Backhaul Analyzer for Anritsu’s RF and Microwave Handheld Instruments : T1/T3 Analyzer (Option 53)  : T3 Error/Alarm Menu : Alarm Ins Menu
Alarm Ins Menu
Key Sequence: Error/Alarm > Alarm Ins Setup
T3 Alarm Ins Menu
DS3 AIS Alarm
Press this submenu key to insert AIS alarm signaling.
DS3 RAI Alarm
Press this submenu key to insert RAI alarm signaling.
DS3 Idle Alarm
Press this submenu key to insert an Idle Alarm pattern.
DS1 AIS Alarm
Press this submenu key to insert AIS alarm signaling. Data is replaced with an unframed signal of all ones.
DS1 RAI Alarm
Press this submenu key to insert RAI alarm signaling. RAI alarms send a signal from terminal equipment in the outgoing direction. this is useful when the incoming signal is lost or when an AIS signal is received (incoming direction).
Alarm Insert Off/On
Press this submenu key to toggle the selected alarm signal OFF and ON.
Press this submenu key to return to the T3 Error/Alarm Menu.