Sets the specified delta marker reference to the given reference marker specified by <Mk>. <Mk> is the reference marker number in the range of 1 to 12. The query version of the command returns the reference marker number to which the specified delta marker should be referenced. If the selected marker is not a delta marker, then – 230 is returned. Note that the set version of this command will set the specified delta marker as the active marker. The given reference marker number must be currently set as a reference marker and the specified delta marker number must currently be set as delta marker. Also both markers (delta and reference) must be in the same domain type.
Sets the specified marker as the active marker and turn it on or off. If the value is set to ON or 1, then the specified marker is turn on and set as a delta marker. If the value is set to OFF or 0, then the specified marker is turn off. The query version of the command returns a 1 if the specified marker is a delta marker, and returns a 0 if it is not a delta marker.
To turn on marker #3 and set it as a delta marker:
:CALCulate:MARKer3:DELTa ON :CALCulate:MARKer3:DELTa 1 :CALCulate:MARKer3:DELTa:STATe ON :CALCulate:MARKer3:DELTa:STATe 1
To turn off delta marker #6:
Related Command
Front Panel Access
Marker, Maker Type
Marker Readout Format
Sets the display readout format for markers. The query version of the command returns “NONE” if the display readout format is set to None, “SCRE” if Screen, “TABL” if Table, and “TRAC” if Trace.
Query the specified marker <Mk> domain type. <Mk> is the marker number in the range of 1 to 12. If no marker number is specified, then the marker number (the <Mk> value) defaults to 1. This command returns “FREQ” if the specified marker domain is frequency and “DIST” if distance.
Cmd Parameter
NA (query only)
Query Response
<char> FREQ|DIST
Front Panel Access
Marker Readout Style
Sets the specified marker <Mk> readout style. <Mk> is the marker number in the range of 1 to 12. If no marker number is specified, then the marker number (the <Mk> value) defaults to 1. <Style> is the marker readout style and must be one of the following values:
The query version of the command returns “GRAP” if the specified marker readout style is set to Graph Type, “LMAG” if the specified marker readout style is set to Log Magnitude, “LOGP” if Log Mag and Phase, “PHAS” if Phase, “RLIM” if Real and Imaginary, “SWR” if standing wave ratio, “IMP” for impedance, “ADM” for admittance, “NIMP” for normalized impedance, “NADM” for normalized admittance, “PIMP” for polar impedance, “GDEL” if group delay, “LM/2” for log mag/2 (cable loss), “LINM” for Linear Magnitude (Lin Mag), and “LINP” for Linear Magnitude and Phase. Note that the set version of this command will set the specified marker as the active marker.
Puts the specified marker at the maximum value in the trace. Note that this turns on the selected marker (if it is not already on) and sets the selected marker as the active marker.
Puts the specified marker at the minimum value in the trace. Note that this turns on the selected marker (if it is not already on) and set the selected marker as the active marker.