LMR Master™ S412E Programming Manual : VNA Commands : :CALCulate Subsystem
:CALCulate Subsystem
The commands in this subsystem process data that are collected via the :CALCulate subsystem.
Transfers the given trace data specified by <Tr> from the instrument to the controller. <Tr> is the trace number in the range 1 to 4. If no trace number is specified, then the <Tr> parameter defaults to trace number 1.
FDATa: Formatted (or Final) data. The returned data are based on the Graph Type that is associated with the trace. For graph types that use only one number per point (such as Log Mag, SWR, Phase, Real, Imaginary, Group Delay, Log Mag /2), the command returns one number per data-point. For graph types that use two numbers per point (such as Smith Chart), the command returns two numbers per data-point. Following is a list of the returned values for each Graph Type:
Graph Type and Returned Units (Sheet 1 of 2)
Graph Type
Returned Units
Log Magnitude
Log Magnitude /2
Group Delay
ns (nanosecond)
Smith Chart
R + jX ohm
Linear Polar
unitless, degree
Log Polar
dB, degree
Real Impedance
Imaginary Impedance
SDATa: Complex measurement data. The returned numbers (which are independent of the Graph Type that is associated with the trace) are the complex measurement data (Real and Imaginary) for each point of the trace. A 551 point trace therefore has a total of 1102 points that get transferred.
FMEM: Formatted (or Final) Memory data. Similar to FDATa, but for memory data.
SMEM: Complex memory data. Similar to SDATa, but for memory data.
Note that in order to get valid data when querying for memory data, you must first store a trace into memory using the command CALC:MATH:MEMorize. The format of the block data that is returned can be specified by the command :FORMat:DATA. The response begins with an ASCII header that specifies the number of data bytes. It appears in the format #AX, where A is the number of digits in X, and X is the number of bytes that follow the header. Each data-point is separated by a comma delimiter.
Cmd Parameter
NA (query only)
Query Parameter
Query Response
<block> (returns block data)
Related Command
Front Panel Access
:CALCulate:FORMat Subsystem
Commands in this subsystem define the display format for a measurement.
:CALCulate<Tr>:FORMat <Graph Type>
Defines the graph type for the given trace <Tr>. <Tr> is the trace number in the range 1 to 4. If no trace number is specified, then the <Tr> parameter defaults to trace number 1. <Graph Type> is the graph type to which the specified trace is set, and it must be one of the following values: 
The query version of this command returns “LMAG” if the specified trace graph type is set to Log Mag, “SWR” if set to SWR, “PHAS” if set to Phase, “REAL” if set to Real, “IMAG” if set to Imaginary, “GDEL” if set to Group Delay, and “SMIT” is set to Smith chart, and “LM/2” if set to Log Mag/2 (cable loss), “LINP” if set to Linear Polar, “LOGP” if set to Log Polar, “RIMP” if set to Real Impedance, and “IIMP” if set to Imaginary Impedance.
Cmd Parameter
<char> <Graph Type>
Query Response
<char> <Graph Type>
Default Value
Trace 1: SMIT
Trace 2: LMAG
Trace 3: LMAG
Trace 4: SMIT
To set Trace 2 graph type to Log Magnitude
Front Panel Access
Measure, Graph Type
:CALCulate:LIMit Subsystem
This subsystem defines the limit lines and controls the limit check.
:CALCulate:LIMit:ALARm OFF|ON|0|1
Enables/disables the active trace currently selected limit line alarm. Setting the value to ON or 1 turns on the active trace limit alarm. Setting the value to OFF or 0 turns off the active trace limit alarm. The query version of the command returns a 1 if the active trace currently selected limit line alarm is set to ON and returns 0 if set to OFF. Use :CALCulate:LIMit:TYPE to set the currently active limit line.
Cmd Parameter
<boolean> OFF|ON|0|1
Query Response
<bNR1> 0|1
Default Value
OFF or 0 (query returns 0 for OFF)
To turn off limit alarm
:CALCulate:LIMit:ALARm 0
To turn on limit alarm
Related Command
Front Panel Access
Shift 6 (Limit), Limit Alarm
Returns the number of points currently in the lower limit line of the given trace <Tr>. <Tr> is the trace number in the range 1 to 4. If no trace number is specified, then the <Tr> parameter defaults to trace number 1.
Cmd Parameter
NA (query Only)
Query Response
<NR1> <integer>
To query for the lower limit total point on trace #2:
Front Panel Access
Adds a new limit point to the lower limit line of the given trace <Tr>. <Tr> is the trace number in the range 1 to 4. If no trace number is specified, then the <Tr> parameter defaults to trace number 1.
Cmd Parameter
Query Response
NA (no query)
To add a point to the lower limit line on trace 2:
Front Panel Access
Shift 6 (Limit), Limit Edit, Add Point
Deletes the lower limit point of the given trace <Tr>. After deletion, the point that is immediately to the left of the point that was deleted becomes the active point. <Tr> is the trace number in the range 1 to 4. If no trace number is specified, then the <Tr> parameter defaults to trace number 1. Note that deletion is valid only if more than 2 limit points are present.
Cmd Parameter
Query Response
NA (no query)
To delete the trace 4 lower limit current active point:
Front Panel Access
Shift 6 (Limit), Limit Edit, Delete Point
Sets the limit point to the left of the lower limit active point of the given trace <Tr> as the new active point. <Tr> is the trace number in the range 1 to 4. If no trace number is specified, then the <Tr> parameter defaults to trace number 1.
