3GPP2 Signal Analyzerfor Anritsu’s RF and Microwave Handheld Instruments : CDMA Signal Analyzer : CDMA RF Measurement Setup
CDMA RF Measurement Setup
To make CDMA RF measurements, connect the instrument to the base station and follow these setup instructions. Press the Measurements main menu key then the RF Measurements submenu key to open the measurement menu.
Channel Spectrum Setup
This measurement displays the spectrum of the specified channel and channel power, occupied bandwidth, and peak-to-average power.
From the Measurements main menu, use the following procedure for Channel Spectrum:
1. Press the RF Measurements submenu key to open the RF Measurements menu.
2. Press Channel Spectrum to display the active measurement (Figure: RF Measurement, Channel Spectrum).
RF Measurement, Channel Spectrum
Spurious Emission Setup
This measurement displays the spectrum of the input signal at specific offsets (based upon the Signal Standard, which is selected from the frequency (Freq) menu). Markers are automatically tuned to measure the input power at these offsets and to determine a PASS or FAIL according to limits that are set by the signal standard. A blue mask is also calculated and shown on the spectrum to visually check for pass fail conditions.
From the Measurement menu, use the following procedure for Spurious Emission:
1. Press the RF Measurement submenu key.
2. Press the Spurious Emission submenu key to activate the measurement (Figure: RF Measurement, Spurious Emission). The red dot on the submenu key indicates that it is selected.
RF Measurement, Spurious Emission
ACPR Setup
Adjacent Channel Power Ratio (ACPR) is defined as the ratio of the amount of leakage power in an adjacent channel to the total transmitted power in the main channel and is displayed in table format under the bar graph.
From the Measurement menu, use the following procedure for ACPR:
1. Press the RF Measurement submenu key.
2. Press the ACPR submenu key to activate the ACPR measurement (Figure: RF Measurement, ACPR). The red dot on the submenu key indicates that it is selected.
3. Press the ACPR submenu key again to specify the Number of Carriers in a multi-carrier configuration and to specify Carrier BW.
RF Measurement, ACPR