LMR Master™S412E User Guide : Instrument Overview : Front Panel Overview : Keypad Menu Keys (1 to 9)
Keypad Menu Keys (1 to 9)
Pressing the Shift key followed by pressing a number key selects the menu function that is printed in blue characters above the number key. Refer to Figure: LMR Master Overview.
Not all Secondary Function Menus are active in various measurement modes. If any one of these menus is available in a specific instrument mode of operation, then it can be called from the number keypad. It may also be available from a main menu key or a submenu key.
The Preset Menu (1) and System Menu (8) are described in System Operations . The Sweep Menu (3), Measure Menu (4), Trace Menu (5), and Limit Menu (6) vary depending on measurement mode, refer to the Measurement Guides listed in Measurement Guides for information. The File Menu (7) is described in File Management. The Mode Menu (9) is described in Mode Selector Menu.