Presets all limits for the specified channel. This preset all limits to their default values.
CALCulate Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
All Markers Off
Turns all markers off for the specified channel. This will turn off all the markers for all traces.
CALCulate Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
All Markers On
Turns all markers on for the specified channel. This will turn on all the markers for all traces.
CALCulate Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
Preset Markers
Presets all markers for the specified channel. This presets active marker and presets all markers to their preset values.
CALCulate Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
:CALCulate<n>:MARKer:TABLe[:STATe] <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Marker Table State
This command sets or gets the marker table ON or OFF state for the specified channel. Setting the value to OFF or 0 will turn marker table off. Setting the value to ON or 1 will turn marker table on.
<0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Query Return:
0 | 1
CALCulate Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
Default Value:
:CALCulate<n>:MEASurement:CONFigure <RLDTf|TDDTf>
Measurement Configure
Configures the measurement settings for the specified channel. When the RLDTf command is issued, the display will split horizontally to show two traces: trace 1 displays the return loss measurement, and trace 2 displays the DTF return loss measurement. Similarly, when the TDDTf command is used, two traces will be displayed: trace 1 shows the DTF return loss measurement, and trace 2 shows the TDR Ohm measurement. Note that this command is available in CAA and CAAUSB application only when the option 0003 is installed.\
Return trace data with format specified using FORMat[:READings][:DATA] command. The command takes a data type parameter as FDATa, SDATa, FMEM, SMEM where FDATa and SDATa are the live trace final plotted data and raw complex data, FMEM and SMEM are the memory final plotted data and memory raw complex data. For Group Delay measurement, the data returned are in the unit of nanoseconds. Note that the number of available trace suffixes is application dependent and may differ from the listed TRACe Suffix Range. Use the :SENSe:TRACe:TOTal? MAX command to query for the maximum number of available trace suffixes.
CALCulate Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
TRACe Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
:CALCulate<n>:TRACe<n>:LIMit:ALARm <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Limit Alarm State
This command sets and queries the limit alarm state of the current graph for a given channel and trace. Note that the number of available trace suffixes is application dependent and may differ from the listed TRACe Suffix Range. Use the :SENSe:TRACe:TOTal? MAX command to query for the maximum number of available trace suffixes.
<0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Query Return:
0 | 1
CALCulate Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
TRACe Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
Default Value:
Limit Check Fail
This command returns an integer limit checking result of the current graph for a given channel and trace. Limit checking will only be performed when the limit message state or alarm is on. Use :CALCulate{[1]|2|3|4}:TRACe{[1]|2|3|4}:LIMit:MESSage command to set limit message state. The response value and description are as the following: Return Value Value Description --------------------------------------- 0 passed all limits 1 failed upper limit 2 failed lower limit 3 failed both upper and lower limit Note that the number of available trace suffixes is application dependent and may differ from the listed TRACe Suffix Range. Use the :SENSe:TRACe:TOTal? MAX command to query for the maximum number of available trace suffixes.
Query Return:
CALCulate Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
TRACe Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
Default Value:
0 to 3
:CALCulate<n>:TRACe<n>:LIMit:LOWer[:STATe] <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Lower Limit State
This command sets and queries the lower limit state of the current graph for a given channel and trace. In segmented limit mode, a default lower segment will be turned on if no segment was setup previously. This command is valid only for non-circular graph types. Note that the number of available trace suffixes is application dependent and may differ from the listed TRACe Suffix Range. Use the :SENSe:TRACe:TOTal? MAX command to query for the maximum number of available trace suffixes.
This command sets and queries the lower limit value of the current graph for a given channel and trace. Note that the number of available trace suffixes is application dependent and may differ from the listed TRACe Suffix Range. Use the :SENSe:TRACe:TOTal? MAX command to query for the maximum number of available trace suffixes.
Query Return:
CALCulate Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
TRACe Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
Default Value:
-100000 to 100000
:CALCulate<n>:TRACe<n>:LIMit:MESSage <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Limit Message State
This command sets and queries the limit message state of the current graph for a given channel and trace. Note that the number of available trace suffixes is application dependent and may differ from the listed TRACe Suffix Range. Use the :SENSe:TRACe:TOTal? MAX command to query for the maximum number of available trace suffixes.
This command sets and queries the upper and lower limit mode of the current graph for a given channel and trace. In segmented limit mode, a default upper segment will be turned on if no segment was setup previously. This command is valid only for non-circular graph types. Note that the number of available trace suffixes is application dependent and may differ from the listed TRACe Suffix Range. Use the :SENSe:TRACe:TOTal? MAX command to query for the maximum number of available trace suffixes.
Query Return:
CALCulate Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
TRACe Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
Default Value:
Add Limit Segment
This command adds a limit segment after the selected limit segment for the current graph type on the given channel and trace. The first limit segment will be a limit segment of the active limit type that covers the entire sweep range at the default Y location. Any limit segment added after a selected limit segment will continue from the selected segment and end at the begining of next segment for the same checking type. If the selected segment is the last segment of the checking type, the new segment will cover the rest of the sweep range. When a new segment is added, it automatically becomes the new selected limit segment. The maximum number of segments can be added is 42. Note that the number of available trace suffixes is application dependent and may differ from the listed TRACe Suffix Range. Use the :SENSe:TRACe:TOTal? MAX command to query for the maximum number of available trace suffixes.
This command sets or queries all limit segments of the current graph type for a given channel and trace in JSON format. The set command takes a SCPI standard (IEEE 488.2) definite arbitrary block data in the form of <header><block>. The ASCII header specifies the number of data bytes. It looks like #AX, where A is the number of digits in X and X is the number of bytes in the <block>. The query command returns all limit segments in the format of JSON array. Each array item specifies one of the limit segment. The return response is formatted the same as the <block> content in the set command. An example of an array item is as the following: {"id": 1, "start": {"x":30000, "y":-20}, "stop": {"x":1000000, "y":-30}, "type": upper} Note that the number of available trace suffixes is application dependent and may differ from the listed TRACe Suffix Range. Use the :SENSe:TRACe:TOTal? MAX command to query for the maximum number of available trace suffixes.
<block data>
CALCulate Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
TRACe Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
Clear All Limit Segments
This command clears all limit segments of the current graph type for a given channel and trace. When upper and/or lower limit state is on in segmented limit mode, a default segment is inserted after the clear operation. Note that the number of available trace suffixes is application dependent and may differ from the listed TRACe Suffix Range. Use the :SENSe:TRACe:TOTal? MAX command to query for the maximum number of available trace suffixes.