Cmd Parameter
Query Response
NA (no query)
To make the lower limit point to the left of the current active point of trace 2 as the new active point:
Front Panel Access
Shift 6 (Limit), Limit Edit, Next Point Left
Sets the limit point to the right of the lower limit active point of the given trace <Tr> as the new active point. <Tr> is the trace number in the range 1 to 4. If no trace number is specified, then the <Tr> parameter defaults to trace number 1.
Cmd Parameter
Query Response
NA (no query)
To make the lower limit point to the right of the current active point of trace 2 as the new active point:
Front Panel Access
Shift 6 (Limit), Limit Edit, Next Point Right
:CALCulate<Tr>:LIMit:LOWer:POINt:X <x-parameter>
Sets the location of the lower limit point of the given trace <Tr> on the x‑axis at the specified location. <Tr> is the trace number in the range 1 to 4. If no trace number is specified, then the <Tr> parameter defaults to trace number 1. <x‑parameter> is defined in the current x‑axis. Sending the set command changes the Move Limit on the front panel to Point if it is currently set to Limit, and sets the given trace as the active trace. The <x‑parameter> given unit must correspond to the given trace domain type. If no unit is specified with the <x‑parameter>, then the default unit is used. The query version of the command returns the location of the given trace active lower limit point on the x‑axis followed by the unit. If an error occurs, such as limit not ON, then the query version of the command returns – 400 error codes. Limit line must be ON for the command to be valid. Use :CALCulate:LIMit:TYPE to set the currently active limit line.
Cmd Parameter
<NRf> <x‑parameter> (hertz, meters, feet)
Query Response
<NR3> <x‑parameter> (hertz, meters, feet)
Default Units
Hz for Frequency domain,
Meters or Feet for distance domain.
To set the trace 4 lower limit point to 5000 Hertz (trace 4 in frequency domain):
:CALCulate4:LIMit:LOWer:POINt:X 5000
OR to 500 MHz:
:CALCulate4:LIMit:LOWer:POINt:X 500 MHz
To set the trace 1 lower limit point to 5 Feet (trace 1 in distance domain with current distance unit in meter):
:CALCulate:LIMit:LOWer:POINt:X 5 FT
OR to 4 Meter
:CALCulate1:LIMit:LOWer:POINt:X 4 M
OR to 4 Meter
:CALCulate:LIMit:LOWer:POINt:X 4
Front Panel Access
Shift 6 (Limit), Limit Edit, Limit X
:CALCulate<Tr>:LIMit:LOWer:POINt:Y <y-parameter>
Sets the location of the lower limit point of the given trace <Tr> on the y‑axis at the specified location. <Tr> is the trace number in the range 1 to 4. If no trace number is specified then default is trace number 1. Sending the set command changes the Move Limit on the front panel to Point if it is currently set to Limit, and sets the given trace as the active trace. The <y‑parameter> is defined in the given trace current y‑axis. If no unit is specified with the <y‑parameter>, then the default unit is used. The query version of the command returns the location of the given trace lower limit point on the y‑axis. If an error occurs, such as limit not ON, then the query version of the command returns – 400 error codes. Limit line must be ON for the command to be valid. Use :CALCulate:LIMit:TYPE to set the currently active limit line.
Cmd Parameter
<NRf> <y‑parameter> (depends on display type)
Query Response
<NR3> <y‑parameter> (depends on display type)
Default Units
Current active trace y‑axis unit
Related Command
Front Panel Access
Shift 6 (Limit), Limit Edit, Amplitude
:CALCulate<Tr>:LIMit:LOWer[:STATe] OFF|ON|0|1
Turns the lower limit line of the given trace <Tr> ON or OFF. <Tr> is the trace number in the range 1 to 4. If no trace number is specified, then the <Tr> parameter defaults to trace number 1. <Tr> is the trace number in the range 1 to 4. If no trace number is specified, then the <Tr> parameter defaults to trace number 1. The query version of the command returns a 1 if the lower limit line of the given trace is ON, and returns a 0 if it is OFF.
Cmd Parameter
<boolean> OFF|ON|0|1
Query Response
<bNR1> 0|1
Default Value
OFF or 0 (query returns 0 for OFF)
To turn on lower limit of trace 1
:CALCulate:LIMit:LOWer ON
:CALCulate1:LIMit:LOWer 1
To turn off upper limit of trace 4
:CALCulate4:LIMit:LOWer OFF
:CALCulate4:LIMit:LOWer 0
Related Command
Front Panel Access
Shift 6 (Limit), Limit State
:CALCulate<Tr>:LIMit:LOWer:X <x-parameter>
Moves the lower limit of the given trace <Tr> on the x‑axis to the given value. <Tr> is the trace number in the range 1 to 4. If no trace number is specified, then the <Tr> parameter defaults to trace number 1. <x‑parameter> is defined in the given trace current x‑axis. The unit given with the <x‑parameter> must correspond to the given trace domain type. If no unit is specified with the <x‑parameter>, then the default unit is used. The set version of the command changes the Move Limit on the front panel to Limit if it is currently set to Point, and sets the given trace as the active trace. The query version of the command returns the location of the given trace lower limit point on the x‑axis followed by the unit. If an error occurs, such as limit not ON, then the query version of the command returns – 400 error codes. Limit line must be ON for the command to be valid. Use :CALCulate:LIMit:TYPE to set the currently active limit line.
Cmd Parameter
<NRf> <x‑parameter> (hertz, meters, feet)
Query Response
<NR3> <x‑parameter> (hertz, meters, feet)
Default Units
Hz for Frequency domain,
Meters or Feet for distance domain.
