:CALCulate{1-16}:PARameter{1-16}:FSIMulator Subsystem
The :CALCulate{1-16}PARameter{1-16}:FSIMulator commands select a mapped-to port pair for 2-Port VNA measurements. Use these commands to configure the ports for a multiport system measuring a DUT with various port pairs and none, one, or two singletons.
Measurement and Mixed Mode Subsystems
:CALCulate{1-16}:PARameter{1-16}:FSIMulator:BALun:D1S0:DEFine <char1>
For 2-Port VNAs only. The command sets the Mixed Mode measurement parameter for the D1S0 Differential Device for the indicated channel and trace.
The query outputs the Mixed Mode measurement parameter for the D1S0 Differential Device for the indicated channel and trace.
Cmd Parameters
<char1> SDD | SDC | SCD | SCC
Where the parameters are defined as Reception at Pair 1 and Drive at Pair 1 as:
• SDD = S-Parameter for differential reception at Pair 1 and differential drive at Pair 1
• SDC = S-Parameter for differential reception at Pair 1 and common-mode drive at Pair 2
• SCD = S-Parameter for common-mode reception at Pair 1 and differential drive at Pair 1
• SCC = S-Parameter for common-mode reception at Pair 1 and common-mode drive at Pair 1
Query Parameters
<char1> SDD | SDC | SCD | SCC
Syntax Example
:CALCulate{1-16}:PARameter{1-16}:FSIMulator:BALun:D1S0:TOPology <char1>
This command for 2-Port or 4-Port VNAs. The command sets the D1S0 Device logical ports to the actual ports mapping as one differential pair and no singletons for the indicated channel and trace. The query outputs the D1S0 Device logical port to actual ports mapping for the indicated channel and trace.
Cmd Parameters
<char1> MAP12 | MAP21 | MAP13 | MAP31 | MAP23 | MAP32 | MAP14 | MAP41 | MAP24 | MAP42 | MAP34 | MAP43
Query Parameters
<char1> MAP12 | MAP21 | MAP13 | MAP31 | MAP23 | MAP32 | MAP14 | MAP41 | MAP24 | MAP42 | MAP34 | MAP43 | NONE
Syntax Example
:CALCulate{1-16}:PARameter{1-16}:FSIMulator:BALun:D1S1:DEFine <char1>
The command sets the Mixed Mode measurement parameter for the D1S1 Differential Device for the indicated channel and trace. This command requires a Four-Port test set. The query outputs the Mixed Mode measurement parameter for the D1S1 Differential Device for the indicated channel and trace.
Cmd Parameters
<char1> SXX | SXD | SXC | SDX | SCX | SDD | SDC | SCD | SCC
Where the mixed-mode configurations are:
• SXX = S-Parameter for first singleton reception and first singleton drive
• SXD = S-Parameter for first singleton reception and differential drive at Pair 1
• SXC = S-Parameter for first singleton reception and common-mode drive at Pair 1
• SDX = S-Parameter for differential reception at Pair 1 and first singleton drive
• SCX = S-Parameter for common-mode reception at Pair 1 and first singleton drive
• SDD = S-Parameter for differential reception at Pair 1 and differential drive at Pair 1
• SDC = S-Parameter for differential reception at Pair 1 and common-mode drive at Pair 2
• SCD = S-Parameter for common-mode reception at Pair 1 and differential drive at Pair 1
• SCC = S-Parameter for common-mode reception at Pair 1 and common-mode drive at Pair 1
Query Parameters
<char1> SXX | SXD | SXC | SDX | SCX | SDD | SDC | SCD | SCC
Syntax Example
:CALCulate{1-16}:PARameter{1-16}:FSIMulator:BALun:D1S1:TOPology <char1>, <char2>
The command sets the D1S1 Differential Device logical ports to actual ports mapping for the indicated channel and trace. Note that port mappings must be port exclusive. The query outputs the D1S1 Differential Device logical ports to actual ports mapping for the indicated channel and trace.
