![]() | Use these menu keys to change the way files are listed in the Recall dialog box. Navigate to the desired file, then press Enter to recall. When recalling a saved setup, all current instrument settings are replaced by the stored setup information. When recalling a saved measurement and multiple traces are displayed, parameter settings shown on the instrument screen may reflect those of the recalled trace or the active trace, depending on the measurement mode or other factors. Sort By Name Date Type Press this submenu key to sort files and folders by the file name, by the type of file, or by the date that the file or folder was saved. Sort Order Asc Desc Displays the folder or file in ascending or descending order based on the selection in the Sort By key. File Type Press this submenu key to select the type of file to be viewed. The file type can be changed with the Up/Down arrow keys, the rotary knob, or the touch screen. Press Enter to make the selection. Refer to File Types for file type descriptions. Refresh Directories Press this key to update the display. |