This command returns the limit segment count of a given limit type for the current domain and graph type on the given channel and trace. When the limit type is not specified, it returns the total limit segment count including all upper and lower segments. Note that the number of available trace suffixes is application dependent and may differ from the listed TRACe Suffix Range. Use the :SENSe:TRACe:TOTal? MAX command to query for the maximum number of available trace suffixes.
This command deletes the specified segment from the existing segmented limit collection of the current graph type on the given channel and trace. If segment number is not specified, the selected segment will be deleted. When a limit segment is deleted, the selected limit segment will not change unless the deleted segment is the last segment in the collection. In that case, the previous segment automatically becomes the selected limit segment. When the only segment of the current graph is deleted, the limit state will be turned off. Turning on the limit state will automatically adds a default segment to the segmented limit collection. Note that the number of available trace suffixes is application dependent and may differ from the listed TRACe Suffix Range. Use the :SENSe:TRACe:TOTal? MAX command to query for the maximum number of available trace suffixes.
This command selects a specified limit segment from the existing segmented limit collection on the given channel and trace. Note that the number of available trace suffixes is application dependent and may differ from the listed TRACe Suffix Range. Use the :SENSe:TRACe:TOTal? MAX command to query for the maximum number of available trace suffixes.
This command sets or queries start X value of the selected limit segment of the current graph type on the given channel and trace. Note that the number of available trace suffixes is application dependent and may differ from the listed TRACe Suffix Range. Use the :SENSe:TRACe:TOTal? MAX command to query for the maximum number of available trace suffixes.
This command sets or queries start Y value of the selected limit segment of the current graph type on the given channel and trace. Note that the number of available trace suffixes is application dependent and may differ from the listed TRACe Suffix Range. Use the :SENSe:TRACe:TOTal? MAX command to query for the maximum number of available trace suffixes.
This command sets or queries stop X value of the selected limit segment of the current graph type on the given channel and trace. Note that the number of available trace suffixes is application dependent and may differ from the listed TRACe Suffix Range. Use the :SENSe:TRACe:TOTal? MAX command to query for the maximum number of available trace suffixes.
This command sets or queries stop Y value of the selected limit segment of the current graph type on the given channel and trace. Note that the number of available trace suffixes is application dependent and may differ from the listed TRACe Suffix Range. Use the :SENSe:TRACe:TOTal? MAX command to query for the maximum number of available trace suffixes.
This command sets or queries the segment type of the selected limit segment of the current graph type on the given channel and trace. Note that the number of available trace suffixes is application dependent and may differ from the listed TRACe Suffix Range. Use the :SENSe:TRACe:TOTal? MAX command to query for the maximum number of available trace suffixes.
This command returns an overall validation status and an array of error code for the provided segments in JSON format. It takes a SCPI standard (IEEE 488.2) definite arbitrary block data in the form of <header><block>. When the parameter is omitted, query returns the status of the existing limit segments of the current graph for a given channel and trace. The ASCII header specifies the number of data bytes. It looks like #AX, where A is the number of digits in X and X is the number of bytes in the <block>. The block content specifies the limit segments in the format of JSON array described for :CALCulate{[1]|2|3|4}:TRACe{[1]|2|3|4}:LIMit:SEGMent:ALL. The following is the format of the response: {"isValid": false, "errorCode": [0, 1, 2, 0]} where "isValid" is the overall status of all limit segments and "errorCode" is an array that contains error code for each segment. Error code returns 0 when there's no error, and returns non-zero value when there's any segment violation.\ :
0 - no error 1 - start greater than stop 2 - start overlap with previous segment of the same segment type Note that the number of available trace suffixes is application dependent and may differ from the listed TRACe Suffix Range. Use the :SENSe:TRACe:TOTal? MAX command to query for the maximum number of available trace suffixes.
This command moves all limit segments of the active type (upper or lower limit) vertically for the current domain and graph type on the given channel and trace. The parameter of the command that specifies the y-axis location where the first point of the first segment will end up at. All segments of the same type will be shifted vertically for the same scale amount. The query command returns the Y value of the first segment starting point. Note that the number of available trace suffixes is application dependent and may differ from the listed TRACe Suffix Range. Use the :SENSe:TRACe:TOTal? MAX command to query for the maximum number of available trace suffixes.
Query Return:
CALCulate Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
TRACe Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
Default Value:
-200 to 1199.9
:CALCulate<n>:TRACe<n>:LIMit:TYPE <UPPer|LOWer>
Limit Mode
This command sets and queries the active limit type of the current graph for a given channel and trace. Note that the number of available trace suffixes is application dependent and may differ from the listed TRACe Suffix Range. Use the :SENSe:TRACe:TOTal? MAX command to query for the maximum number of available trace suffixes.
Query Return:
CALCulate Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
TRACe Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
Default Value:
:CALCulate<n>:TRACe<n>:LIMit:UPPer[:STATe] <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Upper Limit State
This command sets and queries the upper limit state of the current graph for a given channel and trace. In segmented limit mode, a default upper segment will be turned on if no segment was setup previously. This command is valid only for non-circular graph types. Note that the number of available trace suffixes is application dependent and may differ from the listed TRACe Suffix Range. Use the :SENSe:TRACe:TOTal? MAX command to query for the maximum number of available trace suffixes.
This command sets and queries the upper limit value of the current graph for a given channel and trace. Note that the number of available trace suffixes is application dependent and may differ from the listed TRACe Suffix Range. Use the :SENSe:TRACe:TOTal? MAX command to query for the maximum number of available trace suffixes.
Select the marker mode. When marker is set to delta mode, it becomes a relative marker with reference to marker 1. Any marker except marker 1 can be a DELTa marker. Note that the number of available trace suffixes is application dependent and may differ from the listed TRACe Suffix Range. Use the :SENSe:TRACe:TOTal? MAX command to query for the maximum number of available trace suffixes.
Move the marker to memory or live trace. Query returns the current trace (live vs. memory) marker is on. Available parameters are: TRACe: live trace MEMory: memory trace Note that the number of available trace suffixes is application dependent and may differ from the listed TRACe Suffix Range. Use the :SENSe:TRACe:TOTal? MAX command to query for the maximum number of available trace suffixes.
Query Return:
CALCulate Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
MARKer Suffix Range:
1-8, Default = 1
TRACe Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
Default Value:
:CALCulate<n>:TRACe<n>:MARKer<n>[:STATe] <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Marker State
Set marker on or off on the specified trace. Note that the number of available trace suffixes is application dependent and may differ from the listed TRACe Suffix Range. Use the :SENSe:TRACe:TOTal? MAX command to query for the maximum number of available trace suffixes.
Change marker position on the specified trace. If the marker is a delta marker, the position specified is the relative position to the reference marker. Note that the number of available trace suffixes is application dependent and may differ from the listed TRACe Suffix Range. Use the :SENSe:TRACe:TOTal? MAX command to query for the maximum number of available trace suffixes.
Query Return:
CALCulate Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
MARKer Suffix Range:
1-8, Default = 1
TRACe Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
Default Value:
-54000000000 to 54000000000
Marker Y Value
Gets the marker Y value. Value return are in trace amplitude unit. Unit can be retrieved using the command :SENSe{[1]|2|3|4}:TRACe{[1]|2|3|4}:AMPLitude:UNIT. If the marker is a delta marker, then the value return is the relative y value, otherwise absolute y value. Note that the number of available trace suffixes is application dependent and may differ from the listed TRACe Suffix Range. Use the :SENSe:TRACe:TOTal? MAX command to query for the maximum number of available trace suffixes.
CALCulate Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
MARKer Suffix Range:
1-8, Default = 1
TRACe Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
Default Value:
Marker Last Search Type
Query the last marker search type. Available last marker search type are as follows: VALL Valley search PEAK Peak search PBM1M2 Peak bounded between Markers 1 and 2 VBM1M2 Valley bounded between Markers 1 and 2 PBM3M4 Peak bounded between Markers 3 and 4 VBM3M4 Valley bound between Markers 3 and 4 This command returns a different set of values for a specific application. For example, for CAAUSB and CAA the possible return value will be the VALL, PEAK, PBM1M2, PBM3M4, VBM1M2, and VBM3M4. For VNA the possible return value will be MIN, MAX, PEAK, PBM1M2, PBM3M4, VBM1M2, and VBM3M4. Note that the number of available trace suffixes is application dependent and may differ from the listed TRACe Suffix Range. Use the :SENSe:TRACe:TOTal? MAX command to query for the maximum number of available trace suffixes.
Query Return:
CALCulate Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
TRACe Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
Default Value:
Marker Move To Left
Moves the marker X value to the next display point to the LEFT.
Note that if the marker is at the first point in the display, a move left command does nothing. Note that the number of available trace suffixes is application dependent and may differ from the listed TRACe Suffix Range. Use the :SENSe:TRACe:TOTal? MAX command to query for the maximum number of available trace suffixes.
CALCulate Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
TRACe Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
Marker Move To Right
Moves the marker X value to the next display point to the RIGHT.
Note that if the marker is at the last point in the display, a move right command does nothing. Note that the number of available trace suffixes is application dependent and may differ from the listed TRACe Suffix Range. Use the :SENSe:TRACe:TOTal? MAX command to query for the maximum number of available trace suffixes.
CALCulate Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
TRACe Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
Marker Peak
Set the active marker to the position with peak value. Note that the number of available trace suffixes is application dependent and may differ from the listed TRACe Suffix Range. Use the :SENSe:TRACe:TOTal? MAX command to query for the maximum number of available trace suffixes.
CALCulate Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
TRACe Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
Marker Peak Bounded Between Marker 1 and 2
This command sets the active marker to the trace peak value between marker 1 and 2. This command is valid only if either marker 5, 6, 7, or 8 is set as the active marker. This will turn on markers 1 and 2 on if it's not already on. Note that the number of available trace suffixes is application dependent and may differ from the listed TRACe Suffix Range. Use the :SENSe:TRACe:TOTal? MAX command to query for the maximum number of available trace suffixes.
CALCulate Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
TRACe Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
Marker Peak Bounded Between Marker 3 and 4
This command sets the active marker to the trace peak value between marker 3 and 4. This command is valid only if either marker 5, 6, 7, or 8 is set as the active marker. This will turn on marker 3 and 4 on if it's not already on. Note that the number of available trace suffixes is application dependent and may differ from the listed TRACe Suffix Range. Use the :SENSe:TRACe:TOTal? MAX command to query for the maximum number of available trace suffixes.
This command sets or gets the active marker on the specified channel and trace. This will turn on marker if marker is currently off. Note that the number of available trace suffixes is application dependent and may differ from the listed TRACe Suffix Range. Use the :SENSe:TRACe:TOTal? MAX command to query for the maximum number of available trace suffixes.
Query Return:
CALCulate Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
TRACe Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
Default Value:
1 to 8
:CALCulate<n>:TRACe<n>:MARKer:TRACking[:STATe] <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Active Marker Tracking State
Sets or gets active marker tracking state. Note that the number of available trace suffixes is application dependent and may differ from the listed TRACe Suffix Range. Use the :SENSe:TRACe:TOTal? MAX command to query for the maximum number of available trace suffixes.
<0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
CALCulate Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
TRACe Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
Marker Valley
Set the active marker to the position with the lowest value. Note that the number of available trace suffixes is application dependent and may differ from the listed TRACe Suffix Range. Use the :SENSe:TRACe:TOTal? MAX command to query for the maximum number of available trace suffixes.
CALCulate Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
TRACe Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
Marker Valley Bounded Between Marker 1 and 2
This command sets the active marker to the trace valley value between marker 1 and 2. This command is valid only if either marker 5, 6, 7, or 8 is set as active marker. This will turn on markers 1 and 2 on if it's not already on. Note that the number of available trace suffixes is application dependent and may differ from the listed TRACe Suffix Range. Use the :SENSe:TRACe:TOTal? MAX command to query for the maximum number of available trace suffixes.
This command sets the active marker to the trace valley value between marker 3 and 4. This command is valid only if either marker 5, 6, 7, or 8 is set as active marker. This will turn on markers 3 and 4 on if it's not already on. Note that the number of available trace suffixes is application dependent and may differ from the listed TRACe Suffix Range. Use the :SENSe:TRACe:TOTal? MAX command to query for the maximum number of available trace suffixes.
Sets and gets the math operation between measurement data and memory trace data.
NORMal - no math operation applied
ADD - Data plus Memory;
SUBTract - Data subtract Memory;
MULTiply - Data multiply Memory;
DIVide - Data divides by memory trace;
AVERage - Data plus Memory divide by two;
FADD - final data plus memory;
FSUBtract - final data subtract Memory;
FAVerage - final data plus memory divide by two.
Note that the available math functions are application dependent. For the VNA application the following math functions are available: NORMal|ADD|SUBTract|MULTiply|DIVide|AVERage. For the CAAUSB and CAA applications, the following math functions are available: NORMal|FADD|FSUBtract|FAVerage. Note that the number of available trace suffixes is application dependent and may differ from the listed TRACe Suffix Range. Use the :SENSe:TRACe:TOTal? MAX command to query for the maximum number of available trace suffixes.