To move the trace 4 lower limit to 5000 Hertz (trace 4 in frequency domain)
:CALCulate4:LIMit:LOWer:X 5000
OR to 500 MHz:
:CALCulate4:LIMit:LOWer:X 500 MHz
To move the trace 1 lower limit to 5 Feet (trace 1 in distance domain with current distance unit in meter)
:CALCulate:LIMit:LOWer:X 5 FT
OR to 4 Meter
:CALCulate1:LIMit:LOWer:X 4 M
:CALCulate:LIMit:LOWer:X 4
Related Command
Front Panel Access
Shift 6 (Limit), Limit Edit, Limit X
:CALCulate<Tr>:LIMit:LOWer:Y <y-parameter>
Sets the location of the lower limit line of the given trace <Tr> on the y‑axis at the given value. This moves the entire lower limit and moves the current active limit point by the given value. <Tr> is the trace number in the range 1 to 4. If no trace number is specified, then the <Tr> parameter defaults to trace number 1. The <y‑parameter> is defined in the current y‑axis. If no unit is specified with the <y‑parameter>, then the default unit is used. The set version of the command changes the Move Limit on the front panel to Limit if it is currently set to Point, and sets the given trace as the active trace. The query version of the command returns the location of the active limit point on the y‑axis. If an error occurs, such as limit not ON, then the query version of the command returns a – 400 error codes. Limit line must be ON for the command to be valid.
Cmd Parameter
<NRf> <y‑parameter> (depends on display type)
Query Response
<NR3> <y‑parameter> (depends on display type)
Default Units
Current active trace y‑axis unit
Related Command
Front Panel Access
Shift 6 (Limit), Limit Edit, Amplitude
Returns the number of points currently in the selected limit line.
Use :CALCulate:LIMit:TYPE to set the currently active limit line.
Cmd Parameter
NA (query only)
Query Response
<NR1> <integer>
Related Command
Front Panel Access
Adds a new limit point to the currently active limit line. Use :CALCulate:LIMit:TYPE to set the currently active limit line.
Cmd Parameter
Query Response
NA (no query)
Related Command
Front Panel Access
Shift 6 (Limit), Limit Edit, Add Point
Deletes the active trace active limit point. After deletion, the point that is immediately to the left of the point that was deleted becomes the active point. Note that deletion is valid only if 2 or more limit points exist. Use :CALCulate:LIMit:TYPE to set the currently active limit line.
Cmd Parameter
Query Response
NA (no query)
To delete the currently active limit point
Related Command
Front Panel Access
Shift 6 (Limit), Limit Edit, Delete Point
Sets the limit point immediately to the left of the active limit point as the active point. This makes it active for editing or deleting. Use :CALCulate:LIMit:TYPE to set the currently active limit line.
Cmd Parameter
Query Response
NA (no query)
To select the point to the left of the active point
Related Command
Front Panel Access
Shift 6 (Limit), Limit Edit, Next Point Left
Sets the limit point immediately to the right of the active limit point as the active point. This makes it active for editing or deleting. Use :CALCulate:LIMit:TYPE to set the currently active limit line.
Cmd Parameter
Query Response
NA (no query)
To select the point to the right of the active point:
Related Command
Front Panel Access
Shift 6 (Limit), Limit Edit, Next Point Right
:CALCulate:LIMit:POINt:X <x-parameter>
Sets the location of the active limit point on the x‑axis at the specified location. Sending this command changes the Move Limit on the front panel to Point if it is currently set to Limit. The <x‑parameter> must correspond to the current active trace domain type. If no unit is specified with the <x‑parameter>, then the default unit is used. The query version of the command returns the location of the active limit point on the x‑axis followed by the unit. If an error occurs, such as limit not ON, then the query version of the command returns – 400 error codes. Limit line must be ON for the command to be valid. Use :CALCulate:LIMit:TYPE to set the currently active limit line.
Cmd Parameter
<NRf> <x‑parameter> (hertz, meters, feet)
Query Response
<NR3> <x‑parameter> (hertz, meters, feet)
Default Units
Hz for Frequency domain,
Meters or Feet for distance domain.
To set the active limit point to 5000 Hertz (active trace in frequency domain):
:CALCulate:LIMit:POINt:X 5000
OR to 500 MHz:
:CALCulate:LIMit:POINt:X 500 MHz
To set the active limit point to 5 Feet (active trace in distance domain with current distance unit in meter):
:CALCulate:LIMit:POINt:X 5 FT
OR to 4 Meter
:CALCulate:LIMit:POINt:X 4 M
:CALCulate:LIMit:POINt:X 4
Related Command
Front Panel Access
Shift 6 (Limit), Limit Edit, Limit X
:CALCulate:LIMit:POINt:Y <y-parameter>
Sets the location of the active limit point on the y‑axis at the specified location. Sending this command changes the Move Limit on the front panel to Point if it is currently set to Limit. The <y‑parameter> is defined in the current y‑axis. If no unit is specified with the <y‑parameter>, then the default unit is used. The query version of the command returns the location of the active limit point on the y‑axis. If an error occurs, such as limit not ON, the query version of the command returns an error code of – 400. Limit line must be ON for the command to be valid. Use :CALCulate:LIMit:TYPE to set the currently active limit line.
Cmd Parameter
<NRf> <y‑parameter> (depends on display)
Query Response
<NR3> <y‑parameter> (depends on display)
Default Units
Current active trace y‑axis unit
Related Command
Front Panel Access
Shift 6 (Limit), Limit Edit, Amplitude
:CALCulate:LIMit[:STATe] OFF|ON|0|1
Turns the active trace currently selected limit line (upper or lower) ON or OFF. If the value is set to ON or 1, then the active trace selected limit line is turned ON. If the value is set to OFF or 0, then the active trace selected limit line is turned OFF. The query version of the command returns a 1 if the active trace selected limit line is ON and returns a 0 if it is OFF. Use :CALCulate:LIMit:TYPe to set the currently active limit line.
