Site Master MS2085A/MS2089A Programming Manual : Programming with SCPI : SCPI Commands
SCPI Commands
Command subsystems control specific instrument functions and some general purpose functions as described earlier in this text. All command subsystems are identified by the leading keyword in a command statement, as in :INITiate:CONTinuous.
The following information is provided for each command described in this guide:
The command name, See Command Names
The path from the subsystem root command, See Hierarchical Command Structure
The query form of the command (if applicable), See Query Commands
A description of the command function and purpose
The data parameters used as arguments for the command, See Data Parameters
This may include the parameter type, available parameter choices, and numeric ranges and default values.
Refer to the following for the programming command descriptions:
Chapter 2, “MS209xx Commands”
Appendix A, “Alphabetical SCPI Command List”Refer to the next section for the programming examples.