Sets and gets the smoothing aperture value for specified trace. Note that the number of available trace suffixes is application dependent and may differ from the listed TRACe Suffix Range. Use the :SENSe:TRACe:TOTal? MAX command to query for the maximum number of available trace suffixes.
Query Return:
CALCulate Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
TRACe Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
Default Value:
0 to 20
Cable Loss Average
Queries the current cable loss average for the channel and trace specified. Note that the return value will be the most recent cable loss average value when measurement type is something other than Cable Loss.
Sets the measurement type for the given channel and trace. Note that TRANsmission measurement is available in CAA application if 0021 option is installed. The TDOHm and TDLin measurement are available in CAA and CAAUSB application if 0003 option is installed
This command transfers VNA trace data from the instrument to the controller for all traces that are currently displayed. The trace data returns with no delimiter between each trace using the same IEEE definite length arbitrary block response of the Trace Data command.
After the usual header of arbitrary block, there is additional header information to support parsing the remaining data. This header has components in the following order: (1) A two-byte integer to return the number of display points per trace. All traces share the same display point value. (2) A two-byte integer to show the last update point of the traces. All traces share the same value of the 'last update point.' (3) A two-byte integer contains the trace flag value. The bits in the trace flag maps to a trace number to indicate whether the trace data includes that trace. Each trace uses 2 bits to represent what types of trace data are included. The first bit (if set) means live trace is included. The next bit(if set) means memory trace is included. For example, a trace flag of value 0x15 (0b010101) represents data of the live trace 1, 2, and 3 are included. Another example, a value of 0x17 (0b010111), which means live trace 1 to trace 3 are included. Plus, the memory trace 1 is also included. (4) a two-byte format flag. The format value is a bit-mask uses to indicate the format of trace data. The supported formats are real numbers or complex numbers. For instance, if the format flags have the value, Ox7 (0b1111) means trace 1 to trace 4 contains complex numbers; if the value is 0x2 (0b0010), then only trace 2 contains complex numbers. All other trace data is in real numbers (5) eight-byte trace data - This is the sector that contains trace data. If trace data in real numbers format, then each data point will be a double-precision value. If the trace data is a complex number, then each data point will consits of a 2X of an eight-byte value with the first eight-byte is the real part of a complex number, and the second eight-byte is the imaginary part of a complex number. The traces data return in increasing order. The memory trace data follows each live trace (if memory trace included) otherwise the next live trace of the next trace follows.
CALCulate Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
Preset Active Trace Limit
This command presets the limit line associated with the active trace to the factory default values for the trace's graph type.
CALCulate Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
Active Trace Cable Loss Average
This command queries the cable loss average for the active trace. Note that the return value will be the most recent cable loss average value when measurement type is something other than Cable Loss.
This command returns the current selected cable information as a tab-delimited string. An optional cable name parameter can be set so the query returns a specific cable instead of the current selected cable. If cable name doesn't exist, an empty string is returned. Data is returned in the following field order with each field separated by tab delimited: 1. Name - cable name, cannot be empty 2. MFG - manufacturer of the cable, can be empty 3. Description - cable description, can be empty 4. PV - Propagation Velocity, number and cannot be empty 5. Freq1 - Frequency 1 value in MHz, number and cannot be empty 6. CableLoss1 - Cable loss for Freq1, number and cannot be empty 7. Freq2 - Frequency 2 value in MHz, number and cannot be empty 8. CableLoss2 - Cable Loss for Freq2, number and cannot be empty 9. Freq3 - Frequency 3 value in MHz, number and cannot be empty 10. CableLoss3 - Cable Loss for Freq3, number and cannot be empty Note: PV and CableLoss values are scaled by a factor of 1000. For example a cableloss of 0.222 dB/m will be see as 222.
Set the cable name of the given channel. This will also update the active cable list type to DEFault. Use the CALCulate{[1]|2|3|4}:TRANsform:DISTance:CABLelist:ACTive command to query for the current active cable list type.
Sets or queries the cable loss of the coaxial device for distance domain measurement on a given channel. Allowed unit types include dB/m (dB per meters) or dB/ft (dB per feet). Note that if no unit is passed in, the instrument will assume that the incoming or outgoing unit is the current unit type set through the :CALCulate{[1]|2|3|4}:TRANsform:DISTance:UNIT SCPI command.
CALCulate Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
Default Value:
0 dB/m
Default Unit:
0 dB/m to 5 dB/m
Distance Data Query
This command returns the current distance list in meter as a comma-delimited string. The ASCII header specifies the number of data bytes of the file. It looks like #AX, where A is the number of digits in X and X is the number of bytes in the <block>. The first character is the literal ascii hash '#' 043. The second character (A) is a single ascii digit '1' to '9' describing the number of bytes in the length section (X). This number is called nlength. The next nlength bytes make up an ascii string of digits '1' to '9' describing the length of the <block> data.
For example, if the first 6 bytes are #49999, then the nlength is 4. The 4 bytes of length are 9999. After that follows the <block>, which would be 9999 bytes in size.
CALCulate Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
Distance Max
This command returns the maximum distance for the distance domain measurement on a given channel. Allowed unit types include m (meters) or ft (feet). Note that if no unit is passed in, the instrument will assume that the incoming or outgoing unit is the unit type set through the :CALCulate{[1]|2|3|4}:TRANsform:DISTance:UNIT SCPI command.
Sets or queries the propagation velocity of the coaxial device for distance domain measurement on a given channel.
Query Return:
CALCulate Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
Default Value:
0.01 to 1
Distance Resolution
This command returns the distance resolution for the distance domain measurement on a given channel. Allowed unit types include m (meters) or ft (feet). Note that if no unit is passed in, the instrument will assume that the incoming or outgoing unit is the unit type set through the :CALCulate{[1]|2|3|4}:TRANsform:DISTance:UNIT SCPI command.
Sets or queries the start distance on a given channel. Allowed unit types include m (meters) or ft (feet). Note that if no unit is passed in, the instrument will assume that the incoming or outgoing unit is the current unit type set through the :CALCulate{[1]|2|3|4}:TRANsform:DISTance:UNIT SCPI command.
Sets or queries the stop distance on a given channel. Allowed unit types include m (meters) or ft (feet). Note that if no unit is passed in, the instrument will assume that the incoming or outgoing unit is the current unit type set through the :CALCulate{[1]|2|3|4}:TRANsform:DISTance:UNIT SCPI command.
