue. If the command is sent before some data has been populated, some fields will show as "nan" or "Unknown".
An example of returned IQ capture/stream data is as follows: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
3.Continuous mode takes consecutive single block captures
Query Return:
Default Value:
IQ Sample Calibration Configuration
In order to get the valid IQ correction factor, user should issue MEAS:IQ:CAPT command first. (Command only available in Spectrum and RTSA)
Returns a comma delimited list of I/Q measurement configuration and calibration coefficients information with 7 fields:
Center frequency,
Preamp state,
Input attenuation,
IQ base sample rate,
Decimation factor,
IQ capture bandwidth,
IQ correction factor in dB,
An invalid value of -20000 is returned if any of Center frequency, Preamp state, Input attenuation, IQ capture bandwidth settings is modified after issuing MEAS:IQ:CAPT command
To apply the IQ correction factor, please refer to the Remote Spectrum Monitoring System Help Introduction. Information is available in I/Q Capture Block Mode section of the manual (full path: Remote Spectrum Monitor/Programming with SCPI/I/Q Capture Block Mode)
IQ Configuration
Returns a comma delimited list of I/Q measurement configuration information with 5 fields: Base sample rate, Number of bytes per frame, Effective bits per sample (see SENSE:IQ:BITS), Decimation factor, Timestamp (see SENSE:IQ:TIMESTAMP).
The base sample rate is generally fixed in a specific hardware revision; its value is provided here to enable calculation of the data rate, or time between samples, which is equal to the base sample rate divided by the decimation factor. The data rate is used when extrapolating embedded timestamps to other samples. For example, assuming a data rate of 1 MHz, if the nth sample contains an embedded timestamp of 1444753342s + 37531655ns, the n+1th sample would have an effective timestamp of 1444753342s + 37531655ns + (1/1MHz) = 1444753342s + 37531655ns + 1ms = 1444753342s + 37532655ns.
The number of samples per frame is calculated by: floor(bitsPerFrame / bitsPerSample), where bitsPerFrame = 8 * bytesPerFrame
Decimation factor is read only, and its value is derived from the current capture bandwith setting. There is a 1-to-1 correspondence between an IQ:BAND value and a decimation factor.
Number of bytes per sample is 8 for I/Q and 2 for raw ADC capture. The raw ADC capture must be parsed differently. See TRAC:IQ:DATA? for the data format.
This command provides the information necessary for clients to reconstruct I/Q data samples and timestamps from the raw data returned by TRAC:IQ:DATA?.
[:SENSe]:IQ:TIMEstamps <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
IQ Timestamps
Enables or disables IQ timestamps.
When I/Q timestamps are enabled, timestamps will be embedded in the binary response data returned by TRACe:IQ:DATA?.
Frame chunks are composed of 64 frames of 64-bits in length. Each frame uses the least-significant bit of each I and Q sample for timestamping.
If SENS:IQ:BITS is I10, the timestamp does not reduce resolution.
If SENS:IQ:BITS is F32, I32, I16, or I8, the timestamp reduces the resolution by one bit.
In the F32, I32 cases, each sample is 31 bits. In the I16 case, 1/2 samples are 15 bits. In the I8 case, 1/4 samples are 7 bits. If SENS:IQ:TIMESTAMPS is OFF, then the IQ data cannot be absolutely positioned in time, but all samples have full resolution.
This setting is ignored if SENSE:IQ:BITS is 10 bits because there are extra, otherwise unused bits.
The timestamps are shift-encoded in groups of 64 in bit 64, and there is a shift-encoded mark in bit 32.
If GPS is not enabled, timestamps will use Internal PPS time. Enabling timestamps does not automatically enable GPS.
<0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Query Return:
0 | 1
Default Value:
Isotropic Antenna Axis
Sets the axis of the isotropic antenna. If the antenna is not present an error is put in the error queue.
Isotropic Antenna Factors
Gets the antenna factors and other antenna metadata. If the antenna is not present an error is put in the error queue.
Example format:
Isotropic H-Field Antenna
9 kHz - 300 MHz
0.009 70.18 70.18 70.18
0.010 68.36 68.36 68.36
0.011 66.61 66.61 66.61
0.012 65.34 65.34 65.34
280.000 51.81 51.81 51.81
290.000 52.87 52.87 52.87
300.000 53.13 53.13 53.13
Isotropic Antenna Information
Gets the antenna metadata. The antenna information is same as the header section of :ISOTropic:FACTors.
Returns the information in json format.
"antennaName":"Isotropic E-Field Antenna",
"frequencyRange":"700 MHz - 6 GHz",
CFI Selection
Sets or queries the Control Format Indicator for the current LTE measurement.
Sets or queries the operating band number for the current demod measurement. Note that bands above 99 are written without the L to avoid truncation. For example, U103 instead of UL103.
Note that not all modes are available on all models.
SPECtrum for the default spectrum mode.
NRADio for 5G measurement mode.
RTSA for real time spectrum analysis mode.
LTE for 4G measurement mode.
EMFMeter for EMF meter measurement mode.
PANalyzer for Pulse Analyzer mode.
IASPectrum for Interference Analyzer Spectrum mode.
IARTsa for Interference Analyzer RTSA mode.
CS for Channel Scanner mode.
Query Return:
Default Value:
Spa Mode Catalog
Returns a list of available modes for the Spa application. The response is a comma-separated list of mode names. See command [:SENSe]:MODE for the mode name specification.
Modulation Reference Point
Queries the reference points for the current modulation type.
[:SENSe]:MODulation:TYPE <ALL|QPSK|Q16|Q64|Q256>
Modulation Type
Sets or queries the modulation type for the current LTE or 5G measurement. Only QPSK is available in 5G measurement.
Valid selections are: ALL, QPSK, Q16 (16-QAM), Q64 (64-QAM), and Q256 (256-QAM).
Query Return:
Default Value:
Ng Factor
Sets or queries the Ng factor for the number of PHICH groups calculation.
Apply to TDD duplex type only.
Valid selections are: ONESixth (1/6), HALF (1/2), ONE (1), and TWO (2).
Query Return:
Default Value:
[:SENSe]:NRADio:MAPPing:PATTern <P1|P2|AUTO>
Mapping Pattern
Sets or queries the Mapping Pattern used in the New Radio mode.
Available selections are: P1 (Mapping Pattern 1), or P2 (Mapping Pattern 2)
Sets or queries the operating band number for the current demod measurement. Sets via this command will also restrict available ARF and GS Channel numbers.
Band availability may be limited by options purchased.
When GLOBal is selected, applies the global ARFCN to GSCN calculation only.
When Nx is selected, applies any band restrictions over the global ARFCN to GSCN calculation.
Sets the method for calculating occupied bandwidth. XDB calculates the occupied bandwidth based on points a specified number of dB below the carrier. Issue command [:SENSe]:OBWidth:XDB to set the number of dB to be used. PERCent calculates the occupied bandwidth based on points a specified percentage of the carrier power below the carrier. Issue command [:SENSe]:OBWidth:PERCent to set the percentage to be used.
The measurement always gives a result, even if there is no signal. For example, the 100 dBc Occupied Bandwidth is the current full span.
Query Return:
Default Value:
[:SENSe]:OBWidth:PERCent <numeric_value>
Occupied Bandwidth Percent
This command sets the percentage of carrier power used to measure the occupied bandwidth. This value is used in the measurement if :SENSe:OBWidth:METHod is set to PERCent.
