Trace Name SCPI Keyword Display Trace Abbreviation | Trace Graph Format | Default Reference Level | Reference Level Range | Default Resolution | Resolution Range Parameter / Division | Default Scale Position | Scale Reference Range - Num of VertIcal Div. |
Group Delay GDELay GDEL | Single Rectilinear Graph | 0 | +/-9.9999E2 | 1 microsecond | 1E-13 to 1E9 | 5 | 4 to 30 |
Imaginary IMAGinar IMAG | Single Rectilinear Graph | 0 | +/-9.9999E2 | 1 Unit (U) | 1E-5 to 1E6 | 5 | 4 to 30 |
Linear Mag and Phase LINPHase LINPH | Double Rectilinear Graphs | Top = 0 Bottom = 0 | +/-9.9999E2 | Top = 10 U Bottom = 45 degrees | -NA- | Top = 5 Bottom = 5 | Top = 4 to 30 Bottom = 4 to 30 |
Log Mag and Phase LOGPHase LOGPH | Double Rectilinear Graphs | Top = 0 Bottom = 0 | +/-9.9999E2 | Top = 10 dB Bottom = 45 degrees | Top = 1E-3 to 1E3 Bottom = 1E-2 to 1E6 | Top = 5 Bottom = 5 | Top = 4 to 30 Bottom = 4 to 30 |
Linear Mag MLINear MLIN | Single Rectilinear Graph | 0 | +/-9.9999E2 | 10 U | 1E-5 to 1E6 | 5 | 4 to 30 |
Log Mag MLOGarithmic MLOG | Single Rectilinear Graph | 0 | +/-9.9999E2 | 10 dB | 1E-3 to 1E3 | 5 | 4 to 30 |
Phase PHASe PHAS | Single Rectilinear Graph | 0 | +/-9.9999E2 | 45 degrees | 1E-2 to 1E6 | 5 | 4 to 30 |
Linear Polar Lin/Phase PLINear PLIN | Polar Graph | 5 | 1E-8 to 9.9999E2 | 1 U | 2E-9 to 1E6 | -NA- | -NA- |
Linear Polar Real/Imag PLINCOMPlex PLIN | Polar Graph | 5 | 1E-8 to 9.9999E2 | 1 U | 2E-9 to 1E6 | -NA- | -NA- |
Log Polar Log/Phase PLOGarithmic PLOG | Polar Graph | 0 | +/-9.9999E2 | 10 dB | 1E-5 to 1E6 | -NA- | -NA- |
Log Polar Real/Imag PLOGCOMPlex PLOGCOMP | Polar Graph | 0 | +/-9.9999E2 | 10 dB | 1E-5 to 1E6 | -NA- | -NA- |
Power In PWRIn PWRI | Single Rectilinear Graph | 0 dBm | +/-9.9999E2 | 10 dB | 1E-3 to 1E3 | -NA- | -NA- |
Power Out PWROut PWRO | Single Rectilinear Graph | 0 dBm | +/-9.9999E2 | 10 dB | 1E-3 to 1E3 | 5 | 4 to 30 |
Real REAL REAL | Single Rectilinear Graph | 0 | +/-9.9999E2 | 1 U | 1E-5 to 1E6 | 5 | 4 to 30 |
Real and Imaginary REIMaginary REIM | Double Rectilinear Graphs | TOP = 0 Bottom = 0 | +/-9.9999E2 | Top = 1 U Bottom = 1 U | Top = 1E-5 to 1E6 Bottom = 1E-5 to 1E6 | Top = 5 Bottom = 5 | Top = 4 to 30 Bottom = 40 to 30 |
Smith (G + jB) Real/Imag SADCOMPlex SADCOMP | Smith Chart - Admittance (Complex) | -NA- | +/-9.9999E2 | 1 U | 1E-5 to 1E6 | -NA- | -NA- |
Smith (G + jB) Lin/Phase SADLINear SADLIN | Smith Chart - Admittance (Linear) | -NA- | +/-9.9999E2 | 10 U | 1E-5 to 1E6 | -NA- | -NA- |
Smith (G + jB) Log/Phase SADLOGarithmic SADLOG | Smith Chart - Admittance (Log) | -NA- | +/-9.9999E2 | 10 U | 1E-5 to 1E6 | -NA- | -NA- |
Smith (G + jB) Admittance SADMittance SADM | Smith Chart - Admittance (Admittance) | -NA- | +/-9.9999E2 | 10 U | 1E-5 to 1E6 | -NA- | -NA- |
Smith (R + jX) Real/Imag SCOMPlex SCOMP | Smith Chart - Impedance (Complex) | -NA- | +/-9.9999E2 | 10 U | 1E-5 to 1E6 | -NA- | -NA- |
Smith (R + jX) Lin/Phase SLINear SLIN | Smith Chart - Impedance (Linear) | -NA- | +/-9.9999E2 | 10 U | 1E-5 to 1E6 | -NA- | -NA- |
Smith (R + jX) Log/Phase SLOGarithmic SLOG | Smith Chart - Impedance (Log) | -NA- | +/-9.9999E2 | 10 U | 1E-5 to 1E6 | -NA- | -NA- |
Smith (R + jX) Impedance SMITh SMIT | Smith Chart - Impedance (Impedance) | -NA- | +/-9.9999E2 | 10 U | 1E-5 to 1E6 | -NA- | -NA- |
SWR SWR SWR | Single Rectilinear Graph | 0 | +/-9.9999E2 | 10 U | 1E-5 to 1E6 | 5 | 4 to 30 |
Impedance Real & Imaginary ZCOMPlex ZCOMP | Double Rectilinear Graphs | Top = 0 Ohms Bottom = 0 Ohms | +/-9.9999E2 | Top = 10 Ohms Bottom = 10 Ohms | Top = 1E-5 to 1E6 Bottom = 1E-5 to 1E6 | Top = 5 Bottom = 5 | Top = 4 to 30 Bottom = 4 to 30 |
Impedance Imaginary ZIMAGinary ZIMAG | Single Rectilinear Graph | 0 Ohms | +/-9.9999E2 | 10 Ohms | 1E-5 to 1E6 | 5 | 4 to 30 |
Impedance Magnitude ZMAGNitude ZMAGN | Single Rectilinear Graph | 0 Ohms | +/-9.9999E2 | 10 Ohms | 1E-5 to 1E6 | 5 | 4 to 30 |
Impedance Real ZREAL ZREAL | Single Rectilinear Graph | 0 Ohms | +/-9.9999E2 | 10 Ohms | 1E-5 to 1E6 | 5 | 4 to 30 |