LMR Master™S412E User Guide : Instrument Overview : Data Entry
Data Entry
Numeric Values
Numeric values are changed using the rotary knob, arrow keys, or the keypad. Pressing one of the main menu keys displays a list of submenus on the right side of the touch screen. When the value on a submenu key is displayed in red, it is ready for changing. When using the rotary knob or arrow keys the changing value is shown on the submenu and in red on the graticule. When using the keypad, the new value is shown in red on the graticule and the submenu changes to Units. Selecting a unit for the new value completes the entry.
Parameter Setting
Pop‑up list boxes or edit boxes are used to provide selection lists and selection editors. Scroll through a list of items or parameters with the arrow keys, the rotary knob, or the touch screen. These list boxes and edit boxes frequently display a range of possible values or limits for possible values.
Finalize the input by pressing the Enter key. At any time before finalizing the input, press the escape (Esc) key to abort the change and retain the previously existing setting.
Some parameters (such as for antennas or couplers) can be added to list boxes by creating them and importing them using Master Software Tools.
Text Entry
When entering text, as when saving a measurement, the touch screen keyboard is displayed (Figure: Touch Screen Keyboard). Characters are entered directly with the touch screen keyboard. The keypad can be used for numeric entry. The left and right arrow keys scroll the cursor through the filename. Refer to Save Menu for additional information.
Touch Screen Keyboard