Query Return:
Default Value:
1e-06 to 99.999999
[:SENSe]:OBWidth:STATe <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Occupied Bandwidth State
Sets the state of the occupied bandwidth measurement, ON or OFF. When using :CONFigure:OBWidth, the state is automaticaly set to ON
<0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Query Return:
0 | 1
Default Value:
[:SENSe]:OBWidth:XDB <numeric_value> {DB}
Occupied Bandwidth XDB
This command sets the number of dB below the carrier used to measure the occupied bandwidth. This value is used in the measurement if :SENSe:OBWidth:METHod is set to XDB.
See UNIT:POWer to query or set the current amplitude units.
Sets and returns thresholds for signal qualities. Threshold values are (in this order): Excellent, Very Good, Good, Fair All Threshold values must not overlap, and must be valid decimal numbers. Thresholds are set as a list of power values in order from Excellent to Fair. This command takes a list of exactly 4 amplitude values as parameters. For example, SENS:OTA:MAPP:CHP:THR 0 dBm, -40 dBm, -60 dBm, -80 dBm For backward compatibility, the command will accept the 5th amplitude value as the poor value, but it won't be used. A poor measurement quality is anything less than the fair setting value.
Threshold values will be offset by the Reference Level Offset, if one exists. e.g. Reference Level Offset : 10 db SENS:OTA:MAPP:CHP:THR 0 dBm, -40 dBm, -60 dBm, -80 dBm Offset adjusted list will be : -10 dbm, -50 dbm, -70 dbm, -90 dbm Input values must be between -150 dbm and 30 dbm, the adjusted offset values exceed these but the input values must be between these base values. \
See UNIT:POWer to query or set the current amplitude units.
This command sets or queries the index of the channel that is used for the value and color of coverage mapping points.
This only has an effect if the OTA Coverage Mapping Channel Scanner Use Best setting is set to false.
Query Return:
Default Value:
0 to 59
[:SENSe][:OTA]:MAPPing:DEFaults <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
OTA Coverage Mapping Default Thresholds
In LTE and 5G modes, determines whether to use default thresholds for signal quality or user-defined ones. NOTE: the default values change at different center frequencies. Manually setting the value of a threshold will automatically change this setting to OFF.
The instrument must be in Coverage Mapping measurement for the command to be effective (see [:SENSe][:OTA]:MAPPing:STATe).
Available parameters are mode specific.
When selecting a new mapping measurement type, all existing collected data will be cleared. It is recommended to save the existing data before selecting a new mapping measurement type.
Query Return:
Default Value:
OTA Coverage Mapping Total Collected Points
Queries the total collected points for the coverage map.
Query Return:
Default Value:
Clear OTA Coverage Mapping Measurement
Clears all data points collected for the coverage map.
The instrument must be in Coverage Mapping measurement and the mapping data collection must not be running (see :MEASure:OTA:MAPPing:RUN) for the command to be effective.
OTA Total Points Collected Statistics
Query total collected points statistics for the current OTA measurement type see [:SENSe][:OTA]:MAPPing:MEASurement The result data will return in a json format :
Sets the x,y coordinates of the current position on an indoor map. The set command accepts a comma delimited string of x,y coordinates. The valid ranges for x,y coordinates are from 0.0 to 1.0. The coordinates are relative to the image region: the upper left corner is 0,0,
and the lower right corner is 1,1. See :MMEMory:LOAD:MAP on how to load an indoor map. The instrument must be in Coverage Mapping measurement for the command to be effective (see [:SENSe][:OTA]:MAPPing:STATe).
Sets and returns thresholds for signal qualities. Threshold values are (in this order): Excellent, Very Good, Good, Fair All Threshold values must not overlap, and must be valid decimal numbers. Thresholds are set as a list of power values in order from Excellent to Fair. This command takes a list of exactly 4 amplitude values as parameters. For example, SENS:OTA:MAPP:PSD:THR 0 dBm, -40 dBm, -60 dBm, -80 dBm For backward compatibility, the command will accept the 5th amplitude value as the poor value, but it won't be used. A poor measurement quality is anything less than the fair setting value.
Threshold values will be offset by the Reference Level Offset, if one exists.
See UNIT:POWer to query or set the current amplitude units.
Sets and queries the distance interval for data collection. The instrument must be in Coverage Mapping measurement for the set command to be effective (see [:SENSe][:OTA]:MAPPing:STATe). If the current data collection trigger is Distance, the current data collection will be stopped (see :MEASure:OTA:MAPPing:RUN).
Default Value:
100 m
Default Unit:
1 m to 10000 m
[:SENSe][:OTA]:MAPPing:REPeat:TIME <numeric_value> {PS | NS | US | MS | S | MIN | HR}
OTA Coverage Mapping Repeat Time Interval
Sets and queries the time interval for data collection. The instrument must be in Coverage Mapping measurement for the set command to be effective (see [:SENSe][:OTA]:MAPPing:STATe). If the current data collection trigger is Time, the current data collection will be stopped (see :MEASure:OTA:MAPPing:RUN).
<numeric_value> {PS | NS | US | MS | S | MIN | HR}
Sets and queries the mode for determining data collection trigger. Setting is either Time or Distance. In Time mode, data is collected at fixed intervals in time. In Distance mode, data is collected at fixed intervals in distance.
The instrument must be in Coverage Mapping measurement for the set command to be effective (see [:SENSe][:OTA]:MAPPing:STATe). The current data collection will be stopped when the data collection trigger type is changed (see :MEASure:OTA:MAPPing:RUN).
Sets and returns thresholds for signal recieved power qualities. Threshold values are (in this order): Excellent, Good, Poor All Threshold values must not overlap, and must be valid decimal numbers. Thresholds are set as a list of power values in order from Excellent to Poor. This command takes a list of exactly 3 amplitude values as parameters. For example, SENS:OTA:MAPP:RSP:THR -80 dBm, -95 dBm, -115 dBm A Bad measurement quality is anything less than the poor setting value.
Threshold values will be offset by the Reference Level Offset, if one exists.
See UNIT:POWer to query or set the current amplitude units.
Sets and returns thresholds for signal qualities. Threshold values are (in this order): Excellent, Good, Poor All Threshold values must not overlap, and must be valid decimal numbers. Thresholds are set as a list of decibel values in order from Excellent to Poor. This command takes a list of exactly 3 amplitude values as parameters. For example, SENS:OTA:MAPP:RSQ:THR -10 dB, -15 dB, -20 dB A Bad measurement quality is anything less than the poor setting value.
See UNIT:POWer to query or set the current amplitude units.
Sets and returns thresholds for signal qualities. Threshold values are (in this order): Excellent, Very Good, Good, Fair All Threshold values must not overlap, and must be valid decimal numbers. Thresholds are set as a list of power values in order from Excellent to Fair. This command takes a list of exactly 4 amplitude values as parameters. For example, SENS:OTA:MAPP:RSSI:THR 0 dBm, -40 dBm, -60 dBm, -80 dBm For backward compatibility, the command will accept the 5th amplitude value as the poor value, but it won't be used. A poor measurement quality is anything less than the fair setting value.
Threshold values will be offset by the Reference Level Offset, if one exists. e.g. Reference Level Offset : 10 db SENS:OTA:MAPP:RSSI:THR 0 dBm, -40 dBm, -60 dBm, -80 dBm Offset adjusted list will be : -10 dbm, -50 dbm, -70 dbm, -90 dbm Input values must be between -150 dbm and 30 dbm, the adjusted offset values exceed these but the input values must be between these base values. \
See UNIT:POWer to query or set the current amplitude units.
