Land Mobile Radio Analyzer and Coverage Measurement Guide : PTC-ACSES Analyzer (Option 731) : Setup Menu
Setup Menu
Key Sequence: Setup
PTC-ACSES Analyzer Setup Menu
Averaging: Sets the refresh rate of the numerical values in the Summary window. Setting a higher number (25 maximum) will reduce measurement jitter.
Reset PER Counter: Resets the Counter for the Packet Error Rate measurement in the Summary Table. Should also reset the Packet Error Rate measurement value to zero.
Trigger Setup: Goes to the Trigger Setup menu.
Decode Setup: Goes to the Decode Setup menu.
Squelch Lvl: Sets the RF input level required in order for the Summary Table information to be displayed. If input does not exceed Squelch Lvl, only Received power will be displayed in the Summary Table.
Trigger Menu
Key Sequence: Setup > Trigger Setup
PTC-ACSES Trigger Setup Menu
RxTrigger Source: Selects whether the LMR SPA receiver is free-running to capture and analyze whatever happens to be at its input, or is triggered to capture by an incoming RF signal level. Selecting RF is level-triggered (rather than edge-triggered), and as long as the incoming RF signal level is above the RF trigger level, a capture will be initiated. Must be using RF Trigger with an appropriate Trigger threshold for data to be accurately decoded without the Beacon interfering.
RF Trigger Level: Sets the RF level above which a capture and analyze is initiated in the SPA receiver. Only applies when the Rx Trigger Source is set to RF. Default value is Rx.
Rx Ignore Beacon: Only applies when Rx Trigger Source is RF. When set to ON, allows the unit to ignore the Wayside beacon for analysis and only trigger on message content between wayside and train radios. When OFF, the unit will analyze the first RF signal to exceed the trigger level, whether it is beacon or message. Default value is OFF. This setting requires that the GPS antenna be in a locked state.
Time Out: Only applies when Rx Trigger Source is RF. Sets the amount of time that the LMR Master will wait for valid RF trigger before timing out and displaying “- -” in the demod Summary and Payload tables as indicators that no valid RF burst was detected. Default value is 3000 ms.
Back: Returns to the Setup Menu.
Decode Menu
Key Sequence: Setup > Decode Setup
PTC-ACSES Analyzer Setup (2/2) Menu
Decode On: Tells LMR Master to search for message source/destination information based on Railroad ID number or physical location within the payload section of the message. Default selection is Railroad ID.
Railroad ID: When decoding on Railroad ID, LMR Master will combine the 1,2,7 designator with the RR ID to search the payload for source and destination address information. Values should be entered and displayed in hexadecimal format, and be three digits Default value is 891 (hex).
Source Address Start Byte: Provides the location within the message payload of the first byte of the Source Address. Valid entries are 1 through 110, inclusive. Default value is 1.
Dest Address Start Byte: provides the location within the message payload of the first byte of the Destination Address. Valid entries are 1 through 110, inclusive. Default value is 14.
Back: Returns to the Setup Menu.