Site Master MS2085A/MS2089A Programming Manual : Programming with SCPI : SCPI Command Programming Examples
SCPI Command Programming Examples
SCPI commands are sent to port 9001 of the instrument. Command statements read from left to right and from top to bottom. In the command statement below, the :FREQuency keyword immediately follows the :SENSe keyword with no separating space. A space is used between the command string and its argument.
Notational Examples
[:SENSe]:FREQuency:STARt <numeric_value>{HZ|KHZ|MHZ|GHZ}
The following command syntax all produce the same result:
:sense:frequency:start 1000000
Note that the first keyword in the command string does not require a leading colon; however, it is good practice to always use a leading colon for all keywords. Note also that the :SENSe keyword is optional. This is a SCPI convention for all voltage or signal source type instruments that allows shorter command statements to be used.
:CALCulate:MARKer<n>:X <numeric_value>{HZ|KHZ|MHZ|GHZ}
The first two commands below set the location of marker 1, the third command sets the location of marker 2:
:CALC:MARK2:X 2ghz
The following command syntax is identical:
:unit:pow dbm
:INITiate:CONTinuous <0|1|ON|OFF>
The following commands are identical:
:INITiate:CONTinuous OFF
:init:cont 0
The following is an example of a multiple command statement that uses two separate commands in a single program line:
:FREQuency:STARt 10E6;:FREQuency:STOP 20E9
A semicolon is used to join the commands and a leading colon used immediately after the semicolon to start the second command.
Spectrum Trace Data via SCPI
This section provides an abbreviated example of setting up and capturing spectrum trace data via SCPI commands. SCPI commands are sent to port 9001 of the instrument.
//Set the Start and Stop Frequencies
//Set the RBW to 30 kHz
//Set the Reference Level to -30 dBm
//Set to single sweep
//Get trace amplitude data
//Get number of display points to calculate frequency array
This example is run on the command line using the USBTMC interface. It sends the *IDN? query to the instrument and prints the response to the console.
// IdnExample.cpp : Microsoft Visual Studio-Generated Example
//Usage : IdnExample “USB0::0x0B58::0xFFF9::xxxxxxxx_xxx_xx::INSTR”
//where xxxxxxxx_xxx_xx is the USB Device ID of the instrument.
//Output : The string identity string returned from the instrument.
//VISA Header : visa.h (must be included)
//VISA Libarary : visa32.lib(must be linked with)
#include “stdafx.h”
#include “stdio.h”
#include “string.h”
#include “visa.h”
#define BUFFER_SIZE 255
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
ViStatus status; /* For checking errors */
ViSession defaultRM, instr; /* Communication channels */
ViUInt32 retCount; /* Return count from string I/O */
ViChar buffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; /* Buffer for string I/O */
char tempDisplay[BUFFER_SIZE]; /* Display buffer for example */
char *pAddress;
/* Make sure we got our address. */
if ( argc < 2 )
printf(”Usage: IdnExample
printf(”\t where xxxxxxxx_xxx_xx is the USB Device ID of your instrument.\n”);
return -1;
/* Store the address. */
pAddress = argv[1];
/* Begin by initializing the system*/
status = viOpenDefaultRM(&defaultRM);
if (status < VI_SUCCESS)
/* Error Initializing VISA...exiting*/
printf(”Can't initialize VISA\n”);
return -1;
/* USB0::0x0B58::0xFFF9::xxxxxxxx_xxx_xx::INSTR*/
/* NOTE: For simplicity, we will not show error checking*/
/* TODO: Add error handling. */
status = viOpen(defaultRM, pAddress, VI_NULL, VI_NULL, &instr);
/* Set the timeout for message-based communication*/
/* TODO: Add error handling. */
status = viSetAttribute(instr, VI_ATTR_TMO_VALUE, 120000);
/* Ask the device for identification */
sprintf(buffer, “*IDN?\n”);
status = viWrite(instr, (unsigned char *)&buffer[0], 6, &retCount);
status = viRead(instr, (unsigned char *)buffer, BUFFER_SIZE, &retCount);
/* TODO: Add code to process data. */
strncpy(tempDisplay, buffer, retCount);
tempDisplay[retCount] = 0; /* Null-terminate display string. */
printf(”*IDN? Returned %d bytes: %s\n”, retCount, tempDisplay);
/* Close down the system */
/* TODO: Add error handling. */
status = viClose(instr);
status = viClose(defaultRM);
return 0;
Programming Examples
Raw Socket Connection
import socket from time import sleep, time
class SocketConnection:
"""Provides a means to connect and send SCPI commands to the DUT using a raw TCP socket."""
def __init__(self, ipAddress):
"""Initializes an instance of SocketConnection class
@param ipAddress The IP address of the device"""
# split out port number if given
splitIpAddress = ipAddress.split(':')
assert len(splitIpAddress) > 0
assert len(splitIpAddress) <= 2
self._ipAddress = splitIpAddress[0]
#assign port
if len(splitIpAddress) == 2:
self._portNumber = int(splitIpAddress[1])
self._portNumber = 9001
self._socketConnection = None
self._timeoutInSec = 120
self._socketReadSize = 4096
self.__nonBulkDataSizeCuttoff = 32768
# Time to let the other end of the connection close
self.__timeoutAfterCloseInSec = 1
self._terminatedBlockResponse = False
self.prefix = ''
self._verbose = False
def __del__(self):
"""This gets called by the garbage collector so it is possible that the connection will remain open for a while before this gets collected."""