Sets and returns thresholds for signal to noise ratio qualities. Threshold values are (in this order): Excellent, Good, Poor All Threshold values must not overlap, and must be valid decimal numbers. Thresholds are set as a list of decibel values in order from Excellent to Poor. This command takes a list of exactly 3 amplitude values as parameters. For example, SENS:OTA:MAPP:RSS:THR 20 dB, 13 dB, 0 dB A Bad measurement quality is anything less than the poor setting value.
See UNIT:POWer to query or set the current amplitude units.
Sets and returns thresholds for signal recieved power qualities. Threshold values are (in this order): Excellent, Good, Poor All Threshold values must not overlap, and must be valid decimal numbers. Thresholds are set as a list of power values in order from Excellent to Poor. This command takes a list of exactly 3 amplitude values as parameters. For example, SENS:OTA:MAPP:SSP:THR -80 dBm, -95 dBm, -115 dBm A Bad measurement quality is anything less than the poor setting value.
Threshold values will be offset by the Reference Level Offset, if one exists.
See UNIT:POWer to query or set the current amplitude units.
Sets and returns thresholds for signal qualities. Threshold values are (in this order): Excellent, Good, Poor All Threshold values must not overlap, and must be valid decimal numbers. Thresholds are set as a list of decibel values in order from Excellent to Poor. This command takes a list of exactly 3 amplitude values as parameters. For example, SENS:OTA:MAPP:SSQ:THR -10 dB, -15 dB, -20 dB A Bad measurement quality is anything less than the poor setting value.
See UNIT:POWer to query or set the current amplitude units.
Sets and returns thresholds for signal qualities. Threshold values are (in this order): Excellent, Good, Poor All Threshold values must not overlap, and must be valid decimal numbers. Thresholds are set as a list of decibel values in order from Excellent to Poor. This command takes a list of exactly 3 amplitude values as parameters. For example, SENS:OTA:MAPP:SSS:THR 20 dB, 13 dB, 0 dB A Bad measurement quality is anything less than the poor setting value.
See UNIT:POWer to query or set the current amplitude units.
Enable or disable OTA Coverage Mapping measurement
<0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Query Return:
0 | 1
Default Value:
[:SENSe][:OTA]:MAPPing:TYPE <INDoor|OUTDoor>
OTA Coverage Mapping Type
Select OTA Coverage Mapping type.
The instrument must be in Coverage Mapping measurement for the command to be effective (see [:SENSe][:OTA]:MAPPing:STATe).
Note that GPS/GNSS is required for outdoor mapping.
Note that when switching the mapping type, the existing mapping points will be deleted and the measurement will be stopped. It's recommended to save the existing mapping points before switching the mapping type.
Query Return:
Default Value:
Get PCI Measurements
Returns the last stored PCI measurement results. This command returns cell id, group id, corrected carrier frequency, detected beam,
frame start, frequency error, sector id, group id, and time offset(in ns) as output in json format.
This command does not wait for the current measurement to complete before returning results.
An example is as follows:
"cellId": 0,
"cellIdGroup": 0,
"correctedCarrierFrequency": 4499999985.264854,
"detectedBeam": 4,
"frameStart": 233097,
"frequencyError": -14.735145792134368,
"ppmFrequencyError": 0.09346635883256266,
"sectorId": 0,
"status": {
"hardwareErrors": {
"ADCOverRange": 0,
"DeviceAccess": 0,
"EEPROM": 0,
"IrregularData": 0,
"Limit": 0,
"LockLO1": 0,
"LockLO2": 0,
"NoCal": 0,
"Overpower": 0,
"SLOLock": 0,
"Saturation": 0,
"TgLockLo1": 0
"statusMessage": "statusPciDone",
"statusNumber": 10
"coordinates":"37.14681, -121.65609, 128m",
"time":"Fri Jun 28 19:56:45 2019 GMT"
"timeOffset": -634782.9687499882
Clear Polar Data
Clears Measurement Results and deletes all current lines.
Polar Data
Contains the max and powers per 2 degrees produced by the Polar measurement as a JSON. powerAtDegree is ["nan"] unless data has been acquired. ie: "powerAtDegree":["nan"] Example: {"GPS":{"Latitude":-121.656,"Longitude":37.146,},"max": "-40.18" ,"powerAtDegree":["-49.5", "nan", "nan", "nan", …, "nan"]}
Sets the input attenuation. Note that issuing this command will set the automatic input attenuation OFF. Actual minimum and maximum values vary, depending on model and options.
See UNIT:POWer to query or set the current amplitude units.
Sets the input attenuation. Note that issuing this command will set the automatic input attenuation OFF. Actual minimum and maximum values vary, depending on model and options.
See UNIT:POWer to query or set the current amplitude units.
<numeric_value> {DB}
Query Return:
Numeric (dB)
Default Value:
30 dB
Default Unit:
0 dB to 50 dB
[:SENSe]:POWer:RF:ATTenuation:AUTO <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
RF Attenuation Auto
Sets the input attenuation coupling. Setting the value to ON or 1 will result in the input attenuation being coupled to the reference level. Setting the value to OFF or 0 will result in the input attenuation being uncoupled from the reference level. That is, changing the reference level will not change the input attenuation. When this command is issued, the input attenuator setting itself will not change. The default value is ON. That is, sending :SENS:POW:ATT:AUTO is equivalent to sending :SENS:POW:ATT:AUTO ON.
<0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Query Return:
0 | 1
Default Value:
[:SENSe]:POWer:RF:ATTenuation:AUTO <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
RF Attenuation Auto
Sets the input attenuation coupling. Setting the value to ON or 1 will result in the input attenuation being coupled to the reference level. Setting the value to OFF or 0 will result in the input attenuation being uncoupled from the reference level. That is, changing the reference level will not change the input attenuation. When this command is issued, the input attenuator setting itself will not change. The default value is ON. That is, sending :SENS:POW:ATT:AUTO is equivalent to sending :SENS:POW:ATT:AUTO ON.
<0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Query Return:
0 | 1
Default Value:
[:SENSe]:POWer:RF:GAIN:AUTO <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Auto Gain Ranging
Sets the state of the auto gain-ranging functionality.
<0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Query Return:
0 | 1
Default Value:
[:SENSe]:POWer:RF:GAIN:STATe <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Sets the state of the preamp. Note that this may cause a change in the reference level and/or attenuation.
<0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Query Return:
0 | 1
Default Value:
[:SENSe]:POWer:RF:GAIN:STATe <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Sets the state of the preamp. Note that this may cause a change in the reference level and/or attenuation.
<0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Query Return:
0 | 1
Default Value:
Get Cell Scanner
Returns the cell scanner measurements in a json format. unlike [:SENSe]:FETCH:SCANner this command does not block and will return the previous result. Returned data format varies based on whether the current mode is 5GNR or LTE.
5GNR Mode format:
"coordinates":"37.14681, -121.65609, 128m",
"time":"Fri Jun 28 19:56:45 2019 GMT"
LTE Mode format:
"coordinates":"nan, nan,nanm","time":""
[:SENSe]:SCANner:STATe <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Demod Scanner State Command
Turns on cell scanner, disables other measurements
Set or query the bandwidth of the central channel of the Spectral Emission Mask measurement. The center channel is used to calculate the reference power when reference power calculation is set to AUTO.
