Backhaul Analyzer for Anritsu’s RF and Microwave Handheld Instruments : OC-3c Analyzer (Option 58) : OC-3c Measurements
OC-3c Measurements
Signal quality measurements using the Anritsu handheld instrument consist of reporting the total number of BIP and Far End Block Error (FEBE) errors. Figure: Rx Signal Summary Display illustrates the measurement results display.
Rx Signal Summary Display
BIP and FEBE errors, along with frequency and optical power, are listed in a table on the Rx Signal summary display shown below.
Rx Signal Summary Display
Section BIP: Section error monitoring. Contains BIP-8 of all bits in the previous frame using even parity after scrambling and placed in the B1 byte of the next frame before scrambling.
Line BIP: Line error monitoring. Contains BIP-24 calculated over the previous frame excluding the SOH before scrambling, and placed in the B2 byte of the next frame before scrambling.
Line FEBE (Remote Error Indication Line, REI-L): The number of BIP-24 errors detected by the peer Line Terminating Equipment (LTE), returned to the sender in the Z2 bytes.
Path BIP: Contains BIP-8 calculated over the previous frame, excluding the LOH and SOH, before scrambling and placed in the B3 byte before scrambling.
Path FEBE (Remote Error Indication Path, REI-P): The number of BIP-8 errors detected by the peer PTE and reported to the sender in bits 1 to 4 of the G1 byte.
Event List Display
Real-time numerical values can be viewed in the measurement Event List display shown below. The display will list up to 1000 errored seconds.
Event List Display
In the yellow rectangle viewing area above the Rx Signal/Event List display, historical (H) and current pass/fail conditions for parameters relating to Rx (Receive), SONET Path, and Line are reported. For Rx, the parameters are Signal, Frame, and OOF. For SONET Path, the parameters are AIS (Alarm Indication Signal)-P, RDI (Remote Defect Indicator)-P, and LOP (Loss of Pointer)-P. For Line, the parameters are AIS-L and RDI-L.
Historical and Current Pass/Fail Conditions

Signal: A red dot indicates a Loss of Signal (LOS). A LOS occurs when the synchronous signal (OC-3c) level drops below the threshold at which a BER of 1 in 1,000 or 103 is predicted. The LOS state clears when two consecutive framing patterns are received and no new LOS conditions are detected.
Frame: Loss of Frame (LOF) occurs when the OOF state exists for 3 milliseconds. The LOF state clears when an in-frame condition exists continuously for a specified time in milliseconds.
OOF: Out of Frame (OOF) is declared when invalid framing patterns (A1 and A2 bytes) are received for four or five consecutive SONET frames. The OOF is cleared when at least two consecutive SONET frames are received with valid framing patterns.
AIS-P: Path AIS (AIS-P) signal is generated when an OC Path LOS and/or LOF and/or LOP is detected. An LTE generates AIS-P by filling the entire OC SPE with a all-1’s, including H1, H2, and H3 bytes (after scrambling). The signal is sent downstream to the OC LTE. An RDI signal is sent upstream if the AIS is only for LOS or for LOF (not for LOP).
RDI-P: The Path RDI (RDI-P) signal indicates to an OC PTE that a downstream defect has occurred along the OC Path. The RDI-P is cleared when a zero is in bits 5 & 6 of the G1 byte for five to ten consecutive frames. It is also cleared when it has detected an AIS-P defect on the affected path.
LOP-P: Path LOP (LOP-P) state occurs when N consecutive invalid pointers are received or “N” consecutive New Data Flags (NDF) are received (other than in a concatenation indicator), where N = 8, 9, or 10. LOP state is cleared when three equal valid pointers or three consecutive AIS indications are received.
AIS-L: Line AIS (AIS-L) is generated by Section Terminating Equipment (STE) upon the detection of a LOS or LOF defect on an equipment failure. AIS-L maintains operation of the downstream regenerators, and therefore prevents generation of unnecessary alarms. At the same time, data and orderwire communication is retained between the regenerators and the downstream LTE.
RDI-L: Line RDI (RDI-L) is a signal returned to the transmitting LTE upon detecting a LOS, LOF, or AIS-L defect.