Cmd Parameter
<boolean> OFF|ON|0|1
Query Response
<bNR1> 0|1
Default Value
OFF or 0 (query returns 0 for OFF)
To turn on the currently selected limit line:
:CALCulate:LIMit ON
:CALCulate:LIMit:STATe 1
To turn off the currently selected limit line:
:CALCulate:LIMit OFF
:CALCulate:LIMit:STATe 0
:CALCulate:LIMit 0
Front Panel Access
Shift 6 (Limit), Limit State
:CALCulate:LIMit:TYPE 0|1
Sets the limit line segment type (upper or lower) to be edited. Set the value to 1 for Lower limit segment and to 0 for Upper limit line segment. The query version of the command returns a 1 if the lower limit line is currently active for editing and returns a 0 if the upper limit line is currently active for editing.
Cmd Parameter
<char> 0|1
Query Response
<char> 0|1
Default Value
To set upper limit line active for editing:
:CALCulate:LIMit:TYPE 0
To set lower limit line active for editing:
:CALCulate:LIMit:TYPE 1
Front Panel Access
Shift 6 (Limit), Limit
Query only. Returns the number of points currently in the upper limit line of the given trace <Tr>. <Tr> is the trace number in the range 1 to 4. If no trace number is specified, then the <Tr> parameter defaults to trace number 1.
Cmd Parameter
NA (query only)
Query Response
<NR1> <integer>
To query for the upper limit line total point on trace #2:
Front Panel Access
Adds a new limit point to the upper limit line of the given trace <Tr>. <Tr> is the trace number in the range 1 to 4. If no trace number is specified, then the <Tr> parameter defaults to trace number 1.
Query Syntax:
NA (no query)
Query Response
To add a point to the upper limit line on trace 2:
Related Command
Front Panel Access
Shift 6 (Limit), Limit Edit, Add Point
Deletes the upper limit point of the given trace <Tr>. After deletion, the point that is immediately to the left of the point that was deleted becomes the active point. <Tr> is the trace number in the range 1 to 4. If no trace number is specified, then the <Tr> parameter defaults to trace number 1. Note that deletion is valid only if 2 or more limit points are active.
Query Syntax:
NA (no query)
Query Response
To delete trace 3 upper limit current active point:
Related Command
Front Panel Access
Shift 6 (Limit), Limit Edit, Delete Point
Sets the limit point to the left of the upper limit active point of the given trace <Tr> as the new active point. <Tr> is the trace number in the range 1 to 4. If no trace number is specified, then the <Tr> parameter defaults to trace number 1.
Query Syntax:
NA (no query)
Query Response
To make the upper limit point to the left of the current active point of trace 2 as the new active point:
Related Command
Front Panel Access
Shift 6 (Limit), Limit Edit, Next Point Left
Sets the limit point to the right of the upper limit active point of the given trace <Tr> as the new active point. <Tr> is the trace number in the range 1 to 4. If no trace number is specified than defaults to trace number 1.
Query Syntax:
NA (no query)
Query Response
To make the upper limit point to the right of the current active point of trace 2 as the new active point:
Related Command
Front Panel Access
Shift 6 (Limit), Limit Edit, Next Point Right
:CALCulate<Tr>:LIMit:UPPer:POINt:X <x-parameter>
Sets the location of the upper limit point of the given trace <Tr> on the x‑axis at the specified location. <Tr> is the trace number in the range 1 to 4. If no trace number is specified than defaults to trace number 1. Sending the set command will change the Move Limit on the front panel to Point if it is currently set to Limit and set the given trace as the active trace. <x‑parameter> is defined in the given trace current x‑axis. The given unit must correspond to the given trace domain type. If no unit is specified with the <x‑parameter> then the default unit will be used. The query version of the command returns the location of the given trace upper limit point on the x‑axis followed by the unit. If an error occurs, such as limit not ON, the query version of the command returns an error code of – 400. Limit line must be on for the command to be valid. Use :CALCulate:LIMit:TYPe to set the currently active limit line.
Cmd Parameter
<NRf> <x‑parameter> (hertz, meters, feet)
Query Response
<NR3> <x‑parameter> (hertz, meters, feet)
Default Units
Hz for Frequency domain,
Meters or Feet for distance domain.
To set the trace 4 upper limit point to 5000 Hertz (trace 4 in frequency domain):
:CALCulate4:LIMit:UPPer:POINt:X 5000
OR to 500 MHz:
:CALCulate4:LIMit:UPPer:POINt:X 500 MHz
To set the trace 1 upper limit point to 5 Feet (trace 1 in distance domain with current distance unit in meter):
:CALCulate:LIMit:UPPer:POINt:X 5 FT
OR to 4 Meter
:CALCulate1:LIMit:UPPer:POINt:X 4 M
:CALCulate:LIMit:UPPer:POINt:X 4
Related Command
Front Panel Access
Shift 6 (Limit), Limit Edit, Limit X
:CALCulate<Tr>:LIMit:UPPer:POINt:Y <y-parameter>
Sets the location of the upper limit point of the given trace <Tr> on the y‑axis at the specified location. <Tr> is the trace number in the range 1 to 4. If no trace number is specified than defaults to trace number 1. Sending the set command will change the Move Limit on the front panel to Point if it is currently set to Limit and set the given trace as the active trace. The <y‑parameter> is defined in the given trace current y‑axis. If no unit is specified with the <y‑parameter> then the default unit will be used. The query version of the command returns the location of the given trace upper limit point on the y‑axis. If an error occurs, such as limit not ON, the query version of the command returns an error code of – 400. Limit line must be on for the command to be valid. Use :CALCulate:LIMit:TYPe to set the currently active limit line.