Sets the preprogrammed spectral mask to be use for the Spectral Emission Mask measurement. Available selections are specified in the following table: Spectral Mask Description GT38 5G NR P > 38 dBm LT38 5G NR P < 38 dBm W43 WCDMA P >= 43 dBm W41 WCDMA 39 <= P < 43 dBm W35 WCDMA 31 <= P < 39 dBm W31 WCDMA P < 31 dBm WK43 WCDMA KCA P >= 43 dBm WK41 WCDMA KCA 39 <= P < 43 dBm WK35 WCDMA KCA 30 <= P < 39 dBm WK30 WCDMA KCA P < 30 dBm LK24 LTE KCA P >= 24 dBm LK22 LTE KCA 20 <= P < 24 dBm LK20 LTE KCA P < 20 dBm NK38 5G NR KCA P >= 38 dBm NK35 5G NR KCA 31 <= P < 38 dBm NK28 5G NR KCA 24 <= P < 31 dBm NK24 5G NR KCA P < 24 dBm CUSTom User Defined Mask from [:SENSe]:SEMask:MASK:CUSTom\
This command takes String as a name and imports file contents to the instrument. Data is transferred to the instrument as an IEEE definite length arbitrary block response, which has the form <header><block>.
Sting Value: The name value sent
Block Data: The data to be written to the instrument in block data format
Please note that the maximum file transfer size to the instrument is 25 MB. The ASCII header specifies the number of data bytes of the file. It looks like #AX, where A is the number of digits in X and X is the number of bytes in the <block>. The first character is the literal ascii hash '#' 043. The second character (A) is a single ascii digit '1' to '9' describing the number of bytes in the length section (X). This number is called nlength. The next nlength bytes make up an ascii string of digits '1' to '9' describing the length of the <block> data.
For example, if the first 6 bytes are #49999, then the nlength is 4. The 4 bytes of length are 9999. After that follows the <block>, which would be 9999 bytes in size.
The contents of the block data should format to csv with each line being a segment in the custom SEM.
Needed values for a segment are: startFrequency, stopFrequency, rbw, vbw, isStartAmpRelative, isStopAmpRelative, startAmplitude, stopAmplitude Start and Stop Frequencies are relative to the center frequency.
Example of a properly formatted mask: -4.00e7,-1.01e7,1.00e6,1.00e5,0,0,-15,-15 1.01e7,4.00e7,1.00e6,1.00e5,0,0,-15,-15
Query returns a String formatted as Json with name: and mask: as the keys
Query the Spectral Emission Mask offest type of [:SENSe]:SEMask:MASK selection. Type Description CHANnel Mask segments offset from the edges of channel bandwidth. CENTer Mask segments offset from the center frequency.\
Set or query the manual reference power value used in the Spectral Emission Mask measurement when reference power calculation method ([SENSe]:SEMask:RPOWer:STATe) is set to OFF or 0. When the reference power calculation method is set to ON or 1, this manual reference power value will be unused.
See UNIT:POWer to query or set the current amplitude units.
<numeric_value> {<amplitude_units>}
Query Return:
Numeric (<amplitude_units>)
Default Value:
0 dBm
Default Unit:
-200 dBm to 200 dBm
[:SENSe]:SEMask:RPOWer:STATe <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Reference Power Calculation
Set or query the method for how the reference power is calculated in the Spectral Emission Mask measurement. Setting the value to ON or 1, the reference power will be obtained automatically by measuring the channel power of the center channel bandwidth. Setting the value to OFF or 0, the reference power will be the value set using the manual reference power command ([:SENSe]:SEMask:RPOWer).
<0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Query Return:
0 | 1
Default Value:
[:SENSe]:SEMask:STATe <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Spectral Emission Mask State
Sets the state of the Spectral Emission Mask measurement, ON or OFF. When using :CONFigure:SEMask,the state is automatically set to ON.
<0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Query Return:
0 | 1
Default Value:
Get SSB Measurements
Returns the last stored SSB measurement results.
This command returns the beam numbers with the best EVM and power, followed by Power and EVM results
for PSS, SSS, PBCH, PBCH DM-RS and SS Signal Quality Results in a json format.
This command does not wait for the current measurement to complete before returning results.
Sets or queries the SS Block frequency offset from the current center frequency in Hz.
<numeric_value> {HZ | KHZ | MHZ | GHZ}
Query Return:
Numeric (Hz)
Default Value:
0 Hz
Default Unit:
-53000000000 Hz to 53000000000 Hz
SSB Autodetection Abort
Aborts the current SSB Autodetection operation. System may take several seconds before the current operation terminates completely. The [:SENSe]:SSB:OFFSet:AUTO:STATus query
will return "ABOR" when complete.
SSB Autodetection Start
Starts the SSB Autodetection operation.
SSB Autodetection Status
Queries the current status of the SSB Autodetection operation. Valid values are:
INACtive: Operation has not been performed with the current set of parameters. ACTive: Operation is in progress. EXTended: Extensive search is in progress. PASS: Operation has completed successfully, and the new SSB Offset has been applied. FAIL: Operation has completed, but did not find a valid SSB. ABORted: Operation was aborted before completion.
Sets or queries the slot number of the current selected subframe in the LTE or 5G frame power measurement.
Allowed values depend on Subcarrier Spacing and Periodicity.
Query Return:
Default Value:
0 to 1
[:SENSe]:SWEep:TIME <numeric_value> {PS | NS | US | MS | S | MIN | HR}
Sweep Time
Sets the value of the minimum sweep time parameter. The sweep will complete in the shortest time possible greater than the specified time. To sweep as fast as possible, enter the minimum value allowed for the sweep time. Applies to zero span sweeps only.
<numeric_value> {PS | NS | US | MS | S | MIN | HR}
Query Return:
Numeric (ms)
Default Value:
30000 ms
Default Unit:
0.02 ms to 60000 ms
[:SENSe]:SWEep:TIME:AUTO <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
OTA Mapping Sweep Time Auto Mode
Setting the value to On will adjust the zero span sweep time to (1/RBW * ZeroSpanDisplayPointCount). Applies to coverage mapping RSSI measurement only. Manually setting the sweep time value in coverage mapping will turn this setting Off.
<0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Query Return:
0 | 1
Default Value:
[:SENSe]:SYNCtype <SS>
Sync Type
Sets or queries the sync type, currently only SS is available for 5GNR
Query Return:
Default Value:
[:SENSe]:TDOMain:DISPlay:LENGth <numeric_value> {PS | NS | US | MS | S | MIN | HR}
Time Domain Display Length
Sets or queries the duration of the Time Domain measurements display's measurement. Available values are limited to 100us - 200ms.
<numeric_value> {PS | NS | US | MS | S | MIN | HR}
Query Return:
Numeric (ms)
Default Value:
20 ms
Default Unit:
0.1 ms to 200 ms
[:SENSe]:TDOMain:DISPlay:STARt <numeric_value> {PS | NS | US | MS | S | MIN | HR}
Time Domain Display Start Time
Sets or queries the start time of the display for the Time Domain measurement. Available values are limited to 0 - 199.9ms.
<numeric_value> {PS | NS | US | MS | S | MIN | HR}
This command transfers the time domain trace data from the unit to the controller. The data format and optional parameters are identical to the TRACE[:DTATA]:ALL and the :FETCh[:DATA]:ALL command. See the document on those commands for more info.
