Some common commands are defined in the IEEE-488.2 standard and must be implemented by all SCPI compatible instruments. These commands are identified by an asterisk (*) at the beginning of the command. These commands are defined to control instrument status registers, status reporting, synchronization, and other common functions. Examples of common commands supported by the instrument are shown below.
Clear Status Command
This command clears all status data structures in the device (registers and error queue) and forces the Operation Complete state to Idle.
This command returns the following information in <string> format separated by commas: manufacturer name ("Anritsu"), model number, serial number, and firmware package number.
This command sets the instrument into a known state that is ready for SCPI command processing. Setting the instrument into a known state includes the following steps:
1. All applications beside the default application of the particular model will be turned off.
2. Settings for all applications (regardless of an application being active) are preset to default values.
3. System settings excluding settings associated with client connections (like Ethernet addresses or DNS) are preset to default values.
4. Pending operations are aborted and the pending operation flag will be reset. The instrument will be forced into the operation complete command idle state (OCIS) and the operation complete query idle state (OQIS) before the pending operation flag is reset.
SCPI Required Commands
The required SCPI commands supported by the instrument are listed below. These commands work in all measurement modes.
SCPI Required Commands
SCPI Optional Commands
Optional SCPI commands comprise the majority of the MS208xA command set. These commands control most of the programmable functions of the instrument. The top level command subsystems are listed in the table below.
SCPI Optional Commands
The SCPI optional commands are sorted by measurement modes and the commands may be repeated in more than one mode.