Add a user cable. The parameter is a string with the following fields separated by a tab delimiter: 1. Name - cable name, cannot be empty 2. MFG - manufacturer of the cable, can be empty 3. Description - cable description, can be empty 4. PV - Propagation Velocity, number and cannot be empty 5. Freq1 - Frequency 1 value in MHz, number and cannot be empty 6. CableLoss1 - Cable loss for Freq1, number and cannot be empty 7. Freq2 - Frequency 2 value in MHz, number and cannot be empty 8. CableLoss2 - Cable Loss for Freq2, number and cannot be empty 9. Freq3 - Frequency 3 value in MHz, number and cannot be empty 10. CableLoss3 - Cable Loss for Freq3, number and cannot be empty Note: PV and CableLoss values are scaled by a factor of 1000. For example a cableloss of 0.222 dB/m should be enter as 222. Note Freq3 must be greater than or equal to Freq2, and Freq2 must be greater than or equal to Freq1. If there is one that existed with same name, then this new one will replace it.
CALCulate Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
Clear All User Cable
Clear all user cable list and set the active cable list type to DEFault if it's currently set to USER.
This command returns the current selected user cable information as a tab-delimited string. An optional cable name parameter can be set so the query returns a specific user cable instead of the current selected user cable. If a user cable name doesn't exist, an empty string is returned.
Data is returned in the following field order with each field separated by tab delimited: 1. Name - cable name, cannot be empty 2. MFG - manufacturer of the cable, can be empty 3. Description - cable description, can be empty 4. PV - Propagation Velocity, number and cannot be empty 5. Freq1 - Frequency 1 value in MHz, number and cannot be empty 6. CableLoss1 - Cable loss for Freq1, number and cannot be empty 7. Freq2 - Frequency 2 value in MHz, number and cannot be empty 8. CableLoss2 - Cable Loss for Freq2, number and cannot be empty 9. Freq3 - Frequency 3 value in MHz, number and cannot be empty 10. CableLoss3 - Cable Loss for Freq3, number and cannot be empty Note: PV and CableLoss values are scaled by a factor of 1000. For example a cableloss of 0.222 dB/m will be see as 222.
Set the user cable name of the given channel. This will also update the active cable list type to USER. Use the CALCulate{[1]|2|3|4}:TRANsform:DISTance:CABLelist:ACTive command to query for the current active cable list type.
Rename a user cable of the given name to a new name. This command takes 2 parameters: 1. Cable name - String containing the cable name to be renamed 2. New cable name - String containing the new cable name to rename to
Sets or queries the windowing type for distance domain measurement on a given channel.
Query Return:
CALCulate Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
Default Value:
Get Frequency List
This command returns the frequency list from the instrument to the caller. Data transfers from the instrument as an IEEE definite length arbitrary block response, which has the form <header><block>.
The ASCII header specifies the number of data bytes. It looks like #AX, where A is the number of digits in X and X is the number of bytes in the <block>.
The first character is the literal ascii hash '#' 043. The second character (A) is a single ascii digit '1' to '9' describing the number of bytes in the length section (X). This number is called nlength. The next nlength bytes make up an ascii string of digits '1' to '9' describing the length of the <block> data.
For example, if the first 6 bytes are #49999, then the nlength is 4. The 4 bytes of length is 9999. After that follows the <block>, which would be 9999 bytes in size.
The format of the block data is a comma-delimited list of frequency values in Hz unit. An example content returns would like - #4605530000,33684,37368,41053...\
Sets the display type for the given trace. Setting the type to TRAC displays the trace only. Setting the display type to MEM displays the trace memory only. Setting the display type to BOTH displays both the trace and memory. Note that the number of available trace suffixes is application dependent and may differ from the listed TRACe Suffix Range. Use the :SENSe:TRACe:TOTal? MAX command to query for the maximum number of available trace suffixes.
Query Return:
DISPlay Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
TRACe Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
Default Value:
:DISPlay:WINDow<n>:LAYout <SINGle|HDUal>
Trace Display Layout
Sets or gets the trace display layout for given channel. If the number of trace display windows exceeds the number of traces, the higher numbered trace display windows will be blank. If the number of trace display windows is less than the number of traces set, some traces will have overlapped displays. Trace display window layout: SINGle - Single (One trace display window, one row and one column.) VDUal - Dual Vertical (Two trace display windows, one row and two column.) HDUal - Dual Horizontal (Two trace display windows, two row and one column.) VTRI - Tri Vertical (Three traces vertically split, two on the left, one on the right.) HTRI - Tri Horizontal (Three traces horizontally split, one on top, two on the bottom.) QUAD - Quad (Four trace display windows, two row and two column.) Note that the available trace display layouts are application dependent. Please refer to the Parameters field for valid window layout.
Query Return:
WINDow Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
Default Value:
Perform Auto Scale
Performs auto scale on a given trace for a given channel. This operation sets graph top and bottom such that the trace occupies a significant portion of the grid. Note that the number of available trace suffixes is application dependent and may differ from the listed TRACe Suffix Range. Use the :SENSe:TRACe:TOTal? MAX command to query for the maximum number of available trace suffixes.
Sets and queries the graph bottom value for the channel and trace specified. Note that the number of available trace suffixes is application dependent and may differ from the listed TRACe Suffix Range. Use the :SENSe:TRACe:TOTal? MAX command to query for the maximum number of available trace suffixes.
Query Return:
TRACe Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
WINDow Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
Default Value:
0.1 to 60
Set Full Scale
Sets graph top and bottom to maximize the grid. Note that the number of available trace suffixes is application dependent and may differ from the listed TRACe Suffix Range. Use the :SENSe:TRACe:TOTal? MAX command to query for the maximum number of available trace suffixes.
This command sets or queries the smith chart scale of the current graph type on the given channel and trace. This allow the user to zoom in and out from the reference impedance of the smith chart. Available scales are STANdard|E10|E20|E30|C3 where: STANdard - 0 dB standard Smith Chart E10 - -10 dB expanded Smith Chart E20 - -20 dB expanded Smith Chart E30 - -30 dB expanded Smith Chart C3 - +3 dB compressed Smith Chart Note that this command is valid only if the current graph type is set to either Smith Impedance Chart or Smith Admittance Chart. For CAAUSB and CAA, this command is valid if the current measurement type is set to Smith Impedance Chart. Query will return STAN if the current graph type is not smith chart.
Query Return:
TRACe Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
WINDow Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
Default Value:
:DISPlay:WINDow<n>:TRACe<n>:Y:TOP <numeric_value>
Graph Top
Sets and queries the graph top value for the channel and trace specified. Note that the number of available trace suffixes is application dependent and may differ from the listed TRACe Suffix Range. Use the :SENSe:TRACe:TOTal? MAX command to query for the maximum number of available trace suffixes.