Query and Set the time domain detector type. The detection type determines how the display point is derived from its associated measurements. POSitive Peak detection displays the maximum value of the associated measurements. RMS detection displays the average power of the associated measurements. NEGative Peak detection displays the minimum value of the associated measurements. NORMal detection displays the maximum value, POSitive Peak, when the point is odd and minimum value, NEGative Peak, when the point is even. SAMPle detection selects one of the associated measurement points to display.
Query Return:
Default Value:
[:SENSe]:TDOMain:TRACe:DISPlay[:STATe] <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
TDomain Display State
The trace visibility state. If it is OFF, the [:SENSe]:TDOMain:TRACe[:DATa]? command will return nan.
Specifies how successive sweeps are combined to produce the resulting display value. Setting the TYPE to NORMal will cause the displayed value for a point to be the current measured value for that point. Setting the TYPE to AVERage will cause the displayed value for a point to be the average of the last <integer> measured values where <integer> is set by [:SENSe]:AVERage:COUNt. Setting the TYPE to MAXimum will cause the displayed value for a point is the maximum measured value for that point over sweeps. Setting the TYPE to MINimum will cause the displayed value for a point is the minimum measured value for that point over sweeps.Setting the TYPE to RMAXimum will cause the displayed value for a point to be the maximum of the last <integer> measured values where <integer> is set by [:SENSe]:AVERage:COUNt.Setting the TYPE to RMINimum will cause the displayed value for a point to be the minimum of the last <integer> measured values where <integer> is set by [:SENSe]:AVERage:COUNt.
Set the bearing for Triangulation using an MS2700A antenna with ANTenna or to a manual value with MANual. To enter the manual value, see [:SENSe]:TRIangulation:BEARing:VALue.
Deletes one of the current lines. The optional parameter is the index of the line to delete. For example, 0 deletes the first line in the list returned by [:SENSe]:TRIangulation:DATA, 1 deletes the second line, etc. Negative indices can be used to delete from the end of the list. For example -1 will delete the final line. If no index is entered, the final line will be deleted by default.
[:SENSe]:TRIangulation:STATe <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Triangulation Measurement State
Toggles the IA Triangulation measurement on or off.
<0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Query Return:
0 | 1
Default Value:
Manual Triangulation Trigger
Places a line based on the current GPS location and manual bearing setting ([:SENSe]:TRIangulation:BEARing:VALue). Requires a GPS fix and that the bearing source be set to MANual ([:SENSe]:TRIangulation:BEARing:SOURce).
[:SENSe]:UPDown:CONFig <numeric_value>
Up/Down Link Config
Sets or queries the current up/down link config setting. This setting is only available when duplex type is set to TDD
Set or query the power of the Common Pilot Channel for W-CDMA code domain demodulation measurements.
See UNIT:POWer to query or set the current amplitude units.
<numeric_value> {<amplitude_units>}
Query Return:
Numeric (<amplitude_units>)
Default Value:
30 dBm
Default Unit:
-300 dBm to 100 dBm
[:SENSe]:WCDMa:DEMod:CPICh:STATe <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
CPICH Sync State
Set or query whether the CPICH is used for synchronization during W-CDMA code domain demodulation measurements. Setting the value to ON or 1 enables use of the CPICH for synchronization. Setting the value to OFF or 0 disables use of the CPICH for synchronization.
<0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Query Return:
0 | 1
Default Value:
[:SENSe]:WCDMa:DEMod:PICH:CODE <numeric_value>
PICH Code Number
Set or query the channelization code number of the PICH channel for W-CDMA code domain demodulation measurements.
Query Return:
Default Value:
0 to 255
[:SENSe]:WCDMa:DEMod:SCCPch:CODE <numeric_value>
S-CCPCH Code Number
Set or query the channelization code number of the S-CCPCH channel for W-CDMA code domain demodulation measurements.
Query Return:
Default Value:
1 to 255
[:SENSe]:WCDMa:DEMod:SCCPch:SFACtor <string>
S-CCPCH Spreading Factor
Set or query the spreading factor of the S-CCPCH channel for W-CDMA code domain demodulation measurements.
Default Value:
[:SENSe]:WCDMa:DEMod:SCODe <numeric_value>
Scrambling Code
Set or query the primary scrambling code used for W-CDMA code domain demodulation measurements. When the auto scrambling code feature is turned on, see [:SENSe]:WCDMa:DEMod:SCODe:AUTO, this setting is overwritten by the automatically detected value.
Query Return:
Default Value:
-1 to 511
[:SENSe]:WCDMa:DEMod:SCODe:AUTO <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Automatic Scrambling Code Detection
Set or query the state of the automatic scrambling code detection feature. Setting the value to ON or 1 results in the instrument detecting the strongest signal present and using the scrambling code of that signal for demodulation. Setting the value to OFF or 0 applies the user-selected scrambling code value, see [:SENSe]:WCDMa:DEMod:SCODe.
<0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Query Return:
0 | 1
Default Value:
[:SENSe]:WCDMa:DEMod:SFACtor <string>
Maximum Spreading Factor
Set or query the maximum spreading factor used when demodulating a W-CDMA signal.
Set or query the threshold used for detecting active traffic channels in W-CDMA code domain demodulation measurements. If the automatic threshold feature is enabled, see [:SENSe]:DEMod:THRShold:AUTO, this setting is overwritten by the automatically detected threshold.
<numeric_value> {DB}
Query Return:
Numeric (dB)
Default Value:
-30 dB
Default Unit:
-50 dB to -10 dB
[:SENSe]:WCDMa:DEMod:THRShold:AUTO <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Automatic Threshold
Set or query the state of the Automatic Threshold feature when demodulating a W-CDMA signal. Setting the value to ON or 1 enables the automatic threshold feature. Setting the value to OFF or 0 disables the automatic threshold feature and applies the user-selected threshold, see [:SENSe]:WCDMa:DEMod:THRShold.
Set or query the maximum transmit power of the base station for W-CDMA code domain demodulation measurements.
See UNIT:POWer to query or set the current amplitude units.
<numeric_value> {<amplitude_units>}
Query Return:
Numeric (<amplitude_units>)
Default Value:
43 dBm
Default Unit:
-300 dBm to 100 dBm
Get Sync Measurements
Returns the last stored sync measurement results.
This command returns frequency error stats, carrier id, corrected carrier frequency, frame start, frequency error, gps info, scrambling code, hardware status and time offset(in ns) as output in json format.
This command does not wait for the current measurement to complete before returning results.
An example is as follows:
"FrequencyErrorStats": {
"Count": 1000,
"Deviation": 0,
"DeviationUnits": "Hz",
"Max": 0,
"Mean": 0,
"Min": 0,
"Units": "Hz"
"carrierId": 1,
"correctedCarrierFrequency": 4499999985.264854,
"frameStart": 233097,
"frequencyError": -14.735145792134368,
"gps": {
"coordinates": "37.146585, -121.656618,128m",
"time": "Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 2024 GMT"
"ppmFrequencyError": 0.09346635883256266,
"previousFrameStart": 233097,
"scramblingCode": -1,
"status": {
"hardwareErrors": {
"ADCOverRange": 0,
"DeviceAccess": 0,
"EEPROM": 0,
"IrregularData": 0,
"Limit": 0,
"LockLO1": 0,
"LockLO2": 0,
"NoCal": 0,
"Overpower": 0,
"SLOLock": 0,
"Saturation": 0,
"TgLockLo1": 0
"statusMessage": "statusPscDone",
"statusNumber": 33
"timeOffset": -634782.9687499882
Get Operation Status
This command requests information about the current status of the instrument. Each bit of the return value represents some operation. Only a subset of the bits are implemented for each application. The number returned is the decimal representation of the bit-wise OR of the enabled bits:
Bit Decimal Value_Description
0 1 Not implemented
1 2 Not implemented
2 4 Not implemented
3 8 Not implemented
4 16 Not implemented
5 32 Not implemented
6 64 Not implemented
7 128 Not implemented
8 256 Sweep Complete
This bit is set to 0 when the command :INITiate[:IMMediate] is sent to trigger a sweep. It will have a value of 1 when the sweep has completed.