Cmd Parameter
<NRf> <y‑parameter> (depends on display type)
Query Response
<NR3> <y‑parameter> (depends on display type)
Default Units
Current active trace y‑axis unit
Related Command
Front Panel Access
Shift 6 (Limit), Limit Edit, Amplitude
:CALCulate<Tr>:LIMit:UPPer[:STATe] OFF|ON|0|1
Turns the upper limit line of the given trace <Tr> ON or OFF. <Tr> is the trace number in the range 1 to 4. If no trace number is specified than defaults to trace number 1. The query version of the command returns a 1 if the upper limit line of the given trace is ON and returns a 0 if the given trace is OFF.
Cmd Parameter
<boolean> OFF|ON|0|1
Query Response
<bNR1> 0|1
Default Value
OFF or 0 (query returns 0 for OFF)
To turn on upper limit of trace 1:
:CALCulate:LIMit:UPPer ON
:CALCulate1:LIMit:UPPer 1
To turn off upper limit of trace 4:
:CALCulate4:LIMit:UPPer OFF
:CALCulate4:LIMit:UPPer 0
Related Command
Front Panel Access
Shift 6 (Limit), Limit State
:CALCulate<Tr>:LIMit:UPPer:X <x-parameter>
Moves the upper limit of the given trace <Tr> on the x‑axis to the given value. <Tr> is the trace number in the range 1 to 4. If no trace number is specified, then the <Tr> parameter defaults to trace number 1. <x‑parameter> is defined in the given trace current x‑axis. The unit given with the <x‑parameter> must correspond to the given trace domain type. If no unit is specified with the <x‑parameter> then the default unit will be used. The set version of the command will change the Move Limit on the front panel to Limit if it is currently set to Point and set the given trace as the active trace. The query version of the command returns the location of the given trace upper limit point on the x‑axis followed by the unit. If an error occurs, such as limit not ON, the query version of the command returns an error code of – 400. Limit line must be on for the command to be valid. Use the command :CALCulate:LIMit:TYPE to set the currently active limit line.
Cmd Parameter
<NRf> <x‑parameter> (hertz, meters, feet)
Query Response
<NR3> <x‑parameter> (hertz, meters, feet)
Default Units
Hz for Frequency domain,
Meters or Feet for distance domain.
To move the trace 4 upper limit to 5000 Hertz (trace 4 in frequency domain):
:CALCulate4:LIMit:UPPer:X 5000
OR to 500 MHz:
:CALCulate4:LIMit:UPPer:X 500 MHz
To move the trace 1 upper limit to 5 feet (trace 1 in distance domain with current distance unit in meter):
:CALCulate:LIMit:UPPer:X 5 FT
OR to 4 Meter
:CALCulate1:LIMit:UPPer:X 4 M
:CALCulate:LIMit:UPPer:X 4
Related Command
Front Panel Access
Shift 6 (Limit), Limit Edit, Limit X
:CALCulate<Tr>:LIMit:UPPer:Y <y-parameter>
Sets the location of the upper limit line of the given trace <Tr> on the y‑axis at the given value. This moves the entire upper limit and moves the current active limit point by the given value. <Tr> is the trace number in the range 1 to 4. If no trace number is specified than defaults to trace number 1. The <y‑parameter> is defined in the current y‑axis. If no unit is specified with the <y‑parameter> then the default unit will be used. The set version of the command will change the Move Limit on the front panel to Limit if it is currently set to Point and set the given trace as the active trace. The query version of the command returns the location of the active limit point on the y‑axis. If an error occurs, such as limit not ON, the query version of the command returns an error code of – 400. Limit line must be on for the command to be valid. Use :CALCulate:LIMit:TYPE to set the currently active limit line.
Cmd Parameter
<NRf> <y‑parameter> (depends on display type)
Query Response
<NR3> <y‑parameter> (depends on display type)
Default Units
Current active trace y‑axis unit
Related Command
Front Panel Access
Shift 6 (Limit), Limit Edit, Amplitude
:CALCulate:LIMit:X <x-parameter>
Sets the location of the active limit point on the x‑axis at the specified location. This moves the entire limit and moves the active limit point to the given value. The <x‑parameter> given unit must correspond to the current active trace domain type. If no unit is specified with the <x‑parameter> then the default unit will be used. Sending the set command will change the Move Limit on the front panel to Limit if it is currently set to Point. The query version of the command returns the location of the active limit point on the x‑axis followed by the unit. If an error occurs, such as limit not ON, the query version of the command returns an error code of – 400. Limit line must be on for the command to be valid. Use :CALCulate:LIMit:TYPE to set the currently active limit line.
Cmd Parameter
<NRf> <x‑parameter> (hertz, meters, feet)
Query Response
<NR3> <x‑parameter> (hertz, meters, feet)
Default Units
Hz for Frequency domain,
Meters or Feet for distance domain.
To move the active limit to 5000 Hertz (active trace in frequency domain):
:CALCulate:LIMit:X 5000
OR to 500 MHz:
:CALCulate:LIMit:X 500MHz
To move the active limit to 5 Feet (active trace in distance domain with current distance unit in feet):
:CALCulate:LIMit:X 5FT
OR to 4 Meter
:CALCulate:LIMit:X 4M
:CALCulate:LIMit:X 4
Related Command
Front Panel Access
Shift 6 (Limit), Limit Edit, Limit X
:CALCulate:LIMit:Y <y-parameter>
Sets the location of the active limit line on the y‑axis at the given value. This moves the entire limit and moves the current active limit point by the given value. Sending this command will change the Move Limit on the front panel to Limit if it is currently set to Point. The <y‑parameter> is defined in the current y‑axis. If no unit is specified with the <y‑parameter> then the default unit will be used. The query version of the command returns the location of the active limit point on the y‑axis. If an error occurs, such as limit not ON, the query version of the command returns an error code of – 400. Limit line must be on for the command to be valid. Use :CALCulate:LIMit:TYPE to set the currently active limit line.