Query Return:
TRACe Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
WINDow Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
Default Value:
0 to 59.9
Preset Active Trace Scales
This command presets the scales of the current graph type of the active trace to their factory default values.
Set the SCPI data reading format. The optional numeric parameter defines the length for different format type. Currently only length of 32 is supported for type REAL and INTeger.
VNA Self Test
Perform a self-test and return the results. The response is formatted as a JSON ( array of name,value pair result objects. Some result objects also include a 'status' property that will be either 'pass' or 'fail' based on whether the criteria for that test was met.
For tests of voltages, the test passes if the measured voltage is within 10% of the expected voltage.
Cable List Data
This command transfers cable list data from the instrument to the controller. Data is transferred from the instrument as an IEEE definite length arbitrary block response, which has the form <header><block>. The ASCII header specifies the number of data bytes of the file. It looks like #AX, where A is the number of digits in X and X is the number of bytes in the <block>. The first character is the literal ascii hash '#' 043. The second character (A) is a single ascii digit '1' to '9' describing the number of bytes in the length section (X). This number is called nlength. The next nlength bytes make up an ascii string of digits '1' to '9' describing the length of the <block> data.
For example, if the first 6 bytes are #49999, then the nlength is 4. The 4 bytes of length are 9999. After that follows the <block>, which would be 9999 bytes in size. The content of the block data contains a cable list header and the cable list data. The cable list header contains comment that start with '!' per line and a version line that start with '#Version'. The cable list data are in a tab-delimited format. Each line (row) contains the cable data in the following order: name, manufacturer, description, propVelocity, Freq1, CableLoss1, Freq2, CableLoss2, Freq3, CableLoss3 The query command will return a #10 if no cable is available.
:MMEMory:LOAD <string>
Load Data Files
Loads data file of the type specified by the filename extension. The parameter must contain the MSUS followed by '/' and file path. MSUS is the mass storage device to load the file to. See MMEMory:CATalog:MSUSs? for information on obtaining the list of available devices. The following is a list of supported file extension: stp: setup file smcaa : measurement file. limcaa: limit file. For example to load a setup file: MMEMory:LOAD "Internal/example_setup_file.stp"
:MMEMory:STORe <string>
Store Data Files
Stores a data file of the type specified by the filename extension. The parameter must contain the MSUS followed by '/' and file path. MSUS is the mass storage device to store the file to. See MMEMory:CATalog:MSUSs? for information on obtaining the list of available devices. The following is a list of supported file extension: stp: setup file smcaa : measurement file. txt : tab-delimited text data file. csv : comma separated text data file. limcaa: limit file. For example to save a setup file: MMEMory:STORe "Internal/example_setup_file.stp"
:MMEMory:USER:CABLelist <block data>
User Cable List Data
This command import/export user cable list file to/from the instrument. Data is transferred to/from the instrument as an IEEE definite length arbitrary block response, which has the form <header><block>. The ASCII header specifies the number of data bytes of the file. It looks like #AX, where A is the number of digits in X and X is the number of bytes in the <block>. The first character is the literal ascii hash '#' 043. The second character (A) is a single ascii digit '1' to '9' describing the number of bytes in the length section (X). This number is called nlength. The next nlength bytes make up an ascii string of digits '1' to '9' describing the length of the <block> data.
For example, if the first 6 bytes are #49999, then the nlength is 4. The 4 bytes of length are 9999. After that follows the <block>, which would be 9999 bytes in size. The content of the block data contains a tab-delimited cable list data. Each line (row) contains the cable data in the following order: name, manufacturer, description, propVelocity, Freq1, CableLoss1, Freq2, CableLoss2, Freq3, CableLoss3 The set command takes in a block data format. Please note that the maximum file transfer size to the instrument is 25 MB. The query command returned in block data format or a #10 if no user cable is available. Please refer to the command :CALCulate{[1]|2|3|4}:TRANsform:DISTance:USER:CABLe:ADD for a description and restriction of the field data.
<block data>
Restart Averaging
Clears and restart averaging of the measurement data.
SENSe Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
:SENSe<n>:AVERage:COUNt <numeric_value>
Averaging Factor
Sets number of sweeps to be averaged
Query Return:
SENSe Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
Default Value:
1 to 1000
:SENSe<n>:AVERage:STATe <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Averaging State
Turns averaging ON or OFF. Setting the value to ON or 1 will result in turning averaging ON. Setting the value to OFF or 0 will result in turning averaging OFF.
This command requests information about the current calibration step or the specified calibration step. If no calibration step is specified, then it return a 1 if the current calibration step has completed, otherwise it returns a 0. This command takes 2 parameter <cal step> and <port number>.
For cal step OPEN|SHORt|SHT1|SHT2|SHT3|LOAD|ZERO|MATCh use port numbers 1 and 2.
For cal step INST use port numbers 1.
For cal step THRU|ISOLation, use 1 for foward path, 2 for reverse path, and 12 for both forward and reverse path.
For cal steps LINE1|LINE2|RECiprocal, use 12 for the port parameter.
NOTE: The available parameters are application dependent.
The VNA application supports OPEN|SHORt|SHT1|SHT2|SHT3|LOAD|THRU|ISOLation|ZERO|RECiprocal|RDEVice|LINE1|LINE2|MATCh.
The CAAUSB and CAA applications support OPEN|SHORt|LOAD|ZERO|THRU|INST.
Gets the current active calibration type. Please refer to the command :SENSe{[1]|2|3|4}:CORRection:COLLect:TYPE for a description of the available calibration type. Note that this command will return 'NONE' if no calibration is currently actived.
Gets the cal kit info for the port selected. The port number could be 1 for port 1, 2 for port 2 or 3 for thru between port 1 and 2. Example: query cal kit information for port 1 - :SENSe:CORRection:COLLect:CKIT:INFormation? 1 For the CAAUSB and CAA applications, only port 1 is available.
This command returns a list of available cal kits for the selected port. Data is returned in a comma-separated list, e.g. "OSLK50,TOSLK50A-20,TOSLK50A-40,TOSLK50A-43.5" For the CAAUSB and CAA applications, only port 1 is available.
Sets the calibration kit for the selected port. Valid calibration kit names can be retrieved using the command :SENSe{[1]|2|3|4}:CORRection:COLLect:CKIT:PORT{[1]|2}:CATalog?.
A mismatch between the connector type and the given calibration kit will result in a command error. For the CAAUSB and CAA applications, only port 1 is available.
Gets the available connector type for the given port. Example: query available connector type for port 1 - :SENSe:CORRection:COLLect:CONNector:CATalog? 1 For the CAAUSB and CAA applications, only port 1 is available.