9 512 I/Q Capture
This bit indicates whether the instrument is currently capturing I/Q data. It is set to 1 when the MEAS:IQ:CAPT command is issued. This bit will be set to 0 when the capture is completed normally (in block mode), or is aborted, either due to the ABORt command or some other command which invalidates the capture.
10 1024 Not implemented
11 2048 Not implemented
12 4096 Not implemented
13 8192 Not implemented
14 16384 Not implemented
15 0 Will always be 0
:THReshold:SINR <numeric_value> {DB}
Sinr threshold
Sets or queries SINR threshold for display. Values below the threshold will not be shown. This only affects the display and does not change the contents of any other measurement data SCPI queries.
See UNIT:POWer to query or set the current amplitude units.
<numeric_value> {DB}
Query Return:
Numeric (dB)
Default Value:
6 dB
Default Unit:
-50 dB to 50 dB
:TRACe<n>:IQ:DATA? [<numeric_value>]
IQ Data
This command transfers IQ data from the instrument to the controller. Data is transferred from the instrument as an IEEE definite length arbitrary block response, which has the form <header><block>.
For a detailed description of the response format, see TRACe:IQ:DATA:FORMat?.
If IQ:MODE? is STREAM, this command will block until the next block of streaming data is available, then return it.
If IQ:MODE? is SINGle, this command will return data immediately if a capture has been already completed, or it will wait for an in-progress capture to complete before returning data, or it will return #0 if a capture has never been started.
Regardless of capture mode, this command will return #0 if an error condition is encountered during an in-progress capture (see MEAS:IQ:CAPT). Clients should check the SCPI error queue with SYST:ERR:NEXT? to determine what action to take.
In streaming mode there is an optional numeric parameter for the max chunks of data to return for cases where the read can't keep up.
Note that once data is requested, all of it must be read on the controller side. The instrument will block further SCPI processing until each data transfer is complete. If a data transfer remains incomplete for long enough it could cause error messages to be displayed until either all of the data is read or the connection where the transfer is taking place is closed.
Sets the detection method for the specific trace. The detection type determines how the display point is derived from its associated measurements. POSitive Peak detection displays the maximum value of the associated measurements. RMS detection displays the average power of the associated measurements. NEGative Peak detection displays the minimum value of the associated measurements. SAMPle detection selects one of the associated measurement points to display. NORMal detection displays the maximum value, POSitive Peak, when the point is odd and minimum value, NEGative Peak, when the point is even. This command will be ignored when spectrogram is enabled by DISPlay:VIEW. In zero span and RTSA mode the SAMPle detection replaces RMS detection.
Query Return:
TRACe Suffix Range:
1-6, Default = 1
Default Value:
:TRACe<n>:DISPlay[:STATe] <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Trace Display State
The trace visibility state. If it is OFF, the :TRAC:DATA? command will return nan.
<0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Query Return:
0 | 1
TRACe Suffix Range:
1-6, Default = 1
Default Value:
Spectrogram Elapsed
Provides the index and time values for the specified trace based on which trace from the spectrogram history it represents.
The command select the spectrogram history trace base on elapsed time from the newest trace.
Query Return:
Numeric (ms)
TRACe Suffix Range:
1-6, Default = 1
Default Value:
0 ms
Default Unit:
0 ms to 100000000 ms
:TRACe<n>:NORMalize <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Trace Normalization State
Turns normalization on or off for the specified trace. When normalization is turned on, the last completed sweep will be stored and subtracted from the live data until normalization is turned off. This will cancel out whatever was on the trace at that time and result in the trace flattening and moving to 0 dBm.
<0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Query Return:
0 | 1
TRACe Suffix Range:
1-6, Default = 1
Default Value:
Trace Sweep Count
The trace sweep count returns current sweep count which can be useful for multiple-sweep measurements like average and min/max hold.
Specifies how successive sweeps are combined to produce the resulting display value. Setting the TYPE to NORMal will cause the displayed value for a point to be the current measured value for that point. Setting the TYPE to AVERage will cause the displayed value for a point to be the average of the last <integer> measured values where <integer> is set by [:SENSe]:AVERage:COUNt. Setting the TYPE to MAXimum will cause the displayed value for a point is the maximum measured value for that point over sweeps. Setting the TYPE to MINimum will cause the displayed value for a point is the minimum measured value for that point over sweeps.Setting the TYPE to RMAXimum will cause the displayed value for a point to be the maximum of the last <integer> measured values where <integer> is set by [:SENSe]:AVERage:COUNt.Setting the TYPE to RMINimum will cause the displayed value for a point to be the minimum of the last <integer> measured values where <integer> is set by [:SENSe]:AVERage:COUNt. Setting the type to MATH only applies to traces 5 and 6 The math operation performed is always a division of the linear powers (subtraction of the log values) of the traces no matter what units selected. For trace 5 the operation is trace1/trace2 (trace1 -trace2 in log units) For trace 6 the operation is trace2/trace1 (trace2 - trace1 in log units) This command will be ignored when spectrogram is enabled by DISPlay:VIEW.
The trace update state detemine whether the trace is update in every sweep.
<0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Query Return:
0 | 1
TRACe Suffix Range:
1-6, Default = 1
Default Value:
:TRACe:CLEar <numeric_value>
Trace Clear
This command clears the trace's history and current sweep data. Trace history refers to the previous trace data used to calculate trace types such as min/max hold and averaging.
All Traces Clear
This command clears the trace history and current sweep data for all traces. Trace history refers to the previous data used to calculate trace types such as min/max hold and averaging.
:TRACe[:DATA]? <numeric_value>
Trace Data
This command transfers trace data from the instrument to the controller. Data is transferred from the instrument as an IEEE definite length arbitrary block response, which has the form <header><block>.
This command takes a single integer parameter specifying the trace number to transfer. If the parameter value is out of the range of valid trace numbers, the first trace (1) will be transferred. The binary block header specifies the number of data bytes. It looks like #AX, where A is the number of digits in X and X is the number of bytes in the <block>.
The first character is the literal ascii hash '#' 043.
The second character (A) is a single ascii digit '1' to '9' describing the number of bytes in the length section (X). This number is called nlength.
The next nlength bytes make up an ascii string of digits '1' to '9' describing the length of the <block> data.
For example, if the first 6 bytes are #49999, then the nlength is 4. The 4 bytes of length are 9999. After that follows the <block>, which would be 9999 bytes in size.
The format of the block data depends on the current data format setting (FORMat[:TRACe][:DATA]). The number of amplitudes returned is equal to the current number of display points (DISPlay:POINtcount).
The query command will return a #0 if data is invalid for the active trace.
This command transfers trace data from the instrument to the controller for all traces with display state ON (see Trace Display State commands).
