PIM Master™ Passive Intermodulation Analyzer : Distance‑to‑PIM™ (DTP) : Making a DTP Measurement
Making a DTP Measurement
1. Connect the DUT to the TEST PORT of the PIM Master.
2. Press the Measurements main menu key to display the Measurements menu.
3. Press the Test submenu key so that On is underlined. Testing begins.
4. Save the current measurement by pressing the Save Measurement submenu key. The Save Measurement dialog box opens.
5. Type a name for the measurement to be saved and press Enter. Refer to your Anritsu handheld instrument User Guide for additional information about file handling.
DTP Measurement Example
The example DTP measurement that is shown in Figure: DTP Measurement Example displays three faults along the DUT. With the aid of Markers, the exact location and amplitude is displayed in the Marker Table.