SENSe Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
Calibration Information
This command returns information about the current and active calibration settings. The response is formatted as a nested JSON array of name and value pairs. Following is an example of the response: [ {"CurrentSettings":[ {"name":"Date","value":"30 Sep 2020"}, {"name":"Time","value":"14:51:29"}, {"name":"Internal Temperature","value":"60.78 C / 141.404 F"}, {"name":"Valid Cal Window","value":"--"}, {"name":"User Cal Status","value":"--"}, {"name":"Cal Method","value":"OSL"}, {"name":"Cal Kit Port 1","value":"OSLN50"}, {"name":"Data Points","value":"1000"}, {"name":"Start Frequency","value":"0.03 MHz"}, {"name":"Stop Frequency","value":"54000 MHz"}, {"name":"FlexCal","value":"On"}]}, {"ActiveCalSettings":[ {"name":"Date","value":"--"}, {"name":"Time","value":"--"}, {"name":"Internal Temperature","value":"--"}, {"name":"Valid Cal Window","value":"--"}, {"name":"User Cal Status","value":"--"}, {"name":"Cal Method","value":"--}, {"name":"Cal Kit Port 1","value":"--"}, {"name":"Data Points","value":"--"}, {"name":"Start Frequency","value":"--"}, {"name":"Stop Frequency","value":"--"}, {"name":"FlexCal","value":"--"}]} ] For settings that are not available, the value will be "--".
SENSe Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
Resend Step
This command retriggers the sending of the JSON content for the selected cal type. The command must be issued at the start of a user calibration prior to issuing the component data acquisition commands. Issuing this command will also abort the thru update. See also :SENSe:CORRection:COLLect:ACQuire:DATA?
Sets or queries the DUT connector type for the indicated port. The available connector types varies by the current Cal Method and Line Type setup. Note that the available connector types are application dependent. A list of available connector types can be retrieved using the command :SENSe{[1]|2|3|4}:CORRection:COLLect:CONNector:CATalog? Available connector types are: Connector Type Description MK K(male) MN N(male) MV V(male) MS SMA(male) MC TNC(male) M716 716(male) M4P310 4.3-10(male) FK K(female) FN N(female) FV V(female) FS SMA(female) FC TNC(female) F716 716(female) F4P310 4.3-10(female) WG11 WG11A/WR229/R40 WG12 WG12/WR187/R48 WG13 WG13/WR159/R58 WG14 WG14/WR137/R70 WG15 WG15/WR112/R84 WG16 WG16/ER90/R100 WG17 WG17/WR75/R120 WG18 WG18/WR62/R140 WG20 WG20/WR42/R220 WG22 WG22/WR28/R320 U# User-defined where # is from 1-10 For the CAAUSB and CAA applications, only port 1 is available.
Query Return:
PORT Suffix Range:
1-2, Default = 1
SENSe Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
Default Value:
Complete RF Calculation
Complete RF Calibration and perform coefficient calculation
SENSe Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
Perform Short
Perform Short step of the Calibration
SENSe Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
Calibration Status
This command returns the calibration status. The command return 0 if calibration is not in progress, 1 if calibration is in progress, 2 if calibration has been aborted, 3 if cal-coefficient are being calculated, and 4 if a calibration has been completed.
Query Return:
SENSe Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
Default Value:
0 to 4
Calibration Step State
This command returns the calibration step status of the calibration. The command return 1 if calibration step is started, 0 if calibration step is completed
Configures the calibration type. Calibration types: RF2P (Full 2 Port) RFP1 (Full Port 1) RFP2 (Full Port 2) RFBP (Full Both Ports) TRFP (Trans Response Fwd Path) TRRP (Trans Response Rev Path TRBP (Trans Response Both Paths) RRP1 (Reflection Response Port 1) RRP2 (Reflection Response Port 2) RRBP (Reflection Response Both Ports) FP2P (1 Path 2 Port Fwd Path) RP2P (1 Path 2 Port Rev Path) ES2P (1 Path 2 Port S11 and Ext. Sensor) TRES (Transmission -Fwd Ext. Sensor) IRP1 (Full Port 1 via InstaCal) IS2P (1 Path 2 Port S11 and Ext. Sensor via InstaCal) IF2P (1 Path 2 Port Fwd Path via InstaCal)
** Calibration types RF2P, RFP2, RFBP, RP2P, RRP2, RRBP, TRRP, and TRBP are only available with Full 2-Port S-Parameter option. Note that available calibration types are application dependent. Please refer to the Parameters field for valid calibration type.
Query Return:
SENSe Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
Default Value:
Calibration Valid Status
This command requests information about the calibration Valid Status. The command return NA when calibration is off, or calibration is in progress. VAL for VALid when calibration exists and valid, and INV for INValid when calibration is invalid, due to change in temperature level. Return NOCal when calibration was never done.
Transfers the system error correction data from the instrument to the controller. <error term parameter> are string parameters that describe error terms. Valid Error Term parameter are:
Note that certain error terms may not be available (and will return no data) for the current calibration.
Sets the center frequency. Note that changing the value of the center frequency will change the value of the coupled parameters, Start Frequency and Stop Frequency.
Sets the frequency span. Setting the value of <freq> to 0 Hz is the equivalent of setting the span mode to zero span. Note that changing the value of the frequency span will change the value of the coupled parameters Start Frequency and Stop Frequency and may change the Center Frequency.
Sets the start frequency. Note that changing the value of the start frequency will change the value of the coupled parameters, Center Frequency and Span.
Sets the stop frequency. Note that changing the value of the stop frequency will change the value of the coupled parameters, Center Frequency and Span.
<numeric_value> {HZ | KHZ | MHZ | GHZ}
Query Return:
Numeric (Hz)
SENSe Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
Default Value:
6000000000 Hz
Default Unit:
5000 Hz to 6000000000 Hz
:SENSe<n>:HOLD:FUNCtion:RF[:STATe] <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
RF In Hold
Sets or gets the RF power output state when the sweep is in hold mode. When set to ON or 1, the RF is enabled in the hold mode. When set to OFF or 0, the RF is disabled in the Hold mode.
<0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Query Return:
0 | 1
SENSe Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
Default Value:
Set the High/Low Dynamic Range
Sets or gets the High/Low Dynamic Range setting. Applies to Transmission measurement mode where HIGH range improves the low level noise floor measurement (improved dynamic range measurement) but with slower sweep speeds, while LOW range enables faster sweeps with less accurate low level measurement.