The traces are returned back to back with no delimiter between traces using the the same IEEE definite length arbitrary block response of the Trace Data command.
However, after the usual header this command includes additional header information to support parsing the following data. This additional header consists of a two byte integer indicating the number of display points per trace as well as a two byte trace flags value.
The bits in the two byte trace flags value are mapped to a trace number and indicate whether that trace is included in the following data. Bit 0 is the least significant bit and is unused. Bits 1 through N are mapped to traces 1 through N. If the bit value is 1, the trace data for that trace is included in the following data. If the bit value is 0, the trace data for that trace is not included in the following data.
For example, a trace flags value of 0x4C indicates that trace data for traces 2, 3, and 6 are included in the following data. The traces are returned in increasing order. The format of the data follows the Trace Data Format setting.
An optional parameter can be given to set the format data output, the parameter follows the same enumerable value as the Trace Data format setting. When using REAL as the output format, the numeric value field is required. See the document on Trace Data Format (:FORMat[:TRACe][:DATA]) for more info.
IQ Data Format
This command selects the data format for transferring I/Q data via the TRACe:IQ:DATA? query.
Supported data formats include PACKed, which is a binary format that includes embedded timestamps, and ASCii, which is a human-readable, comma-delimited list of samples. The PACKed format is recommended for applications that require precision timestamps, high data throughput, and processing in real time, such as TDOA. The ASCii format can be much slower to transfer, but it has the advantage of being human readable.
When the data format is PACKed, TRAC:IQ:DATA? query uses SCPI standard (IEEE 488.2) definite length block data format for responses. The data format is '#AXD', where X is one or more ASCII digits specifying the number of bytes in D, and A is a single ASCII digit specifying the number of digits in X. D contains binary data. The whole 'D' part looks like 'L\nB', where L is an ASCII string of the form 'latitude, longitude' in decimal degrees, '\n' is a single byte newline delimiter marking the end of the GPS location component, and B is the I/Q data taken from the instrument's RAM. The binary structure of B includes timestamps embedded within the samples and is described in detail in the user guide of the instrument. For MS208xA, the format information can be found in chapter 7, section 3 (7-3 IQ Data Format) of the user guide. For MS2710XA, the format information can be found in Chapter 5, section 9 (5-9 I/Q Capture Block Mode) of the user guide. For MS2720XA, the format information can be found in chapter 6, section 3 (6-3 IQ Data Format) of the user guide. The values of the GPS latitude and longitude in the header are undefined if the GPS is not actually fixed (i.e. FETCH:GPS? returns "NO FIX").
When the data format is ASCii, TRAC:IQ:DATA? query returns an definite length block data response in Comma Separated Values (CSV) Standard File Format, which is easily imported into popular spreadsheet programs:
* Each record is on one line
* Lines are separated by carriage return and line feed (CRLF)
* Fields are separated by commas
* Trailing and leading whitespace is insignificant
* No quotes, embedded commas, or embedded newlines in this output
The data format is '#AXD' where X is one or more ASCII digits specifying the number of bytes in D, and A is the number of digits in X. D contains a list of I/Q samples. Each of I and Q are formatted as signed decimal integers. Each I is separated from its corresponding Q by a comma. Adjacent samples are separated by newlines. So, the data (excluding the '#AX' header) looks like:
The ASCii format response contains neither time stamp nor header. To get the GPS location, see the FETCh:GPS? query.
Query Return:
Default Value:
Trace Playback State
This command sets or queries the Trace Playback state, which can be STARt, STOP, or PAUSe.
Query Return:
Default Value:
Current Playback File
This command queries the currently loaded Trace Recording file's name used for trace playback, e.g. "RecordedSession_20210901T143210.786.fmrec"
Default Value:
:TRACe:PLAYback:INTerval <numeric_value> {PS | NS | US | MS | S | MIN | HR}
Trace Playback Interval
This command sets or queries the playback interval rate at which trace recording are being played.
The interval rate can be set from 20 milliseconds up to 5 seconds.
<numeric_value> {PS | NS | US | MS | S | MIN | HR}
Query Return:
Numeric (ms)
Default Value:
1000 ms
Default Unit:
20 ms to 5000 ms
:TRACe:PLAYback:LOOP <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Loop Playback
This command sets or queries whether playback will restart at the beginning when it reaches the end of the playback file.
<0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Query Return:
0 | 1
Default Value:
Playback Position
This command supplies information related to the current position of a playback session. It returns the total number of traces in the session in addition to the index of the last played trace along with the timestamp value as the number of milliseconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000 Coordinated Universal Time(UTC) describing when the trace was recorded. A response might look like the following:
If there isn't an active playback session all values will be 0.
Default Value:
:TRACe:PLAYback:SEEK <numeric_value>
Trace Playback Seek
This command sets and queries the current position in a playback session. A playback session contains a list of recorded traces and the zero-based index used by this command represents the trace at that index in the list, where the trace at index 0 is the trace that was recorded first and the trace at the last index is the trace recorded last.
The set command takes an index which will be the index of the next played trace. The query command takes no parameters and returns the index of the last played trace.
Query Return:
Default Value:
0 to 0
Trace Playback Tag
This command skips to the next or previous tag in the playback, if one exists. It can also be used to add/remove tags in the current playback session, which will modify the session file so that the tags persist the next time it's played.
:TRACe:PLAYback:TAGS? [<RECord|PLAYback>]
Tag Info
This command returns which traces are tagged in a record or playback session. The response is in JSON format. Each tag is represented as an index and timestamp. The indices correspond to the position of the tagged trace in the full recorded history and the timestamp values are millseconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000 Coordinated Universal Time(UTC) describing when the trace was recorded. The index values can be used as a parameter to the TRACe:PLAYback:SEEK command. A response might look like the following:
If there is no playback or record session active, the response will be {"tags":[]} An optional parameter can be set to query the record or playback tag list.
Default Value:
:TRACe:PLAYback:TAG:TABLe <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Playback Table
Frontend command to indicate tag table on/off
<0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Query Return:
0 | 1
Default Value:
Preset All Trace
This command preset all traces which turn Traces 2-6 off and set Trace 1 to Clear/Write, Active, Peak Detector.
Trace Recording State
This command sets or queries the Trace Recording state, which can be RECord, STOP, or PAUSe.
Query Return:
Default Value:
Enable CSV Recording during Trace Record or Trace Playback
This command sets or queries whether Trace Recording in CSV is linked to the Trace Record or Trace Playback states,
which can be RECord, PLAYback or OFF.
Recording CSV State (TRACe:RECord:CSV:STATe) will be updated base on Trace Record State (TRACe:RECord) changes as following
Record State: Record CSV State:
RECord RECord
Recording CSV State will be updated base on on Trace Playback State (TRACe:PLAYback) changes as following
Playback State: Record CSV State:
Recording CSV State remain unaffected by Trace Record State or Trace Playback State changes.
Query Return:
Default Value:
Trace Recording CSV State
This command sets or queries whether Trace Recording will also write a CSV of the recorded data, which can be RECord, STOP, or PAUSe.
Query Return:
Default Value:
Trace Recording Interval Mode
This command sets or queries whether Trace Recording will AUTomatically record each trace or use MANual intervals.
Query Return:
Default Value:
:TRACe:RECord:INTerval:TIME <numeric_value> {PS | NS | US | MS | S | MIN | HR}
Trace Recording Interval Time
This command sets or queries the interval length for use with manual interval mode Trace Recording.