Cmd Parameter
<NRf> <y‑parameter> (depends on display type)
Query Response
<NR3> <y‑parameter> (depends on display type)
Default Units
Current active trace y‑axis unit
Related Command
Front Panel Access
Shift 6 (Limit), Limit Edit, Amplitude
:CALCulate:MARKer Subsystem
This subsystem contains commands to manipulate data markers.
Turns off all markers. This command will turn off all the markers and set Marker Type to off.
Reports the marker information. Each marker datum is separated by a comma and data are returned similar to that when Readout Format is set to Table.
Cmd Parameter
NA (query only)
Query Response
<char> (comma separated data)
Front Panel Access
:CALCulate:MARKer[1]|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12:DELTa:REFerence <Mk>
Sets the specified delta marker reference to the given reference marker specified by <Mk>. <Mk> is the reference marker number in the range of 1 to 12. The query version of the command returns the reference marker number to which the specified delta marker should be referenced. If the selected marker is not a delta marker, then – 230 is returned. Note that the set version of this command will set the specified delta marker as the active marker. The given reference marker number must be currently set as a reference marker and the specified delta marker number must currently be set as delta marker. Also both markers (delta and reference) must be in the same domain type.
Cmd Parameter
<char> <Mk>
Query Response
<char> <Mk>
Default Value
– 230 (The selected marker is a reference marker)
Set Marker 1 as the reference marker of delta Marker 3:
:CALCulate:MARKer3:DELTa:REFerence 1
Related Command
Front Panel Access
Marker, Avail Ref Mkr
:CALCulate:MARKer[1]|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12:DELTa[:STATe] OFF|ON|0|1
Sets the specified marker as the active marker and turn it on or off. If the value is set to ON or 1, then the specified marker is turn on and set as a delta marker. If the value is set to OFF  or 0, then the specified marker is turn off. The query version of the command returns a 1 if the specified marker is a delta marker, and returns a 0 if it is not a delta marker.
Cmd Parameter
<boolean> OFF|ON|0|1
Query Response
<bNR1> 0|1
Default Value
To turn on marker #3 and set it as a delta marker:
:CALCulate:MARKer3:DELTa 1
:CALCulate:MARKer3:DELTa:STATe 1
To turn off delta marker #6:
:CALCulate:MARKer6:DELTa:STATe 0
Related Command
Front Panel Access
Marker, Maker Type
Sets the display readout format for markers. The query version of the command returns “NONE” if the display readout format is set to None, “SCRE” if Screen, “TABL” if Table, and “TRAC” if Trace.
Cmd Parameter
Query Response
Default Value
To set marker readout format to Table:
Front Panel Access
Marker, Readout Format
Query the specified marker <Mk> domain type. <Mk> is the marker number in the range of 1 to 12. If no marker number is specified, then the marker number (the <Mk> value) defaults to 1. This command returns “FREQ” if the specified marker domain is frequency and “DIST” if distance.
Cmd Parameter
NA (query only)
Query Response
<char> FREQ|DIST
Front Panel Access
:CALCulate:MARKer<Mk>:FORMat <Style>
Sets the specified marker <Mk> readout style. <Mk> is the marker number in the range of 1 to 12. If no marker number is specified, then the marker number (the <Mk> value) defaults to 1. <Style> is the marker readout style and must be one of the following values:
The query version of the command returns “GRAP” if the specified marker readout style is set to Graph Type, “LMAG” if the specified marker readout style is set to Log Magnitude, “LOGP” if Log Mag and Phase, “PHAS” if Phase, “RLIM” if Real and Imaginary, “SWR” if standing wave ratio, “IMP” for impedance, “ADM” for admittance, “NIMP” for normalized impedance, “NADM” for normalized admittance, “PIMP” for polar impedance, “GDEL” if group delay, “LM/2” for log mag/2 (cable loss), “LINM” for Linear Magnitude (Lin Mag), and “LINP” for Linear Magnitude and Phase. Note that the set version of this command will set the specified marker as the active marker.
Cmd Parameter
<char> <Style> (GRAPh|LMAGnitude|LOGPhase|and so forth)
Query Response
<char> <Style> (GRAP|LMAG|LOGP|and so forth)
Default Value
To set marker #3 readout style to Log Mag:
:CALCulate:MARKer3:FORMat LMAGnitude
Related Command
Front Panel Access
Marker, Readout Style
Puts the specified marker at the maximum value in the trace. Note that this turns on the selected marker (if it is not already on) and sets the selected marker as the active marker.
Cmd Parameter
Query Response
NA (no query)
Related Command
Front Panel Access
Marker, Marker Search, Peak Search
Puts the specified marker at the minimum value in the trace. Note that this turns on the selected marker (if it is not already on) and set the selected marker as the active marker.
Cmd Parameter
Query Response
NA (no query)
Related Command
Front Panel Access
Marker, Marker Search, Valley Search
:CALCulate:MARKer<Mk>:REFerence[:STATe] OFF|ON|0|1
Sets the specified marker <Mk> as the active marker and turn it on or off. If the value is set to ON or 1, the specified marker is turn on and set as a reference marker. If the value is set to OFF or 0, the specified marker is turn off. The query version of the command returns a 1 if the specified marker is ON and is a reference marker, and returns a 0 if not. <Mk> is the marker number in the range of 1 to 12. If no marker number is specified, then the marker number (the <Mk> value) defaults to 1.
