VectorStar™ MS4640A SeriesMicrowave Vector Network Analyzer : Programming the VectorStar Series VNAs
Programming the VectorStar Series VNAs
Introduction to SCPI Programming
Command Types
IEEE 488.2 Commands
System Commands
SCPI Commands
Required SCPI Commands
Native SCPI Commands
Anritsu Lightning VNA Commands
Using Anritsu Lightning VNA Commands
VectorStar VNA Language Set to Lightning
HP8510 Commands
Command Requirements
Query Commands
Command Names
Hierarchical Command Structure
Data Parameters
Notational Conventions
General Notations
Parameter Notations
Notational Examples
Band Equation
Numeric Data Suffix Reference
Data Transmission Methods
<ASCII> or <Arbitrary ASCII>
<block> or <arbitrary block>
Formatting Data Output
ASCII or Binary Data Format
Calculating the Byte Size
Numbers Output-per-Data Point (NODP)
Bytes Output-per-Number (BOPN)
Size of Data Block (SODB)
Number of Bytes Output (NBO)
GPIB Input Buffer Size and NRFD Holdoff
Synchronization of GPIB Commands
Forcing the Parser to Stop Waiting
How Can I Abort an RF or Hardware Calibration
GPIB Time-Out Settings
Trace Type Parameters and Coefficients
Input/Output Data Files
Status System Reporting
Status Group Registers
Status Group Reporting
Trigger System
Trigger Modes
Trigger Timing
Calibration Component Parameters
Loads and Through Lines
Other Connector Coefficients
W1 Calibration Kit
Sliding Load Cutoff Frequency
Microstrip Kit Common Values
Notes on Calibration Commands
Setting Up a Two-Port Calibration
Setting Up a Four-Port Calibration
Defining the Calibration Standards
Performing the Calibration
LRL Calibration
Command Script Example – Limit Lines
Limit Lines for Single Rectilinear Trace Display
Required Equipment
DUT Requirements
Channel and Trace Display Requirements
VNA General Setup and Configuration
Frequency and Sweep Settings
Limit Lines Setup
Clear Previous Limit Lines
Create and Configure Limit Line Segment 1
Create and Configure Limit Line Segment 2
Create and Configure Limit Line Segment 3
Create and Configure Limit Line Segment 4
Configure AutoCal Calibration
Ready for Measurements
This chapter provides an introduction to programming the VectorStar VNA with the SCPI programming language. It also includes descriptions of the command types that the MS4640A accepts, program command structures, data parameters and input/output specifications, and notational conventions. Information on the MS4640A status system and trigger system programming is also provided.
Introduction to SCPI Programming
The Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments (SCPI) defines a set of standard programming commands for use by all SCPI compatible instruments. SCPI is intended to give the ATE user a consistent environment for program development. It does so by defining controller messages, instrument responses, and message formats for all SCPI compatible instruments. The IEEE 488 (GPIB) interface for the MS4640A is designed to conform to the requirements of SCPI 1999.0. The set of SCPI commands implemented by the MS4640A GPIB interface provides a comprehensive set of programming functions covering all of the major functions of the MS4640A.
Command Types
SCPI commands, which are also referred to as SCPI instructions, are messages to the instrument to perform specific tasks. The MS4640A command set, introduced in this chapter, includes these command types:
IEEE 488.2 Commands
System Commands
SCPI Commands
Native SCPI Commands
Anritsu Lightning VNA Commands
HP8510 Commands