3GPP Signal Analyzer for Anritsu RF and Microwave Handheld Instruments : TD‑SCDMA/HSPA+ Signal Analyzer : TD‑SCDMA/HSPA+ Pass/Fail Measurements
TD‑SCDMA/HSPA+ Pass/Fail Measurements
The following is an example of a Pass/Fail measurement.
Measurement Setup
Refer to the User Guide for selecting the TD‑SCDMA/HSPA+ Signal Analyzer mode.
1. Press the Measurements main menu key.
2. Press the Pass/Fail submenu key to activate the test.
3. Press the Pass/Fail submenu key again to display the Pass/Fail menu.
4. Press the Select Pass/Fail Test submenu key. Use the Up/Down arrow keys or the rotary knob to highlight the desired test mode in the Select Test list box and press the Select Test submenu key.
5. Press the Reset submenu key to begin a new pass/fail test measurement (Figure: TD‑SCDMA/HSPA+ Pass/Fail Measurements).
6. Press the Back submenu key to return to the Measurements menu.
TD‑SCDMA/HSPA+ Pass/Fail Measurements