Error Number | Error String | Description |
11 | EEPROM read/write error | EEPROM read and/or write failed |
10 | Hardware communication error | Failed to communicate with device hardware. |
2 | Option mismatch | Operation failed due to option mismatch. |
1 | Model mismatch | Operation failed due to option mismatch. |
0 | No error | The queue is completely empty. Every error/event in the queue has been read or the queue was purposely cleared by power-on, *CLS, etc. |
-100 | Command error | Command error |
-101 | Invalid character | A syntactic element contains a character which is invalid for that type. |
-102 | Syntax error | An unrecognized command or data type was encountered. |
-103 | Invalid separator | The parser was expecting a separator and encountered an illegal character. |
-104 | Data type error | The parser recognized a data element different than one allowed. |
-108 | Parameter not allowed | More parameters were received than expected for the header. |
-109 | Missing parameter | Fewer parameters were received than required for the header. |
-110 | Command header error | An error was detected in the header. |
-120 | Numeric data error | Error is generated when parsing a data element which appears to be numeric, including the non-decimal numeric types. |
-121 | Invalid character in number | An invalid character for the data type being parsed was encountered. |
-123 | Exponent too large | The magnitude of the exponent was larger than 32000. |
-124 | Too many digits | The mantissa of a decimal numeric data element contained more than 255 digits excluding leading zeros. |
-131 | Invalid suffix | The suffix does not follow the syntax or suffix is inappropriate for this device. |
-141 | Invalid character data | Either the character data element contains an invalid character or the particular element received is not valid for the header. |
-160 | Block data error | Error is generated when parsing a block data element. |
-171 | Invalid Expression | The expression data element was invalid; for example, unmatched parentheses or an illegal character. |
-200 | Execution error | Execution error |
-213 | Init ignored | Indicates that a request for a measurement initiation was ignored as another measurement was already in progress. |
-221 | Settings Conflict | The processed parameter could not be set due to the current device state. |
-222 | Data Out of Range | The processed parameter is outside of the instrument's defined range. |
-224 | Illegal parameter value | Indicates that an exact value, from a list of possibles, was expected. |
-230 | Invalid trace data | Data corrupt or stale |
-233 | Invalid version | Indicates that the version does not match the version expected by the device. |
-251 | Missing mass storage | Indicates that a legal program command or query could not be executed because of missing mass storage. |
-256 | File name not found | Indicates that a legal program command or query could not be executed because the file name on the device was not found. |
-300 | Device-specific error | Device-specific error |
-340 | Calibration Failed | Calibration Failed |
-350 | Queue overflow | A specific code entered into the queue in lieu of the code that caused the error. This code indicates that there is no room in the queue and an error occurred but was not recorded. |
-363 | Input buffer overrun | Software or hardware input buffer on incoming port overflows with data caused by improper or nonexistent pacing. |
-400 | Query error | Query error |