VectorStar™ MS4640A SeriesMicrowave Vector Network Analyzer : Programming the VectorStar Series VNAs : Notational Conventions
Notational Conventions
The SCPI interface standardizes command syntax and style that simplifies the task of programming across a wide range of instrumentation. As with any programming language, the exact command keywords and command syntax must be used. Unrecognized commands or improper syntax will not function.
General Notations
The syntax conventions that are used for all SCPI command keywords and data parameter descriptions in this manual are described below:
General Notations 
A colon links command keywords together to form commands. The colon is not an actual part of the keyword, but is a signal to the SCPI interface parser. A colon must precede a root keyword immediately following a semicolon (see Notational Examples).
A semicolon separates commands if multiple commands are placed on a single program line (see Notational Examples).
[ ]
Square brackets enclose one or more optional keywords.
{ }
Braces enclose one or more keyword parameters that may be included one or more times.
A vertical bar (also called a “pipe”) indicates “or” and is used to separate alternative parameter options.
For Example: ON | OFF is the same as ON or OFF.
< >
Angle brackets enclose parameter descriptions.
Means “is defined as” For example: <a>::=<b><c> indicates that <b><c> can replace <a>.
For further information about SCPI command syntax and style, refer to the Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments (SCPI) 1999.0 document.
Parameter Notations
The following syntax conventions are used for all data parameter descriptions in this manual:
Parameter Notations
A non-delimited 7-bit ASCII text. The end of the text must be terminated with the 0A character (decimal 10) and concurrent setting (^) of the GPIB End of Transmission State (EOI). <ASCII> (also called <Arbitrary ASCII>) text is transmitted only at the end of a program or response message.
IEEE-488.2 block data format. Can be in ASCII, XML, or other format.
Boolean values in <NR1> format; numeric 1 or 0
ON | OFF. Can also be represented as 1 or 0, where 1 means ON and 0 means OFF
Boolean parameters are always returned as 1 or 0 in <NR1> format by query commands
Positive Infinity. Positive infinity is represented as 9.9E37. The numeric value for positive infinity fits into a 32-bit IEEE 754 floating point number.
An unsigned integer without a decimal point (implied radix point)
Not Applicable
Not A Number. Not a number is represented as 9.91E37 and is defined in IEEE 754. Typically used where applications are dividing zero by zero or subtracting infinity from infinity. NAN is also used to represent missing data such as a trace that has not been yet acquired.
Negative Infinity. Negative infinity is represented as -9.9E37. The numeric value for negative infinity fits into a 32-bit IEEE 754 floating point number.
A signed integer without a decimal point (implied radix point)
A signed number with an explicit radix point
A scaled explicit decimal point numeric value with an exponent (e.g., floating point number)
Values in NR1, NR2, or NR3 formats are accepted. Logically, <NR1> | <NR2> | <NR3>
Also <nv> or SCPI numeric value as: <NRf> | MINimum | MAXimum | DEFault | UP | DOWN | NAN or NotANumber | INF or INFinity | NINF or NegativeINFinity or other types
<numeric_value> or SCPI numeric value as: <NRf> | MINimum | MAXimum | DEFault | UP | DOWN | NAN or NotANumber | INF or INFinity | NINF or NegativeINFinity or other types
<STRING PROGRAM DATA> ASCII characters surrounded by double quotes
For example: “C:\Anritsu\VectorStar\filename.s2p”
Numeric Limit. Maximum Positive/Negative Double Precision Number.
+/– 1.792 693 134 860 E+308
Numeric Limit. Maximum Positive/Negative Float Number
+/- 3.402 819 E+38
Numeric Limit. Maximum Positive/Negative Integer
- 2 147 483 648 to +2 147 483 647
Refer to Data Transmission Methods for detailed information about parameter input/output and transferring data to/from the instrument.
Notational Examples
The following is an example showing command syntax:
:SENSe1:FREQuency:STARt 2.0E9
Command statements read from left to right and from top to bottom. In the command statement above, the :FREQuency keyword immediately follows the :SENSe1 keyword with no separating space. A space is required between the command string and its argument.
Note that the first keyword in the command string does not require a leading colon; however, it is good practice to always use a leading colon for all keywords.
The following is an example of a multiple command statement that uses two separate commands in a single statement:
:SENSe1:FREQuency:STARt 2.0E9;:SENSe1:FREQuency:STOP 20.0E9
Using the command keyword short form, the command string above would be:
Note the semicolon used to join the commands. Also note the leading colon used immediately after the semicolon.
Band Equation
MPNI, Limited by the band equation. The band equation depends whether or not CW is set.
If CW is off, the band equation equals:
Source = (Multiplier/Divisor) x (Frequency plus Offset Frequency)
If CW is on, the band equation equals:
Source = (Multiplier/Divisor) + Offset Frequency