:CALCulate:MARKer<Mk>:REFerence[:STATe] OFF|ON|0|1
Cmd Parameter
<boolean> OFF|ON|0|1
Query Response
<bNR1> 0|1
Default Value
To turn on marker #3 and set it as reference marker:
:CALCulate:MARKer3:REFerence ON
:CALCulate:MARKer3:REFerence 1
:CALCulate:MARKer3:REFerence:STATe ON
:CALCulate:MARKer3:REFerence:STATe 1
To turn off marker #6:
:CALCulate:MARKer6:REFerence OFF
:CALCulate:MARKer6:REFerence:STATe OFF
:CALCulate:MARKer6:REFerence:STATe 0
Front Panel Access
Marker, Marker Type
:CALCulate:MARKer<Mk>:SOURce <Tr>
Sets the specified marker <Mk> to the given trace <Tr>. <Mk> is the marker number in the range of 1 to 12. If no marker number is specified, then the marker number (the <Mk> value) defaults to 1. <Tr> is the trace and must be one of the following 9 values:
The query version of the command returns “TR1” if the specified marker is on trace 1, “TR2” if on trace 2, “TR3” if on trace 3, “TR4” if on trace 4, “MEM1” if on trace 1 memory, “MEM2” if on trace 2 memory, “MEM3” if on trace 3 memory, “MEM4” if on trace 4 memory, and “ALL” if the specified marker is on all 4 traces. Note that the set version of this command will set the specified marker as the active marker.
If an error occurs, such as “Marker not ON”, the query version of the command returns an error code of – 400.
Cmd Parameter
<char> <Tr>
Query Response
<char> <Tr>
Front Panel Access
Marker, Marker on Trace
:CALCulate:MARKer[1]|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12:TYPE REFerence|DELTa|OFF
Sets the specified marker to the given marker type and make it the active marker. If set to REF then the specified marker is turn on and is set as reference marker. If set to DELT then the specified marker is turn on and is set as a delta marker. If set to OFF then the specified marker is turn off. The query version of this command returns the string “REF” if the specified marker is set as reference marker, “DELT” if set as delta marker, or “OFF” if the specified marker is currently set to off.
Cmd Parameter
<char> REFerence|DELTa|OFF
Query Response
Default Value
To set marker #1 as the reference marker and turn it on:
:CALCulate:MARKer1:TYPE REFerence
Front Panel Access
Marker, Marker Type
:CALCulate:MARKer[1]|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12:X <x-parameter>
Sets the location of the marker on the x‑axis at the specified location. <x‑parameter> is defined in the current x‑axis units. The set command will set the specified marker as the active marker. The <x‑parameter> given unit must correspond to the specified marker domain type. If no unit is specified with the <x‑parameter> then the default unit will be used.
The query version of the command returns the location of the marker on the x‑axis followed by the unit. If the Start and Stop values of the domain are the same, then the query returns the X value along with the marker point number within the brackets. The marker point number is determined with the following formula:
For example, if 201 points are used in the measurement display, then the query returns: <x‑value> (101). When the results of division include a fraction, as in the current example, the result is rounded DOWN. 201 / 2 = 100.5 Rounding down to 100 before adding  1 yields the 101 that is returned by the query.
If an error occurs, such as marker not ON, the query version of the command returns an error code of – 400. Note that the marker is snapped to the data-point closest to the specified value. The selected marker must be ON for the command to be valid.
Cmd Parameter
<NRf> <x‑parameter> (hertz, meters, feet)
Query Response
<NR3> <x‑parameter> (hertz, meters, feet)
Default Units
Hz for frequency domain,
Meters or Feet for distance domain.
To set reference marker #2 (frequency domain) to 5000 hertz on the x‑axis:
:CALCulate:MARKer2:X 5000
:CALCulate:MARKer2:X 5000Hz
To set reference marker #1 to 1.5 GHz on the x‑axis:
:CALCulate:MARKer1:X 1.5GHz
:CALCulate:MARKer1:X 1.5GHz
Related Command
Front Panel Access
Marker, [Marker 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12]
Reads the current Y value for the specified marker. The units are in the y‑axis unit. The command returns the marker readout style followed by the Y value and unit. If an error occurs, such as marker not ON, the command returns an error code of – 400. The selected marker must be ON for the command to be valid.
Returned Readout Style
Returned Value Symbols
Graph Type
R&I: (real, imaginary)
Real and Imaginary
SWR: magnitude
LM: magnitude dB
Log Mag
LNM: magnitude dB
Lin Mag
LMP: (magnitude dB, phase deg)
Log Mag & Phase
LNMP: (magnitude dB, phase deg)
Lin Mag and Phase
PH: phase deg
Z: (real impedance ohm,
imaginary impedance ohm)
PZ: (magnitude impedance ohm,
phase impedance deg)
Polar Impedance
NZ: (real normalized impedance,
imaginary normalized impedance)
Normalized Impedance
Y: (real admittance S,
imaginary admittance S)
NY: (real normalized admittance,
imaginary normalized admittance)
Normalized Admittance
GD: group delay unit
Group Delay
LM/2: magnitude dB
Cmd Parameter
NA (query only)
Query Response
<NR3> (depends on display type)
Default Units
Current y‑axis unit
Related Command
:CALCulate:MARKer<Mk>:FORMat <Style>
Front Panel Access
:CALCulate:MATH Subsystem
This subsystem contains functions for controlling math operations on the currently selected measurement and memory.Trace Math Function
:CALCulate:MATH:FUNCtion NORMal|ADD|SUBTract|MULTiply|DIVide
Sets the math operations on the currently active trace and the trace stored in memory. Note that a trace MUST be stored in Memory. Setting the FUNCtion to NORMal is equivalent of setting the Trace Math to “None” on the front panel. Setting the FUNCtion to ADD is equivalent of setting the Trace Math to “Trace Plus Memory” on the front panel. Setting the FUNCtion to SUBTract is equivalent to setting the Trace Math to “Trace Minus Memory” on the front panel. Setting the FUNCtion to MULTiply is equivalent to setting the Trace Math to “Trace Multiply Memory” on the front panel. Setting the FUNCtion to DIVide is equivalent to setting the Trace Math to “Trace Divide Memory” on the front panel. The query version of the command returns the string “NORM” for no trace math, “ADD” for trace plus memory, “SUBT” for trace minus memory, “MULT” for trace multiply memory, and “DIV” for trace divide memory.
