The instrument IP address is set by pressing the Shift key, then the System (8) key followed by the System Options submenu key and the Ethernet Config submenu key. The instrument Ethernet address can be set automatically using DHCP, or manually by entering the static IP address, gateway address, and subnet mask.
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is an Internet protocol that automates the process of setting IP addresses for devices that use TCP/IP, and is a common method of configuring a device for network use.
Ethernet Menu
Key Sequence: Shift, System (8) > System Options >Ethernet Config
If Manual is selected, use the submenu keys or the Left/Right arrow keys to select the field that is to be modified in the Ethernet Editor dialog. Use the numeric keypad, the Up/Down arrow keys, or the rotary knob to enter the values. Press Enter to accept the changes, or press the Esc key to exit Ethernet Configuration without making changes.
If DHCP is selected with the Type key, press Enter to close the Ethernet Editor dialog, then press Shift, System, and Status to view the IP address assigned by the DHCP server. Press Esc to close the Status screen.
Field IP G‑Way Sub
Press this submenu key to select the desired Internet Protocol Property to be edited.
First Octet
Moves the cursor to the leftmost column of the selected IP properties field.
Second Octet
Moves the cursor to the second column from the left of the selected IP properties field.
Third Octet
Moves the cursor to the third column from the left of the selected IP properties field.
Fourth Octet
Moves the cursor to the fourth column from the left of the selected IP properties field.
Setting IP Address Manually
IP Address Assigned Using DHCP
DHCP stands for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. It is a protocol that allows a server to dynamically assign IP addresses to devices that are connected to the network. Most networks include a DHCP server to manage IP addresses.
When using DHCP, no setup is required to lease and use a dynamic IP address. In a dynamic IP operation, the IP address in use may change from use to use. The DHCP server hands out IP addresses on a first come, first served basis. As soon as the device is disconnected from the network, the IP address that it was using becomes available to lease to the next unit that requests an IP address. Normally, some amount of lag time is present on the DHCP server end, so if the device is connected again reasonably soon, then it may end up with the same address.
When a DHCP server is not available, a static IP address can be used. A static IP address is a fixed address. After being set, it will always remain the same, and care must be taken to not conflict with other equipment on the network.
When using a static IP address on an established network, always request the static IP address from the network administrator. Randomly choosing a static IP address on an established network may result in duplicate IP addresses or other conflicts.
Three parameters must be set prior to using a static IP address:
IP Address
This is the static IP address on the network. Static IP addresses are necessary when you have no physical access to the instrument, or any other way to determine the instrument’s IP address assigned by the DHCP server.
Default Gateway
Often when a static IP address is assigned, a default gateway is also identified. If the default gateway is unknown, then type in the static IP address so that the static IP address and default gateway are the same number.
Subnet Mask
This parameter is usually extracted from the static IP address based on the class of the address and determines the destination of any broadcast messages that might be sent from the instrument. It can be customized if necessary. The subnet mask may also be provided with the static IP address.
Example 1
In this example, a static IP address has been chosen because no network DHCP service is available. The instrument is connected to the network port on the PC with an Ethernet cable. This is also referred to as Direct Connect:
IP Address:
Default Gateway:
Subnet Mask:
Example 2
In this example, the static IP address has been assigned with an associated gateway and subnet mask: