LMR Master™ S412E Programming Manual : Programming with SCPI : Subsystem Commands
Subsystem Commands
Subsystem commands control all instrument functions and some general purpose functions. All subsystem commands are identified by the colon that is used between keywords, as in :INITiate:CONTinuous.
The following information is provided for each subsystem command that is described in the following chapters:
The command name (Command Names).
The path from the subsystem root command (Hierarchical Command Structure).
The query form of the command (if applicable) (Query Commands).
The command title.
A description of the purpose of the command.
The data parameters that are used as arguments for the command (described in Section Data Parameters). This may include the parameter type and the available parameter choices.
Command Names
Typical SCPI commands consist of one or more keywords, parameters, and punctuation. SCPI command keywords can be a mixture of UPPERCASE and lowercase characters. Except for common commands, each keyword has a long form and a short form.
In this manual, the long form is presented with the short form portion in UPPERCASE and the remainder in lowercase. For example, the long form of the command keyword to control the instrument display is :DISPlay, and the short form is :DISP.
The short form keyword is usually the first four characters of the long form (example: :CALC for :CALCulate). The exception to this is when the long form is longer than four characters and the fourth character is a vowel. In such cases, the vowel is dropped and the short form becomes the first three characters of the long form. Example: the short form of the keyword :POWer is :POW.
Some command keywords may have a numeric suffix to differentiate between multiple instrument features such as multiple trace options. For example; keywords :TRACe[:DATA]{1|2|3}, :TRACe1, or :TRACe3.
In the previous paragraph, :TRACe is identical to :TRACe1. If a numeric suffix is not included in a command, then the first option is implied. Braces (curly brackets) { } designate optional keyword parameters. Square brackets [ ] designate optional command keywords.
As with any programming language, the exact command keywords and command syntax must be used. The syntax of the individual commands is described in detail in the programming command chapters. Unrecognized versions of long form or short form commands, or improper syntax, will generate an error.
Long Format versus Short Format
Each keyword has a long format and a short format. The start frequency can be specified by :SENSe:FREQuency:STARt or :SENS:FREQ:STAR. The capital letters in the command specification indicate the short form of the command. A mixture of the entire short form elements with entire long form elements of each command is acceptable. For example, :SENS:FREQuency:STAR is an acceptable form of the command. However, :SENS:FREQuen:STAR is not an acceptable form of the command because :FREQuen is neither the short form nor the entire long form of the command element.
Hierarchical Command Structure
All SCPI commands, except the common commands, are organized in a hierarchical structure similar to the inverted tree file structure that is used in most computers. The SCPI standard refers to this structure as “the Command Tree.” The command keywords that correspond to the major instrument control functions are located at the top of the command tree. The root command keywords for the S412E SCPI command set are shown in Figure: SCPI Command Tree Example.
SCPI Command Tree Example
All S412E SCPI commands, except the :ABORt command, have one or more subcommands (keywords) associated with them to further define the instrument function to be controlled. The subcommand keywords may also have one or more associated subcommands (keywords). Each subcommand level adds another layer to the command tree. The command keyword and its associated subcommand keywords form a portion of the command tree called a command subsystem. The :DISPlay command subsystem is shown in Figure: SCPI :DISPlay Subsystem Example.
SCPI :DISPlay Subsystem Example
A colon (:) separates each subsystem. For example, the command :DISPlay:WINDow:Trace MEMory sets the window to display memory trace. Trace is part of the :WINDow subsystem, which is part of the :DISPlay subsystem. Y is also part of the :DISPlay:WINDow:Trace{1-4} subsystem.
Query Commands
As defined in IEEE‑488.2, a query is a command with a question mark symbol appended (examples: *IDN? and :TRACe[:DATA]? [1]|2|3|4 ). When a query form of a command is received, the current setting that is associated with the command is placed in the output buffer. Query commands usually return the short form of the parameter. Boolean values are returned as 1 or 0, even when they can be set as on or off.
When sending query commands immediately following an instrument setup command, a delay of up to two seconds may be required to allow the instrument sufficient time to complete the setup and receive the query.
Some or all of the following identifiers have been used throughout the optional command definitions. Descriptions are provided here. In most cases, units are specified with the individual command.
Description of Command Indentifiers
Amplitude value. Units specified with the command.
Frequency. Units specified with the command.
Integer value, no units. Range specified with the command.
Numeric value, integer or real.
Percentage value from 0 to 100. Units are always %.
<rel ampl>
Relative amplitude. Units are always dB.
Parameter value in the units of the x‑axis. Units are specified with the command.
The string should be enclosed in either single quotes (‘ ’) or double
quotes (“ ”).
The name should be enclosed in either single quotes (‘ ’) or double quotes (“ ”). The need for an extension is documented with applicable commands.
Voltage. Units specified with the command.
Current. Units specified with the command.
Data Parameters
Data parameters, referred to simply as “parameters,” are the quantitative values that are used as arguments for the command keywords. The parameter type that is associated with a particular SCPI command is determined by the type of information that is required to control the particular instrument function. For example, Boolean ( ON | OFF ) type parameters are used with commands that control switch functions.
Some command descriptions specify the type of data parameter that is to be used with each command. The most commonly used parameter types are numeric, extended numeric, discrete, and Boolean.
Numeric parameters comprise integer numbers or any number in decimal or scientific notation, and may include polarity signs. This includes <NR1>, <NR2>, and <NR3> numeric data as defined in Data Parameter Notations. Parameters that accept all three <NR> formats are designated <NRf> throughout this document.
Extended Numeric
Extended numeric parameters include values such as MAXimum and MINimum.
Discrete parameters, such as INTernal and EXTernal, are used to control program settings to a predetermined finite value or condition.
Boolean parameters represent binary conditions and may be expressed as ON, OFF or 1, 0.
Data Parameter Notations
The following syntax conventions are used for data parameter descriptions in this manual:
Parameter Notations
::=a generic command argument consisting of one or more of the other data types
::=boolean values in <NR1> format; numeric 1 or 0
::=ON | OFF. Can also be represented as 1 or 0, where 1 means ON and 0 means OFF
Boolean parameters are always returned as 1 or 0 in <NR1> format by query commands
::=an unsigned integer without a decimal point (implied radix point)
::=a signed integer without a decimal point (implied radix point)
::=a signed number with an explicit radix point
::=a scaled explicit decimal point numeric value with an exponent
(for example, floating point number)

::=SCPI numeric value: 
<NRf>|MINimum|MAXimum|UP|DOWN|DEFault|NAN (Not A Number),
|INFinity|NINFinity (Negative Infinity), or other types
::=<STRING PROGRAM DATA> ASCII characters surrounded by double quotes
For example: “OFF”
::=IEEE‑488.2 block data format
::=Not Applicable
Unit Suffixes
Unit suffixes are not required for data parameters, provided the values are scaled for the global default units. The S412E SCPI default units are: Hz (Hertz) for frequency‑related parameters, s (seconds) for time‑related parameters, and m (meters) for distance‑related parameters.
If the command accepts a terminator, then the following are the available unit choices:
<freq> accepts GHZ (Giga Hertz), MHZ or MAHZ (Mega Hertz), KHZ (Kilo Hertz), HZ (Hertz)
<time> accepts PS (picosecond), NS (nanosecond), US (microsecond), MS (millisecond),(Second)
<distance> in meters accepts MM (millimeter),(meter)
<distance> in feet accepts FT (feet)