Query Return:
SENSe Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
Default Value:
:SENSe<n>:SWEep:MODE <CONTinuous|SINGle>
Set Sweep Trigger Mode
Specifies whether the sweep/measurement is set to triggered continuously (CONTinuous), or triggered once and then hold (SINGle). Sweep/measurement restarts when the sweep trigger mode changes. If :TRIGger[:SEQuence][:REMote]:SINGle is received when sweep trigger mode is set to CONTinous, the command is ignored and results an error of -213.
Query Return:
SENSe Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
Default Value:
:SENSe<n>:SWEep:POINt <numeric_value>
Display Point Count
Changes the number of display points the instrument currently measures. Increasing the number of display points can improve the resolution of measurements but will also increase the sweep time.
Query Return:
SENSe Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
Default Value:
2 to 10049
Set the Normal or Fast Sweep Rate
Sets or gets the Normal/Fast Sweep Rate setting.
Query Return:
SENSe Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
Default Value:
:SENSe<n>:SWEep:RFIMmunity <HIGH|LOW>
RF Immunity
This command sets or queries the RF immunity state on the given channel.
Query Return:
SENSe Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
Default Value:
Set Sweep Run/Hold State
To Run or Hold the sweep/measurement.
Query Return:
SENSe Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
Default Value:
Trace Amplitude Unit
Gets the amplitude unit for the given channel and trace. Unit return is based on the current trace graph type. Note that the number of available trace suffixes is application dependent and may differ from the listed TRACe Suffix Range. Use the :SENSe:TRACe:TOTal? MAX command to query for the maximum number of available trace suffixes.
Query Return:
SENSe Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
TRACe Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
Default Value:
Preset Traces
This command preset all traces for the given channel. This would set the Trace Display format to SINGle and set Trace 1 to measurement type to Return Loss Trace 2 to measurement type to Return Loss.
SENSe Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
:SENSe<n>:TRACe:SELect <numeric_value>
Active Trace
This command selects the given trace number as the active trace on the specified channel.
Query Return:
SENSe Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
Default Value:
1 to 2
:SENSe<n>:TRACe:TOTal <numeric_value>
Number of Traces
Command sets the number of traces on the specified channel
Query Return:
SENSe Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
Default Value:
1 to 2
InstaCal Information Query
Returns the InstaCal information. The response is formatted as a JSON ( array of name, value pair result objects. The response information contains the following: { "firmwareVersion": <version number>, "frequencyRange": <minimum frequency in Hz, maximum frequency in Hz>, "isConnected": <true|false> "model": <model> "serialNumber": <serial number>, } Note that only one Instacal is supported at a time. The command will only return the information of the first InstaCal unit that is being connected.
SENSe Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
USB Power Sensor Information Query
Returns the USB Power Sensor (i.e. MA2xxA/MA3xxA) information. The response is formatted as a JSON ( array of name, value pair result objects. The USB SiteMaster information contains the following:
{ "model": <model>, "frequencyRange": <minimum frequency in Hz, maximum frequency in Hz>, "serialNumber": <serial number>, "firmwareVersion": <version number>, "isConnected": <true|false> } Note that only one power sensor is supported at a time. The command will return the information of the first sensor connected.
SENSe Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
Set to Full Span
Sets the frequency span to full span. Note that changing the value of the frequency span will change the value of the coupled parameters, Start Frequency and Stop Frequency and may change the Center Frequency.
Power Range
Sets or gets the power range of the indicated port. The power range can be either HIGH or LOW. Power range adjustment is only available for Port 1 on models MS2085A and MS2089A.
Query Return:
PORT Suffix Range:
1-2, Default = 1
SOURce Suffix Range:
1-4, Default = 1
Default Value:
Get Operation Status
This command requests information about the current status of the instrument. Each bit of the return value represents some operation. Only a subset of the bits are implemented for each application. The number returned is the decimal representation of the bit-wise OR of the enabled bits:
Bit Decimal Value Description
0 1 Not implemented
1 2 Not implemented
2 4 Not implemented
3 8 Not implemented
4 16 Not implemented
5 32 Not implemented
6 64 Not implemented
7 128 Not implemented
8 256 Sweep Complete
This bit is set to 0 when the command :TRIGger[:SEQuence][:REMote]:SINGle is sent to trigger a sweep. It will have a value of 256 when the sweep has completed. When the command :TRIGger[:SEQuence][:IMMediate][:REMote] is sent to trigger the sweep, it will always return a value of 0.
9 512 Not implemented
10 1024 Not implemented
11 2048 Not implemented
12 4096 Not implemented
13 8192 Not implemented
14 16384 Not implemented
15 0 Will always be 0
:TRACe[:DATA]? <numeric_value>
Trace Data
Return raw trace data in real and imaginary pair. Data is transferred from the instrument as an IEEE definite length arbitrary block response, which has the form <header><block>. The format of the block data depends on the current data format setting (FORMat[:READings][:DATA]).
This command takes a single integer parameter specifying the trace number to transfer. If the parameter value is out of the range of valid trace numbers, the first trace (1) will be transferred. (Currently only one trace is supported, so this parameter has no effect.)
The ASCII header specifies the number of data bytes. It looks like #AX, where A is the number of digits in X and X is the number of bytes in the <block>.
The first character is the literal ascii hash '#' 043. The second character (A) is a single ascii digit '1' to '9' describing the number of bytes in the length section (X). This number is called nlength. The next nlength bytes make up an ascii string of digits '1' to '9' describing the length of the <block> data.
For example, if the first 6 bytes are #49999, then the nlength is 4. The 4 bytes of length are 9999. After that follows the <block>, which would be 9999 bytes in size. The query command will return a #0 if data is invalid for the active trace.
Restart Continuous Sweep
Restart the sweep/measurement in continuous mode. If :SENSe{[1]|2|3|4}:SWEep:MODE is set to SINGle, this command is ignored and results an error -230.
Initiate Single Sweep
Initiates a sweep/measurement. If :SENSe{[1]|2|3|4}:SWEep:MODE is set to CONTinuous, or if :SENSe{[1]|2|3|4}:SWEep:MODE is set to SINGle but the current sweep has not completed yet, this command is ignored. Use this command in combination with :STATus:OPERation? or *OPC? to synchronize the capture of one complete set of data. When this command is sent, the "sweep complete" bit of :STATus:OPERation? is set to 0, indicating that the measurement has not completed. The data collection is then triggered. The controlling program can poll :STATus:OPERation? to determine the status. When the "sweep complete" bit is set to 1, data is ready to be retrieved.
This command is also overlapped, so alternatively, *OPC? can be used to wait for completion of the measurement without polling. When this command is received, the pending operation bit is set. The pending operation will finish once the sweep/measurement is done. Clients can use *OPC? to 'block' until the sweep/measurement is completed.