In the Freq Units area, the four (4) frequency units buttons (GHz, MHz, kHz, and Hz) form a button selection group where the selection of one button de-selects the other three (3) buttons.
• MAIN | System | SYSTEM | Setup | SETUP | Misc. Setup | MISC. SETUP | SnP Files Setup | SNP FILES SETUP
Select sets the units for the SnP file output to GHz.
Select sets the units for the SnP file output to MHz.
Select sets the units for the SnP file output to kHz.
Select sets the units for the SnP file output to Hz.
Output Format Area Button Selection Group
In the Output Format area of the menu, the three (3) buttons form a button selection group where the selection of one button de-selects the other two (2) buttons.
Linear Magnitude & Phase
Select sets the data file output format to record linear magnitude and phase information.
Log Magnitude & Phase
Select sets the data file output format to record log magnitude and phase information.
Real & Imaginary
Select sets the data file output format to real and imaginary information.