BTS Master MT8221B and MT8222B : File Management : Managing Files : Copying Files
Copying Files
The steps below detail copying a file from internal memory to an external flash drive. Select the files to copy in the top window and the location for the files to be copied to in the bottom window (Figure: Copy Dialog Box). Refer to the Copy Menu for additional information.
1. Insert a USB drive into either USB Type A port of the BTS Master.
2. From the File main menu, press the Copy submenu key. The Copy submenu and Copy dialog box are displayed.
3. Select the file(s) to copy. To select multiple files, highlight the first then press the Select or De-Select key to keep the file selected. The file will be outlined in blue. Repeat with all the files to copy. To display files in a folder, select the folder and press the Enter key.
4. Press the Scroll key and highlight the USB drive in the lower window using the Up/Down arrow keys. The Scroll submenu key toggles between Src (top window) and Dst (bottom window).
5. Press the Copy key to copy the files to the flash drive.
Copy Dialog Box