Cmd Parameter
<char> NORMal|ADD|SUBTract|MULTiply|DIVide
Query Response
Default Value
Related Command
Front Panel Access
Shift 5 (Trace), Trace Math
Copies the current measurement trace into memory.
Cmd Parameter
Query Response
NA (no query)
Front Panel Access
Shift 5 (Trace), Save Trace to Memory
:CALCulate:SMOothing Subsystem
This subsystem contains functions for trace smoothing.
:CALCulate<Tr>:SMOothing:APERture <integer>
Sets the smoothing percentage for the given trace <Tr>. The query form of the command returns the current smoothing percentage. <Tr> is the trace number in the range 1 to 4. If no trace number is specified, then the <Tr> parameter defaults to trace number 1. Note that setting the smoothing also sets the given trace as the active trace if it is not already active.
:CALCulate<Tr>:SMOothing:APERture <integer>
Cmd Parameter
<NR1> <integer>
Query Response
<NR1> <integer>
Default Value
0 to 20
Front Panel Access
Shift 4 (Measure), Smoothing %
:CALCulate:TRANsform Subsystem
Front panel soft keys that are related to distance measurements, such as the Additional Dist Setup soft key, appear in menus only when the Setup Domain is set up for distance.
This command returns the maximum distance in millimeters if the current distance unit is set to meter, and otherwise returns the maximum distance in feet. This value is set based on the number of data-points, the propagation velocity, and the start and stop frequency.
Cmd Parameter
NA (query only)
Query Response
<NR3> (millimeters or feet)
Default Value
For 1.6 GHz Model: 18.7429 m
For 6 GHz Model: 4.997 m
Default Unit
millimeters (mm)
– 3000.0 m to + 3000.0 m
Front Panel Access
Freq/Dist, Additional Dist Setup, Distance Info
This command returns the distance resolution in millimeters if the current distance unit is set to meter, and otherwise returns the resolution in feet. This value is set based on the propagation velocity and the start and stop frequencies.
Cmd Parameter
NA (query only)
Query Response
<NR3> (millimeters or feet)
Default Value
For 1.6 GHz Model: 18.743 cm
For 6 GHz Model: 4.997 cm
Default Unit
millimeters (mm)
– 3000.0 m to + 3000.0 m
Front Panel Access
Freq/Dist, Additional Dist Setup, Distance Info
Sets the start distance for DTF measurements. The query version of this command returns the start distance in millimeters if the current distance unit is set to meter, and otherwise returns the start distance in feet.
Cmd Parameter
<NRf> (meters or feet)
Query Response
<NR3> (millimeters or feet)
Default Value
0.0 mm
Default Unit
Meters (m) when setting, Millimeters (mm) for query
– 3000.0 m to + 3000.0 m
To set the start distance to 5 meters:
To set the start distance to 6 millimeters:
:CALCulate:TRANsform:DISTance:STARt 6mm
Front Panel Access
Freq/Dist, Start Dist
Sets the stop distance for DTF measurements. The query version of this command returns the stop distance in millimeters if the current distance unit is set to meter, and otherwise returns the stop distance in feet.
Cmd Parameter
<NRf> (meters or feet)
Query Response
<NR3> (millimeters or feet)
Default Value
6850 mm
Default Unit
Meters (m) when setting, Millimeters (mm) for query
– 3000.0 m to + 3000.0 m
Front Panel Access
Freq/Dist, Stop Dist
:CALCulate:TRANsform:DISTance:UNIT METers|FEET
Sets the units to be used for DTF measurements. The query version of this command returns the string “METER” if the current distance unit is set to meter, and otherwise returns the string “FEET”.
:CALCulate:TRANsform:DISTance:UNIT METers|FEET
Cmd Parameter
<char> METers|FEET
Query Response
Default Value
METers when setting, METER for query
To set the distance unit to Meter:
:CALCulate:TRANsform:DISTance:UNIT METers
To set the distance unit to Feet:
Front Panel Access
Shift 8 (System), Application Options, Units
Produces the distance list in meters for the given trace. <Tr> is the trace number in the range 1 to 8 (1 to 4 for Traces TR1 to TR4 and 5 to 8 for Memory M1 to M4). If no trace number is specified, then the <Tr> parameter defaults to trace number 1. The response begins with an ASCII header that specifies the number of data bytes. It appears in the format #AX, where A is the number of digits in X, and X is the number of bytes that follow the header. Each distance value is returned in scientific notation and separated by a comma delimiter.
Cmd Parameter
NA (query only)
Query Response
<char> returns block data (meters)
Default Unit
Front Panel Access