def getpeername(self):
return self._ipAddress, self._portNumber
def settimeout(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self._socketConnection.settimeout(*args, **kwargs)
def expectTerminatedBlockResponse(self, newval=None):
if newval is not None:
self._terminatedBlockResponse = newval
return self._terminatedBlockResponse
def sendWriteCommand(self, scpiCommand):
"""Sends a SCPI write command. @param scpiCommand The SCPI command to send."""
scpiCommand = self.prefix + scpiCommand
returnValue = self._socketConnection.sendall(scpiCommand + "\n")
assert returnValue is None, "Error sending command: " + scpiCommand
if self._verbose:
if len(scpiCommand) < self.__nonBulkDataSizeCuttoff:
print(scpiCommand + " sent successfully")
print( "sent long scpi command of length: " + str(len(scpiCommand)))
except socket.error as msg:
assert False, "Failed to send SCPI command: a socket error occurred (Error code: " + str(msg[0]) + ", Error message: " + str(msg[1]) + ")"
def sendQueryCommand(self, scpiCommand):
"""Sends a SCPI query command and return the response. @param scpiCommand The SCPI query to send. @return The result of the SCPI command."""
scpiCommand = self.prefix + scpiCommand
returnValue = self._socketConnection.sendall(scpiCommand + "\n")
assert returnValue is None, "failed to send command"
if self._verbose:
print(scpiCommand + " sent successfully")
# Read 1 byte to check for a block data response header
data = self._socketConnection.recv(1)
assert len(data) > 0, "No data returned for query"
if len(data) > 0 and data[0] == '#':
# Block data response
data = self._getBlockDataResponse()
elif len(data) > 0 and data[0] == '\n':
# Check for a response string that only contains a newline. Remove the newline and return empty data.
data = data[:-1]
elif len(data) > 0:
# ASCII response: receive until the entire response is read
while True:
data += self._socketConnection.recv(self._socketReadSize)
assert len(data) < self.__nonBulkDataSizeCuttoff, \
"No newline character found in response to " + scpiCommand + " SCPI command."
# Check for a new line at the end of the response
if data[-1] == '\n':
# Remove the trailing \n from the response
data = data[:-1]
if self._verbose:
print('Data received: "%s"' % data)
except socket.error as msg:
assert False, "Failed to send SCPI command: a socket error occurred \n" + msg.__str__()
return data
def _establishConnection(self):
"""Establishes a connection. The call will fail if a connection is already open."""
assert self._socketConnection is None, "connection should not already be open"
self._socketConnection = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
self._socketConnection.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
self._socketConnection.connect((self._ipAddress, self._portNumber))
self._socketConnection.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1)
except socket.error as msg:
assert False, "Failed to establish DUT connection (Error code: " + str(msg[0]) + ", Error message: " + str(msg[1]) + ")"
def _closeConnection(self):
"""Closes the socket connection and asserts that it closed. This informs the other end of the socket that it should close but it may take some time depending on implementation, network conditions, etc."""
if self._socketConnection is not None:
self._socketConnection = None
assert self._socketConnection is None, "Socket connection not closed"
def _getBlockDataResponse(self):
""" Receives a SCPI block data response of the form 'AXD' where A is a single ASCII byte specifying the number of digits in X, X is one or more ASCII bytes specifying the number of bytes in D, and D is one or more bytes containing the response binary data."""
numSizeBytes = int(self._socketConnection.recv(1))
assert numSizeBytes > 0, "The definite-length empty block response must be #10 not #0."
numDataBytesLeft = int(self._socketConnection.recv(numSizeBytes))
responses = []
readBuffer = bytearray(numDataBytesLeft)
view = memoryview(readBuffer)
timeoutSeconds = self._socketConnection.gettimeout()
lastReadTime = time()
while numDataBytesLeft > 0:
numBytesRead = self._socketConnection.recv_into(view, numDataBytesLeft)
if numBytesRead > 0:
lastReadTime = time()
dt = time() - lastReadTime
if dt > timeoutSeconds:
raise Exception('Timeout after %d ms: Only read %d/%d bytes'
% (dt, len(readBuffer),
len(readBuffer) + numDataBytesLeft))
view = view[numBytesRead:]
numDataBytesLeft = numDataBytesLeft - numBytesRead
if self._terminatedBlockResponse:
blockTerminator = self._socketConnection.recv(2)
assert blockTerminator in ('\r\n', '\n')
if self._verbose:
print("Read bytes of block data: ", len(readBuffer))
return readBuffer
def reset(self, delay_seconds=-1):
"""Resets the established connection @param delay_seconds: Wait time between closing the connection and attempting tore-establish the connection. This is useful when rebooting an instrument."""
if delay_seconds >= 0:
except socket.error as msg:
assert False, "Failed to establish DUT connection (Error code: " + str(msg[0]) + ", Error message: " + str(msg[1]) + ")"
reset_timeout = 300 # 300 seconds == 5 minutes == max polling time
time.sleep(5) # Fixed delay before attempting to reconnect
while reset_timeout > 0:
self._socketConnection = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
self._socketConnection.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
self._socketConnection.connect((self._ipAddress, self._portNumber))
except Exception as msg :
self._socketConnection = None
reset_timeout -= 1
if reset_timeout <= 0:
assert False, "Failed to establish DUT connection (Error code: " + str(msg[0]) + ", Error message: " + str(msg[1]) + ")"