BTS Master MT8221B and MT8222B : File Management : File Menu : Save On Event Menu
Save On Event Menu
Key Sequence: File > Save On Event               
Save On Menu
This menu is used to auto save measurements to internal memory after:
...Crossing Limit
Toggling this submenu key to On will save the measurement to internal memory when the measurement has crossed a defined limit line created with the Limit menu.
...Sweep Complete
Toggling this submenu key to On will save the measurement to internal memory after the current sweep is complete. If Save Then Stop is toggled Off, a measurement will be saved after every sweep.
Save Then Stop
Set this key to On to stop the sweep after a measurement is saved. With this key Off and Sweep Complete On a measurement is saved after every sweep.
Clear All
Pressing this key will turn Off the three save on event keys:
Crossing Limit
Sweep Complete
Save Then Stop