BTS Master MT8221B and MT8222B : Master Software Tools : Updating Instrument Firmware
Updating Instrument Firmware
1. Connect the BTS Master to a PC by using USB or Ethernet. Refer to the Master Software Tools (MST) User Guide (on the CD‑ROM) for information regarding connecting your BTS Master to a PC.
2. Run Master Software Tools
3. From the Connection menu:
for a USB Connection, Select Connect – USB.
for an Ethernet Connection:
a. Enter the IP Address of your BTS Master by first clicking Enter IP Address…
b. Then click Connect – Ethernet:
In either type of connection, the connection type is displayed in the toolbar.
IP Address in Connection Button
4. From the Tools menu, click Product Updates.
The Product Updates window opens.
Tool Menu: Product Updates Command
5. Notice the differences in the two Product Update windows in Figure: Product Updates Window: Status Ready and Figure: Product Updates Window: Status Available.
File Status Ready
In Figure: Product Updates Window: Status Ready, the status of the highlighted file is Ready, and the Install to Unit button is active. You can immediately click Install to Unit to update your BTS Master with the new firmware.
File Status Available
In Figure: Product Updates Window: Status Available, the status of the highlighted file is Available, and the Install to Unit button is gray and inactive. This means that the updated file is on the Anritsu Product Support Web site and needs to be downloaded to your PC. After the file has been downloaded and placed on your PC, its status changes to Ready, and the Install to Unit button becomes active.
Product Updates Window: Status Ready
Product Updates Window: Status Available
File Status Ready:
1. Check that the file status is Ready and that the Install to Unit button is active.
2. Click the Install to Unit button. Your BTS Master is updated with the new firmware.
File Status Available:
1. Check that the file status is Available.
2. Click Retrieve File to download the file from the Web site to your PC.
3. Check that the file status changes to Ready.
4. Click the Install to Unit button. Your BTS Master is updated with the new firmware.
File Not Listed:
You might open the Products Update window and not find the file that you are looking for. In that case:
1. Click the Check for Updates button. Master Software Tools checks for the latest updates at the Anritsu Product Support Web Site. New updates that are found are listed in the file menu.
2. Click the Retrieve File button. The file is transferred from the Web site to your PC.
3. After the status changes to Ready, click the now‑active Install to Unit button. Your BTS Master is updated with the new firmware.
Update Problems
If you do not find the latest update, or if you encounter a problem with updating the firmware, then contact Anritsu. Internet links to worldwide Anritsu locations can be found at the following URL:
Update Firmware Using a USB Device
Refer to Update Firmware.