Cmd Parameters
<char1> MAP12 | MAP21 | MAP13 | MAP31 | MAP23 | MAP32 | MAP14 | MAP41 | MAP24 | MAP42 | MAP34 | MAP43
<char2> MAP1 | MAP2 | MAP3 | MAP4
Query Parameters
<char1> MAP12 | MAP21 | MAP13 | MAP31 | MAP23 | MAP32 | MAP14 | MAP41 | MAP24 | MAP42 | MAP34 | MAP43 | NONE
<char2> MAP1 | MAP2 | MAP3 | MAP4 | NONE
Syntax Example
:CALCulate{1-16}:PARameter{1-16}:FSIMulator:BALun:D1S2:DEFine <char1>
The command sets the Mixed Mode measurement parameter for the D1S2 Differential Device as one differential pair and two singletons for the indicated channel and trace. This command requires a Four-Port test set. The query outputs the Mixed Mode measurement parameter for the D1S2 Differential Device for the indicated channel and trace.
Cmd Parameters
<char1> SXX | SXY | SYX | SYY | SXD | SXC | SYD | SYC | SDX | SDY | SCX | SCY | SDD | SDC | SCD | SCC
Where the mixed-mode configurations are:
• SXX = S-Parameter for first singleton reception and first singleton drive
• SXY = S-Parameter for first singleton reception and second singleton drive
• SYX = S-Parameter for second singleton reception and first singleton drive
• SYY = S-Parameter for second singleton reception and second singleton drive
• SXD = S-Parameter for first singleton reception and differential drive at Pair 1
• SXC = S-Parameter for first singleton reception and common-mode drive at Pair 1
• SYD = S-Parameter for second singleton reception and differential drive at Pair 1
• SYC = S-Parameter for second singleton reception and common-mode drive at Pair 1
• SDX = S-Parameter for differential reception at Pair 1 and first singleton drive
• SDY = S-Parameter for differential reception at Pair 1 and second singleton drive
• SCX = S-Parameter for common-mode reception at Pair 1 and first singleton drive
• SCY = S-Parameter for common-mode reception at Pair 1 and second singleton drive
• SDD = S-Parameter for differential reception at Pair 1 and differential drive at Pair 1
• SDC = S-Parameter for differential reception at Pair 1 and common-mode drive at Pair 2
• SCD = S-Parameter for common-mode reception at Pair 1 and differential drive at Pair 1
• SCC = S-Parameter for common-mode reception at Pair 1 and common-mode drive at Pair 1
Query Parameters
<char1> Return characters are the same as command parameters.
Syntax Example
:CALCulate{1-16}:PARameter{1-16}:FSIMulator:BALun:D1S2:TOPology <char1>, <char2>, <char3>
The command sets the D1S2 Device logical ports to actual ports mapping for the indicated channel and trace. Note that port mappings must be port exclusive. The query outputs the D1S2 Device logical ports to actual ports mapping for the indicated channel and trace.
Cmd Parameters
<char1> MAP12 | MAP21 | MAP13 | MAP31 | MAP23 | MAP32 | MAP14 | MAP41 | MAP24 | MAP42 | MAP34 | MAP43
<char2> MAP1 | MAP2 | MAP3 | MAP4
<char3> MAP1 | MAP2 | MAP3 | MAP4
Query Parameters
<char1> MAP12 | MAP21 | MAP13 | MAP31 | MAP23 | MAP32 | MAP14 | MAP41 | MAP24 | MAP42 | MAP34 | MAP43 | NONE
<char2> MAP1 | MAP2 | MAP3 | MAP4 | NONE
<char3> MAP1 | MAP2 | MAP3 | MAP4 | NONE
Syntax Example
:CALCulate{1-16}:PARameter{1-16}:FSIMulator:BALun:D2S0:DEFine <char1>
The command sets the Mixed Mode measurement parameter for the D2S0 Differential Device as two differential pairs and no singletons for the indicated channel and trace. This command requires a 4-Port test set.
The query outputs the Mixed Mode measurement parameter for the D2S0 Differential Device for the indicated channel and trace.
