Vector Network Analyzer Measurement Guide : VNA View Menus : Domain Setup Menus : Windowing Menu
Windowing Menu
Key Sequence: Freq/Time/Dist > Windowing
Windowing Menu
Press this soft key to set windowing to the rectangular view for maximum side lobes and maximum resolution. Refer to Figure B‑1, “Rectangular Windowing Example”.
Nominal Side Lobe
Press this soft key to set windowing to the Nominal Side Lobe view, which (compared to Rectangular) displays smaller side lobes and slightly less resolution. Refer to Figure B‑2, “Nominal Side Lobe Windowing Example”. Nominal Side Lobe is the default setting for the VNA Master.
Low Side Lobe
Press this soft key to set windowing to the Low Side Lobe view for still smaller side lobes than nominal, and also slightly less resolution than the Nominal Side Lobe setting. Refer to Figure B‑3, “Low Side Lobe Windowing Example”.
Minimum Side Lobe
Press this soft key to set windowing to the Minimum Side Lobe view for the smallest side lobes, but the least resolution. Refer to Figure B‑4, “Minimum Side Lobe Windowing Example”.
Press this soft key to return to the previous menu.
Distance Setup Menu
Preliminary Key Sequence: Measure > Domain Selection > Distance
Preliminary Key Sequence: Freq/Time/Dist > Domain Setup > Setup Distance
Key Sequence: Freq/Time/Dist
Distance Setup Menu
Start Dist
Press this soft key to set the start distance. Use the arrow keys, the rotary knob, or the number keypad to set a distance value. When using the number keypad, the menu displays soft keys with meters (m), centimeters (cm), or millimeters (mm) as units. Pressing the Enter key has the same effect as pressing the meter (m) soft key. If the Application Options menu is used to set units in feet rather than meters, the distance settings are in feet (ft) only, and pressing the Enter key sets the units to feet.
Stop Dist
Press this soft key to set the stop distance in meters (m), centimeters (cm), or millimeters (mm). If the Application Options menu is used to set units in feet rather than meters, the distance settings are in feet (ft) only.
Start Freq
Press this soft key to set the start frequency in units of Hz, kHz, MHz, or GHz.
Stop Freq
Press this soft key to set the stop frequency in units of Hz, kHz, MHz, or GHz.
Press this soft key to open the Windowing Menu. The window shape value is displayed on the key face, and may be Rectangular, Nominal Side Lobe (as in this example), Low Side Lobe, or Minimum Side Lobe.
Additional Dist Setup
Press this soft key to open the Gate Menu.
Domain Setup
Press this soft key to return to the Setup Domain Menu. The message on the key face reflects the setup feature (Distance) that is in use.
Additional Dist Setup Menu (Coax)
Key Sequence: Freq/Time/Dist > Additional Dist Setup
Additional Dist Setup Menu (Coax)
Distance Info
Press this soft key to open the Distance Info List Box to find helpful distance and parameter information. For a view of the list box information, refer to Figure: Distance Information List Box for Cable. The list box contains information such as the start and stop frequencies, start and stop distances, number of data points, windowing and processing types, maximum distance, and distance resolution.
DUT Line Type
Coax Waveguide
Press this soft key to toggle the line type between coaxial cable and waveguide.
Cable List
Press this soft key to open a list box and select a cable type. The Cable List Menu (Coax) provides quick navigation aids to search through the list.
Propagation Velocity
Press this soft key to set the fraction of propagation velocity from 0.001 to 1.000. For any fraction less than 1.000, press the decimal key before entering the decimal digits.
Cable Loss(dBm/m)
Press this soft key to set the cable loss coefficient from 0.000 dB/m to 5.000 dB/m. (The units are dB/ft if units are set to US units.)
m ft
Press this soft key to toggle the units setting between metric units (meters) and US units (feet).
Press this soft key to return to the Distance Setup Menu.
Cable List Menu (Coax)
Key Sequence: Freq/Time/Dist > Additional Dist Setup > Cable List
Cable List Menu (Coax)
Top of List
Press this submenu key to jump to the top of the Antenna list.
Page Up
Press this key to skip up through the list.
Page Down
Press this key to skip down through the list.
Bottom of List
Press this submenu key to jump to the bottom of the list.
Press this key to toggle the display of All cables or only cables marked as Favorites.
Select/Deselect Favorite
Press this submenu key to add the highlighted cable to the Favorites list. The cable is then marked with an asterisk. If the selected cable is already marked with an asterisk, pressing this key removes it from the Favorites list.
Save Favorites
Press this key to save the changes you have made to the Favorites list.
Additional Dist Setup Menu (Waveguide)
Key Sequence: Freq/Time/Dist > Additional Dist Setup
Additional Dist Setup Menu (Waveguide)
Distance Info
Press this soft key to open the Distance Info List Box to find helpful distance and parameter information. For a view of the list box information, refer to Figure: Distance Information List Box for Waveguide. The list box contains information such as the start and stop frequencies, start and stop distances, number of data points, windowing and processing types, maximum distance, and distance resolution.
DUT Line Type
Coax Waveguide
Press this soft key to toggle the line type between coaxial cable and waveguide.
Waveguide List
Press this soft key to open a list box and select a waveguide type. The Waveguide List menu provides quick navigation aids to search through the list.
Cutoff Freq
Press this soft key to set the cutoff frequency of the waveguide that is in use.
Waveguide Loss
Press this soft key to set the waveguide loss coefficient from 0.000 dB/m to 5.000 dB/m. (The units are dB/ft if units are set to US units.).
m ft
Press this soft key to toggle the units setting between metric units (meters) and US units (feet).
Press this soft key to return to the Distance Setup Menu.
Distance Info List Box for Cable
Key Sequence: Freq/Time/Dist > Additional Dist Setup > Distance Info
Distance Information List Box for Cable
Distance Info List Box for Waveguide
Key Sequence: Freq/Time/Dist > Additional Dist Setup > Distance Info
Distance Information List Box for Waveguide
(Refer to Time and Distance Information.)