LMR Masterâ„¢ S412E Programming Manual : VNA Commands
VNA Commands
:CALCulate Subsystem
:CALCulate:FORMat Subsystem
:CALCulate:LIMit Subsystem
:CALCulate:MARKer Subsystem
:CALCulate:MATH Subsystem
:CALCulate:SMOothing Subsystem
:CALCulate:TRANsform Subsystem
:CONFigure Subsystem
:DISPlay Subsystem
:FORMat Subsystem
Interpreting Returned Data Pair
:INITiate Subsystem
:INPut Subsystem
:MMEMory Subsystem
:SOURce Subsystem
:SOURce:CORRection:RVELocity Subsystem
:SYSTem Subsystem
:TRACe Subsystem
:SENSe Subsystem
:SENSe:RFON Subsystem
:SENSe:APPLication Subsystem
:SENSe:AVERage Subsystem
:SENSe:CALibration Subsystem
:SENSe:CORRection Subsystem
:SENSe:CORRection:CKIT Subsystem
:SENSe:CORRection:CKIT:USER Subsystem
:SENSe:CORRection:COLLect Subsystem
:SENSe:FREQuency Subsystem
:SENSe:SWEep Subsystem
:SENSe:TRACe Subsystem
This chapter describes commands for LMR Master mode. Only the commands that are listed in this chapter and in All Mode Commands can be used in LMR Master mode. Using commands from other modes might produce unexpected results.
Front Panel Access in VNA mode via the function hard keys may be listed as Freq/Dist or as Freq. The first function hard key is displayed with the label Freq/Dist.