<numeric_value> {PS | NS | US | MS | S | MIN | HR}
Query Return:
Numeric (ms)
Default Value:
10000 ms
Default Unit:
20 ms to 3600000 ms
Trace Recording Mode
This command sets or queries the Trace Recording mode, AUTO or TIMed. AUTO mode means recording will continue indefinitely. TIMed mode means recording will last for the specified recording time set by the Trace Recording Time setting.
Query Return:
Default Value:
Trace Recording Add Tag
This command adds a tag to the current trace as it is being recorded or played.
:TRACe:RECord:TIME <numeric_value> {PS | NS | US | MS | S | MIN | HR}
Trace Recording Time
This command sets or queries the amount of time to record for if the Trace Recording mode is TIMed.
<numeric_value> {PS | NS | US | MS | S | MIN | HR}
Query Return:
Numeric (ms)
Default Value:
20000 ms
Default Unit:
1000 ms to 1000000000 ms
:TRACe:SELect <numeric_value>
Select Trace
The selected trace will be used by operations that use a single trace. The max number of traces available to select is model specific.
To display the trace, see TRACe<n>:DISPlay[:STATe]
To update the trace state, see TRACe<n>:UPDate[:STATe]
Sets the detection method for the spectrogram trace. The detection type determines how the display point is derived from its associated measurements. POSitive Peak detection displays the maximum value of the associated measurements. RMS detection displays the average power of the associated measurements. NEGative Peak detection displays the minimum value of the associated measurements. NORMal detection displays the maximum value, POSitive Peak, when the point is odd and minimum value, NEGative Peak, when the point is even. SAMPle detection selects one of the associated measurement points to display. This command will be ignored when spectrogram is disabled by DISPlay:VIEW. In RTSA mode the SAMPle detection replaces RMS detection.
Specifies how successive sweeps are combined to produce the resulting display value. Setting the TYPE to NORMal will cause the displayed value for a point to be the current measured value for that point. Setting the TYPE to AVERage will cause the displayed value for a point to be the average of the last <integer> measured values where <integer> is set by [:SENSe]:AVERage:COUNt. Setting the TYPE to MAXimum will cause the displayed value for a point is the maximum measured value for that point over sweeps. Setting the TYPE to MINimum will cause the displayed value for a point is the minimum measured value for that point over sweeps.Setting the TYPE to RMAXimum will cause the displayed value for a point to be the maximum of the last <integer> measured values where <integer> is set by [:SENSe]:AVERage:COUNt.Setting the TYPE to RMINimum will cause the displayed value for a point to be the minimum of the last <integer> measured values where <integer> is set by [:SENSe]:AVERage:COUNt. This command will be ignored when spectrogram is disabled by DISPlay:VIEW.
This command returns a response of the same format as a valid TRACe[:DATA] response, except that instead of amplitude, each comma-delimited value is a decimal integer representing the bitwise-OR of one or more status bits. Each bit of the integer is set according to the table below to indicate that the corresponding trace point has the indicated status:
OkStatus = 0x0
ADCOverrange = 0x1
Saturation = 0x2
SLOLockFailure = 0x4
LO1LockFailure = 0x8
LO2LockFailure = 0x10
TGLOLockFailure = 0x20
LimitFailure = 0x40
OverpowerFailure = 0x1000
DeviceAccessFailure = 0x10000 Failed to communicate with the device.
EPROMFailure = 0x20000 Failed to access device EEPROM.
DataTransIrregular = 0x40000 Data transfer irregular.
NoCalibration = 0x80000 Data is not calibrated.
:TRIGger:GATE:SLOPe <POSitive|NEGative>
Gated Sweep Trigger Slope
The gate trigger slope indicates whether the trigger point is on the rising or the falling edge of the external trigger signal.
Query Return:
Default Value:
:TRIGger[:SEQuence]:ATRigger <numeric_value> {PS | NS | US | MS | S | MIN | HR}
Trigger Auto Period
The trigger auto period is the amount of time that must pass without an trigger event before a measurement is triggered automatically.
<numeric_value> {PS | NS | US | MS | S | MIN | HR}
Query Return:
Numeric (ms)
Default Value:
1000 ms
Default Unit:
0.001 ms to 5000 ms
:TRIGger[:SEQuence]:ATRigger:STATe <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Trigger Auto State
The trigger auto state indicates whether or not a measurement should be triggered automatically after the Trigger Auto Period elapses.
<0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Query Return:
0 | 1
Default Value:
:TRIGger[:SEQuence]:DELay <numeric_value> {PS | NS | US | MS | S | MIN | HR}
Trigger Delay
The trigger delay is the amount of time between when an external trigger event happens and when the measurement starts.
<numeric_value> {PS | NS | US | MS | S | MIN | HR}
Query Return:
Numeric (ms)
Default Value:
0 ms
Default Unit:
-1000 ms to 1670 ms
:TRIGger[:SEQuence]:DELay:STATe <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Trigger Delay State
The trigger delay state turns trigger delay on/off.
<0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Query Return:
0 | 1
Default Value:
:TRIGger[:SEQuence]:HOLDoff <numeric_value> {PS | NS | US | MS | S | MIN | HR}
Trigger Holdoff
The trigger holdoff is the amount of time between when a measurement ends and when to start looking for the next external trigger event.
<numeric_value> {PS | NS | US | MS | S | MIN | HR}
Query Return:
Numeric (ms)
Default Value:
0 ms
Default Unit:
0 ms to 5000 ms
:TRIGger[:SEQuence]:HOLDoff:STATe <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Trigger Holdoff State
The trigger holdoff state turns trigger holdoff on/off.
<0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Query Return:
0 | 1
Default Value:
:TRIGger[:SEQuence]:SLOPe <POSitive|NEGative>
Trigger Slope
The trigger slope indicates whether the trigger point is on the rising or the falling edge of the external trigger signal.
Query Return:
Default Value:
:TRIGger[:SEQuence]:SOURce <EXT|IMMediate|VIDeo>
Trigger Source
The trigger source indicates whether or not to look for a trigger condition before making measurements.
IMMediate trigger source means that sweeps will be triggered without looking for a trigger event (free-run). VIDeo trigger is only valid for zero span and IQ capture. Video trigger is not supported for IQ streaming. External trigger options with a suffix number in them are only available on instruments with more than one trigger port and in this case omitting the number will be the same as using EXT1. For products that support trigger port direction settings, the ports will only be available as trigger sources if the trigger direction for that port is set to IN.
A relative amplitude value in dBm centered around the video trigger level which the input signal must cross for a trigger event to occur when trigger source is set to video (TRIG:SOUR VID).
See UNIT:POWer to query or set the current amplitude units.
The amplitude value which the input signal must cross for a trigger event to occur when trigger source is video (TRIG:SOUR VID).
See UNIT:POWer to query or set the current amplitude units.
<numeric_value> {<amplitude_units>}
Query Return:
Numeric (<amplitude_units>)
Default Value:
0 dBm
Default Unit:
-150 dBm to 30 dBm
:UNIT:CHPower:PSDensity <HZ|MHZ>
Power Spectral Density Units
Sets the power spectral density units to the current amplitude per either Hz or MHz. For example, if the current amplitude unit is dBm, then Hz would refer to dBm/Hz, and MHZ would be refer to dBm/MHz.
Parameters DBMHz and DBMMHz have been deprecated, but are still accepted values.