WiMAX Signal Analyzerfor Anritsu RF and Microwave Handheld Instruments : Fixed WiMAX Signal Analyzer : Fixed WiMAX Demodulator
Fixed WiMAX Demodulator
This instrument can demodulate a Fixed WiMAX Signal from a Base Station and can display the results in Constellation, Spectral Flatness, EVM versus Sub Carrier, EVM versus Symbol, and Modulation Summary views.
Setup for Fixed WiMAX Demodulator Measurements
1. Press the Setup main menu key.
2. Set the bandwidth, frame length, and CP Ratio as described in the General Measurement Setups.
The instrument displays the constellation of the demodulated data symbols over one frame. The various constellations are color coded for modulation as follows:
BPSK is shown in orange.
QPSK is shown in purple.
16QAM is shown in green.
64QAM is shown in yellow.
The numerical results that are displayed in this view are: RCE (rms) in dB, RCE (pk) in dB, EVM (rms) in %, EVM (pk) in %, Freq Error in Hz, Freq Error in ppm, Carrier Frequency in Hz, and Base Station ID.
1. Setup the measurement as described in Setup for Fixed WiMAX Demodulator Measurements.
2. Press the Measurements main menu key.
3. Press the Demodulator submenu key.
4. Press the Constellation submenu key to activate the measurement.
5. Press the Constellation submenu key again to activate the reference points menu.
6. Press the Reference Points submenu key to switch the reference points On or Off (refer to Demodulator Menu.
The sample image in Figure: Constellation View, Demodulator Menu may differ from any image on your instrument.
Constellation View, Demodulator Menu