Cmd Parameters
<char1> SD1D1 | SD1D2 | SD2D1 | SD2D2 | SC1C1 | SC1C2 | SC2C1 | SC2C2 | SD1C1 | SD1C2 | SD2C1 | SD2C2 | SC1D1 | SC1D2 | SC2D1 | SC2D2
Where the following balun types are available:
• SD1D1 = S-parameter for differential reception at Pair 1 and differential drive at Pair 2
• SD1D2 = S-parameter for differential reception at Pair 1 and differential drive at Pair 2
• SD2D1 = S-parameter for differential reception at Pair 2 and differential drive at Pair 1
• SD2D2 = S-parameter for differential reception at Pair 2 and differential drive at Pair 2
• SC1D1 = S-parameter for common-mode reception at Pair 1 and differential drive at Pair 1
• SC1D2 = S-parameter for common-mode reception at Pair 1 and differential drive at Pair 2
• SC2D1 = S-parameter for common-mode reception at Pair 2 and differential drive at Pair 1
• SC2D2 = S-parameter for common-mode reception at Pair 2 and differential drive at Pair 2
• SD1C1 = S-parameter for differential reception at Pair 1 and common-mode drive at Pair 2
• SD1C2 = S-parameter for differential reception at Pair 1 and common-mode drive at Pair 2
• SD2C1 = S-parameter for differential reception at Pair 2 and common-mode drive at Pair 1
• SD2C2 = S-parameter for differential reception at Pair 2 and common-mode drive at Pair 2
• SC1C1 = S-parameter for common-mode reception at Pair 1 and common-mode drive at Pair 1
• SC1C2 = S-parameter for common-mode reception at Pair 1 and common-mode drive at Pair 2
• SC2C1 = S-parameter for common-mode reception at Pair 2 and common-mode drive at Pair 1
• SC2C2 = S-parameter for common-mode reception at Pair 2 and common-mode drive at Pair 2
Query Parameters
<char1> Return characters are the same as command parameters.
Syntax Example
:CALCulate{1-16}:PARameter{1-16}:FSIMulator:BALun:D2S0:TOPology <char1>, <char2>
The command sets the D2S0 Device logical ports to actual ports mapping for the indicated channel and trace. Note that port mappings must be port exclusive. The query outputs the D2S0 Device logical ports to actual ports mapping for the indicated channel and trace.
Cmd Parameters
<char1> MAP12 | MAP21 | MAP13 | MAP31 | MAP23 | MAP32 | MAP14 | MAP41 | MAP24 | MAP42 | MAP34 | MAP43
<char2> MAP12 | MAP21 | MAP13 | MAP31 | MAP23 | MAP32 | MAP14 | MAP41 | MAP24 | MAP42 | MAP34 | MAP43
Query Parameters
<char1> MAP12 | MAP21 | MAP13 | MAP31 | MAP23 | MAP32 | MAP14 | MAP41 | MAP24 | MAP42 | MAP34 | MAP43 | NONE
<char2> MAP12 | MAP21 | MAP13 | MAP31 | MAP23 | MAP32 | MAP14 | MAP41 | MAP24 | MAP42 | MAP34 | MAP43 | NONE
Syntax Example
:CALCulate{1-16}:PARameter{1-16}:FSIMulator:BALun:DEVice <char1>
The command selects the Balance Device type for the Balance Simulator function for the indicated channel and trace where the device type can be:
• D2S0 = Two differential pairs and no singletons.
• D1S1 = One differential pair and one singleton.
• D1S2 = One differential pair and two singletons.
• D1S0 = One differential pair and no singletons.
The query outputs the Balance Device type for the Balance Simulator function for the indicated channel and trace.
Cmd Parameters
<char1> D2S0 | D1S1 | D1S2 | D1S0
Query Parameters
<char1> D2S0 | D1S1 | D1S2 | D1S0
D1S1 with a Four-Port test set.
D1S0 without a Four-Port test set.
Syntax Example
10450-00008, Rev. L